Cannot open IE, cannot read OE email after installing Windows XP S

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Seems I'm dealing w/ the same problems you are. Been on it a week now,
non-stop. Ugh! I have reinstalled, for the 4th time, and still have
glitches. I'm curious about the syyware invasion. I had pretty much come up
w/ that assumption too, finally. I have an anti-virus program purchased from
online, and I had not downloaded a backup.
In order to reinstall, there was at least an hour my computer was vulnerable
while installing the anti-virus again. I got a lot of spyware messages.

I also think I need to do the same check advised for you. I now have
created a back-up CD for the anti-virus, so maybe I'll get lucky w/ the new
install. Dreading it!

I'm about ready to just buy a new computer. Waaaaaaaaah!

PA Bear said:
SWI Forum:

Did you read SWI's FAQ before posting? Your post certainly doesn't look
like it conforms to their requests so don't be surprised if your post is

Please read this entire post carefully before doing anything else. Pay
particular attention to the rules in bold. <snip> Please be patient. Your
post may be answered immediately or may take several days. This is an
extremely busy message board and only specially-trained volunteers can
answer most of the questions. If your post has not had a reply after three
days, post a reply to to draw attention to
it. It may simply have been overlooked among all the other hundreds of posts
made here every day.

Castle Cops Forum:

See the reply to your post:
~PA Bear
PA Bear,

Okay PA Bear, I feel like the horse being led by the carrot...I REALLY
the carrot. Yes, I have read both of the guidelines, I have also tried
hard to wade my way through all of the recommendations listed in the
SpywareInfo guide. It is very difficult understanding everything, let
making the fixes. I am not a novice to computers, but I do have to admit
that I have not kept up with the virus/spyware field and I need help. I
trying to be patient and your help (in addition to the others who have
responded) is GREATLY, GREATLY appreciated. Still, I really want the


PA Bear said:
I see the several problems, even in your second log which you posted to
Castle Cops:
Did you read
before posting there? If your post isn't answered here in 5+ days, see

Append your first SpywareInfo post
with the newer log (Scan saved at 10:41:35 AM, on 7/13/2005) which you
posted to Castle Cops. Did you read before posting
If your posts here aren't answered in 3+ days, see

Be patient. There simply aren't enough volunteers to go around to answer
all posts in a timely manner. Good luck!
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE) & Security

Trixie wrote:
PA Bear,

My first post was on (Trixie):

My newest post (after I cleaned it up some myself) was on (Trixie1):



Can you post the URL for the forum thread to which you've posted your
HijackThis log, Trixie?

As to (finally) (re)installing, SP2, yes, you want to close everything
save (Windows) Explorer before installing SP2. Remember to visit
Windows Update after installing SP2 for post-SP2 patches/updates you
may need.


Installing WinXP SP2;ln;xpsp2getinstall

Are You Ready for WinXP SP2?

What to Know Before Downloading/Installing SP2

Installing SP2 Step-by-Step;[ln];xpsp2insthowto

Troubleshooting Your Installation;[ln];xpsp2insttshoot

WinXP SP2 FAQ: What to do after installing SP2;ln;xpsp2installed

Service Pack (any) Installation Checklist (MVP Jupiter Jones)

WinXP SP2-specific Page (MVP Jupiter Jones)

The hard disk space requirements for Windows XP Service Pack 2

Installing WinXP SP2

Order WinXP SP2 on CD!
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE) & Security

Trixie wrote:
PA Bear,

I have now loaded MSN Messenger V7 and it works fine. I have still
not received any response on my HijackThis log but am working my way
through it myself. I am still nervous about attempting to install
SP2... Once I have a clean HijackThis log, I can install SP2
provided my anti-virus software is not running, right?



...SP2 has obviously degraded my computer in
ways I don't know how to fix...

IMHO your machine had already been degraded by hijackware before you
installed SP2. Installing SP2 just made evident what had been
previously hidden. Once you get the machine clean, you should be
able to download/install SP2 via Windows Update and sign in using
MSN Messenger.

BTW you should be running MSN Messenger v7.0.0813 now. The version
you have is vulnerable to hijackers!
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE) & Security

Trixie wrote:
PA Bear,

Rhanks for your suggestion. I have run the HijackThis program and
have posted my log. I am still waiting for a response. The log
looked okay to me. I have been running Spybot regularly. Another
problem I have found (I don't know if it is related to my not
being able to download SP2) is that I can no longer sign in to MSN
Messenger 6.2. I attempt to sign in, the "signing in..." message
comes up and then after about 30 seconds, returns to the Sign In
screen. SP2 has obviously degraded my computer in ways I don't
know how to fix... Any suggestions would be helpful.



