Wegie said:
Then run Parallels, if you still need to run obscure code, I think you
are misunderstanding the Mac runs ALL software, not just Mac software.
It's the most universal machine ever made. Here is a list of the Windows
OSes it runs. (with no slow down, it runs natively, at the same time)
Oh, yes. A developer will certainly want to create software for Windows
on a different operating system running emulation software. He will
certainly want to pay a huge premium for the computer, spend $80 on
Parallels, and then trust that nothing in this concoction could possibly
lead to bugs in the software he creates when it runs on the OS for which
it's actually coded. And he would STILL be running the OS (some flavor
of Windows) which you have stated should be run by no one. Your
reasoning ability approximates that of a mature cucumber.
What? When did that happen? some of the most mission critical government
and private firms use big OSX iron exclusively. Macs ran the world's 3rd
fastest SuperComputer just awhile back. Sounds like you have lots of
outdated info running around in your head.
Give me some figures on who uses Apple servers. You certainly know that
they're as rare as hen's teeth in the enterprise environment. The
purpose of my example was to dispute your idiotic claim that there's no
reason to run a PC or Windows in this day and age. The fact that
virtually all enterprise servers run Apache or Windows software is
offered as a compelling reason to run Windows. As usual, you miss the
point entirely and state that Apple servers do exist. That's very true
and TOTALLY irrelevant to the point being made
If you want high uptime and the lowest cost, fastest Unix hardware, you
get Xserves EVERYTIME.
Walmart is in love with OSX and Xserve RAID... they have 1,000's of them
in operation. Sounds like you have been watching what Apple is doing
What you offer here is a reason why someone would want to use Apple
products. As usual, you've added 1 + 1 and gotten 3. We're not
debating why one would want to have an Apple. We're talking about your
absurd claim that there's no reason to have a PC. Until ALL servers are
Apple, it's not illogical for people to run PCs
That's impossible. Apple is the leader in price when it comes to
Servers, and has been for several years now. There is no Microsoft Tax,
Unlimited seats, and is FAR, FAR cheaper for a Dual 64-bit Dual-Core
Intel Xeon than you can get anywhere.
Infoworld is in LOVE with Apple's Servers.
You can KILL 2 Windows Servers just with 1 Apple Xserve!
Yada, yada, yada, yawn. True, true, true, and irrelevant to the
discussion at hand.
Apple hasn't had a closed architecture for what, 9 years now. If it's
not OPEN, Apple won't use it. Apple is all about OPEN STANDARDS, so it
sounds like you haven't looked at Apple for about a decade.
Yes, and every one of your "old ideas" would be WRONG. You haven't been
keeping up, and it shows.
If Apple doesn't have closed architecture, then I can build my own Mac
from parts available at Newegg.com and buy the Mac OS to install on it.
Right? WRONG. The architecture is CLOSED.
I never make unsubstantiated claims, I stay with only FACTS.
BS, regardless of what anyone on this forum asks, you entirely disregard
the problem and reply with "Get a Mac, stupid. I, Wegie, the Guru of
the Universe, have decreed that this is the answer to EVERY question."
Your responses are TOTALLY unsubstantiated, because they never address
the OP's actual problem.
You should try it sometime!
You do have some facts at your command. Unfortunately, NONE of them is
relevant to the argument about your statement that there is no reason to
have or run a Windows PC. Your logic goes exactly as follows: Premise:
Macs are good. Conclusion: Windows PCs are therefore worthless.
Corollary: No question about the new Vista OS is legitimate, and no
answer should be given. The question should always be ignored, and the
questioner should always be told simply to buy a Mac instead.
You get an A for facts, but you get an F in logic.
Until you're willing to participate in some meaningful way in the
discussions on this forum, please just go away. We don't care where you
go, just stop making your inane comments here. People here are engaged
in serious discussions, and you're like a small child running in and
out, to and fro, screaming nothing but "Get a Mac, get a Mac." Can you
truly not understand how infantile your intrusions are?