Cat 3.7. Initial Impressions?

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EGK said:
I posted about it a while ago but never got any replies.

Have you been in touch with the ATI catylyst driver team? If not then do so
or no-one that actually matters will ever be aware of your problem... If you
have already... then contact them again - it will only take a minute... just
make sure you include all your system specs etc or your report will be
Have you been in touch with the ATI catylyst driver team? If not then do so
or no-one that actually matters will ever be aware of your problem... If you
have already... then contact them again - it will only take a minute... just
make sure you include all your system specs etc or your report will be

Do you have some special way to contact them? I have emailed twice throught
he ATI site for customer support. I just get the usual emails back telling
me that sort of problem is usually a configuration error on my machine.
They don't mention why i'm apparently able to configure the 3.4 drivers just
right. :)
Do you have some special way to contact them? I have emailed twice throught
he ATI site for customer support. I just get the usual emails back telling
me that sort of problem is usually a configuration error on my machine.
They don't mention why i'm apparently able to configure the 3.4 drivers just
right. :)
Use the driver feedback form?
Toca Race driver won't allow any full screen AA :(
Even though it is set in d3d options, it won't have it, so it looks crap and
jaggy as hell.
Radeon 9700 Pro Cat 3.7
As Andrew mentions - the driver feedback form referred to here: is the way to
let them know about catalyst problems - no idea if they ever do listen, but
there always seems to be people complaining about bizarre problems (that
only seem to affect them) not being fixed, yet they never actually tell
anyone that matters! (note - I'm not saying this is you - just making the
point that if people don't let the right guys know then nothing will ever
get done!)

Thanks. I went back and looked and found the link on the drivers download
page and sent in my problem. I had looked before but always on the "contact
info" page so had sent them to customer service. Never thought to look on
the download page itself.
Hi Pete,
I had artifacts in Links 2001 until Cat 3.5 (or maybe 3.4 <s>). From 3.5 on
all's well :)