you said:
So speaking of 2d.... Have you ever heard of game called Subspace? or better
known now as Continuum? It is an old style top-down 2d scrolling Massively
Online Multiplayer space shooter. It uses directdraw to accelerate the 2d
affects. Since the voodoo3 I have enjoyed frame rates steady at 100fps
1024x768. I had no issues with any of my nvidia cards, and up until cat 3.8
no issues with my ati card. Well... all good things must come to an end...
especially when it comes to CAT driver updates. In comes 3.8 and down goes
frame rates to 8-10fps in Continuum. Thanks ATI.
I had noticed that Freelancer would start to get choppy when
alot ships where in combat near me. I thought it was the CAT 3.8
drivers at first. Before installing the new drivers, I decided it was
time to do a format, and reinstall of Windows. I also decided to
change my old soundcard out with a newer cheap PCI 3D card. The old
one was an old Xwave QS3000 PCI.
Affter everything was installed, and updated, I fired up
Freelancer, and it kept getting choppy in large combats. I then
noticed that even though my HUD was turned away from the ships, with
empty space in the display, it still got choppy.... When explosions,
and lots of laser fire sounds where heard. I went into the Sounds &
Multimedia Audio settings, and lowered the playback sound
acceleration. Now the game is smooth as it was before.
Can't say if it's just the cheap soundcard's fault, or the CAT
3.8, but it's something maybe people can try. I have a Radeon 9000,
and a GF3. The GF3 is my favorite at this time for games, but most of
my games work just as well on the Radeon as they do on the GF3. Some
that work on the GF3 won't work on the Radeon, and vice versa, so I
keep both products.