Diane said:My computer is HP Pavilion model number a210n. thanks Grinder.
I spoke to HP (or haytch-pee, as the tech called it) technical support,
but did not get much information. I wanted to know if a "standard"
drive would fit into that bay, or would the case-mounted eject button
cause a problem. I got three answers, all from the same tech:
1) Yes, you can use standard hardware, that's not a problem.
2) No, it will not mechanically fit.
3) You must use only HP replacement parts because we can't warranty
third party parts. (When it was pointed out that they currently don't
warranty your PC anynow, the tech thought that meant the call was over.)
I guess I should be grateful that I even got that far without a serial
I also spoke to newegg about the situation. If you purchase a drive,
and it does not fit, they will be happy to have you return it. Happy
because you will be paying the return shipping and a 15% restocking fee.
(That sounds derisive, but I don't really fault them for their policy.)
My neighbor just might have a Pavilion with a case like yours, so I'll
wander over there and make a pest of myself. Report to follow.