The #1 cause of problems after installing SP2 is hijackware
that was present on the machine prior to the install. Before
installing SP2 again, run a /thorough/ check for hijackware,
including posting your HijackThis log to an appropriate forum:
Do *not* install SP2 until an expert has given your HijackThis
log a clean bill of health.

Check for Hijackware

When all else fails, HijackThis
( is the preferred
tool to use. It will help you to both identify and remove any
hijackware/spyware. **Post your files to, or for expert analysis, not

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE) & Security

Trixie wrote:

Yes, my anti-virus was running when I installed SP2. I
unloaded SP2 and returned my system back to its previous
state. I then turned off my anti-virus plus my firewall
protection and began to use the automatic download of SP2.
The download stopped halfway through and hung. I was then
left with quite a mess to clean up. I have now removed the
partial SP2 download and once again returned my system back to
its original state. Should I use the automatic download
feature of SP2? Any ideas?



Was your anti-virus running when you installed SP2? It
should be turned off
when downloading any Windows Update for a clean install. I
would suggest you remove SP2, make sure all is back to
normal, and then reinstall it with your A/V off.

How to remove SP2:;EN-US;875350

Bruce Hagen

Okay, I may be a late bloomer in FINALLY installing SP2
on my Windows XP system but I was afraid my system would
have problems...

I now cannot open my IE. I can, however, open and use
Mozilla fine. I also
cannot open any emails (not the attachments) from Outlook
Express, the window
just goes away. When bringing up IE, the window opens and
gets to "Web site
found. Waiting for reply" and then the entire window
disappears. I have
spent a lot of time running the regsvr32 repairs and I
still have the problem.

Has anyone experienced this problem? If you solve this
problem, you will
my new hero...until the next problem comes along
Good job! Keep you nose clean. <w>
~PA Bear
I just posted my new Hijack Log

Unfortunately, I have already loaded SP2, but everything seems to be
working fine. Thanks for updating Castlecops for me - I appreciate it.
I am in the process of digesting the last link you provided for me...


PA Bear said:

1. Follow-up with your SWI thread, please: Your
handler, Viccy, needs to confirm that your current log is clean (and I
wouldn't install SP2 until you get his/her "all clear").

2. I've updated your Castlecops thread for you:

Now read:

So How Did I Get Infected Anyway?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE) & Security
PA Bear,

IT'S FIXED!! I received a reply on the SWI forum, made the suggested
corrections, and now my problems have been fixed! It turns out that I
had to remove the Trusted Zone entries from my registry. I did post
an earlier reply to tell you that I loaded the Windows XP SP2 from
disk and got the same errors, but I don't know what happened to that
post. Wow, I am so glad this problem is fixed! Thanks for sticking
with me and leading me to the SWI and Castlecops forums!



SWI Forum:

Did you read SWI's FAQ before posting? Your post certainly doesn't
look like it conforms to their requests so don't be surprised if
your post is ignored.

Please read this entire post carefully before doing anything else.
Pay particular attention to the rules in bold. <snip> Please be
patient. Your post may be answered immediately or may take several
days. This is an extremely busy message board and only
specially-trained volunteers can answer most of the questions. If
your post has not had a reply after three days, post a reply to to draw
attention to it. It may simply have been overlooked among all the
other hundreds of posts made here every day.

Castle Cops Forum:

See the reply to your post:
~PA Bear

Trixie wrote:
PA Bear,

Okay PA Bear, I feel like the horse being led by the carrot...I
the carrot. Yes, I have read both of the guidelines, I have also
tried very
hard to wade my way through all of the recommendations listed in
the SpywareInfo guide. It is very difficult understanding
everything, let alone
making the fixes. I am not a novice to computers, but I do have
to admit that I have not kept up with the virus/spyware field and
I need help. I am
trying to be patient and your help (in addition to the others who
have responded) is GREATLY, GREATLY appreciated. Still, I really
want the carrot.



I see the several problems, even in your second log which you
posted to Castle Cops:
Did you read
before posting there? If your post isn't answered here in 5+
days, see

Append your first SpywareInfo post
with the newer log (Scan saved at 10:41:35 AM, on 7/13/2005)
which you posted to Castle Cops. Did you read before
posting there?
If your posts here aren't answered in 3+ days, see

Be patient. There simply aren't enough volunteers to go around
to answer all posts in a timely manner. Good luck!
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE) & Security

Trixie wrote:
PA Bear,

My first post was on (Trixie):

My newest post (after I cleaned it up some myself) was on



Can you post the URL for the forum thread to which you've
posted your HijackThis log, Trixie?

As to (finally) (re)installing, SP2, yes, you want to close
everything save (Windows) Explorer before installing SP2.
Remember to visit Windows Update after installing SP2 for
post-SP2 patches/updates you may need.


Installing WinXP SP2;ln;xpsp2getinstall

Are You Ready for WinXP SP2?

What to Know Before Downloading/Installing SP2

Installing SP2 Step-by-Step;[ln];xpsp2insthowto

Troubleshooting Your Installation;[ln];xpsp2insttshoot

WinXP SP2 FAQ: What to do after installing SP2;ln;xpsp2installed

Service Pack (any) Installation Checklist (MVP Jupiter

WinXP SP2-specific Page (MVP Jupiter Jones)

The hard disk space requirements for Windows XP Service
Pack 2

Installing WinXP SP2

Order WinXP SP2 on CD!
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE) & Security

Trixie wrote:
PA Bear,

I have now loaded MSN Messenger V7 and it works fine. I
have still not received any response on my HijackThis log
but am working my way through it myself. I am still
nervous about attempting to install SP2... Once I have a
clean HijackThis log, I can install SP2 provided my
anti-virus software is not running, right?



...SP2 has obviously degraded my computer in
ways I don't know how to fix...

IMHO your machine had already been degraded by
hijackware before you installed SP2. Installing SP2
just made evident what had been previously hidden.
Once you get the machine clean, you should be able to
download/install SP2 via Windows Update and sign in
using MSN Messenger.

BTW you should be running MSN Messenger v7.0.0813 now.
The version you have is vulnerable to hijackers!
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE) & Security

Trixie wrote:
PA Bear,

Rhanks for your suggestion. I have run the HijackThis
program and have posted my log. I am still waiting
for a response. The log looked okay to me. I have
been running Spybot regularly. Another problem I
have found (I don't know if it is related to my not
being able to download SP2) is that I can no longer
sign in to MSN Messenger 6.2. I attempt to sign in,
the "signing in..." message comes up and then after
about 30 seconds, returns to the Sign In screen. SP2
has obviously degraded my computer in ways I don't
know how to fix... Any suggestions would be helpful.



The #1 cause of problems after installing SP2 is
hijackware that was present on the machine prior to
the install. Before installing SP2 again, run a
/thorough/ check for hijackware, including posting
your HijackThis log to an appropriate forum: Do
*not* install SP2 until an expert has given your
HijackThis log a clean bill of health.

Check for Hijackware

When all else fails, HijackThis
( is the
preferred tool to use. It will help you to both
identify and remove any hijackware/spyware. **Post
your files to, or for expert
analysis, not here.**

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE) & Security

Trixie wrote:

Yes, my anti-virus was running when I installed
SP2. I unloaded SP2 and returned my system back
to its previous state. I then turned off my
anti-virus plus my firewall protection and began
to use the automatic download of SP2. The
download stopped halfway through and hung. I was
then left with quite a mess to clean up. I have
now removed the partial SP2 download and once
again returned my system back to its original
state. Should I use the automatic download
feature of SP2? Any ideas?



Was your anti-virus running when you installed
SP2? It should be turned off
when downloading any Windows Update for a clean
install. I would suggest you remove SP2, make
sure all is back to normal, and then reinstall
it with your A/V off.

How to remove SP2:;EN-US;875350

Bruce Hagen

"Trixie" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
Okay, I may be a late bloomer in FINALLY
installing SP2 on my Windows XP system but I
was afraid my system would have problems...

I now cannot open my IE. I can, however, open
and use Mozilla fine. I also
cannot open any emails (not the attachments)
from Outlook Express, the window
just goes away. When bringing up IE, the
window opens and gets to "Web site
found. Waiting for reply" and then the entire
window disappears. I have
spent a lot of time running the regsvr32
repairs and I still have the problem.