Apologies again, neither F4 nor Ctrl+Y work
Dave Peterson said:Don't use F4. Use the shortcut keys.
Sorry, I think I was unclear. I did HAVE two simple macros with shortcuts,
but the F4/Redo function wouldn't work with macros turned on, so basically I
have to choose b/w the two. I can create the macros, but then the F4
function doesn't function. Thoughts?
Dave Peterson said:Tools|Macro|macros
select your macro
Click Options
and assign your shortcut key there
Remember to save your personal.xls file with this change.
Dave Peterson wrote:
How about just assigning a shortcut key to the macro and hit that shortcut key
MrMojoReising wrote:
Dave, I read this post and it was helpful. Backing up, I cannot do
F4=Redo/Repeat now that I made 2 simple macros in the PERSONAL.XLS file.
When running in safe mode, this is corrected as macros are off. Is there a
way to have both the F4 functionality AND my very simple macros? I know this
worked before (together) but no longer.
Yep. I saw your reply to Dana.
Oldtimer wrote:
Thanks for your input. Dana's suggestion was a winner as the registry value
was 0 [zero]. Perhaps recently installed REGISTRY BOOSTER program was the
culprit. Everything now back to normal. Thank you both.
And you are positive that you did something that could be undone, right?
And that didn't work in Safe mode, either?? Even with a brand new workbook???
(Yep, I'm grasping at straws???!!?)
Oldtimer wrote:
'Edit/Undo' is faded out -> "Can't Undo Ctrl Z". Reset toolbars to no avail.
This is really weird. I'm ready to save all files and remove Excel and
re-install. Any thoughts on this drastic measure? Will the saved files
function properly when (if) the redo-undo feature is restored?
If safe mode didn't work, then I bet it's not an addin. Safe mode stops addins
from running.
Does Edit|Undo still work?
Maybe it's just that someone was screwing with the icons and disabled them?
I'd try this first, er, next.
Tools|Customize|Toolbars Tab|
select the Standard toolbar
click reset
Note that any changes you've made to that toolbar will have to be redone.
If edit|undo is always disabled, you could try resetting the worksheet menubar,
Oldtimer wrote:
I did the "SAFE MODE" thing with no affect. I will try turning off additions
tomorrow with a hopefully clear head. Appreciate very much your input.
It could be a _change event, _selectionchange event. Who knows?
It's not really the event that causes the problem. It's what happens inside
that event. Not all macros (including events) kill the edit|undo stack.
Did you install any other addin?
Did you follow any of those instructions to turn off all other addins/workbooks
and then add them back one at a time until you find the culprit?
Oldtimer wrote:
Yes, there were macros BUT they were present all the previous times. Why
would the redo-undo function stop now? What other event could cause this?
The macros have been part of this particular worksheet for over a year with
no problem. Am I missing something? Thank you for your response.
Macros don't have to be in the same workbook as the data.
You may want to test to see if it really is a macro.
close excel
windows start button|Run
excel /safe
hit ok
This starts excel in safe mode. No macros will be running.
Now File|Open your workbook and make some changes.
Do the edit|undo buttons get enabled?
If they do, you could look to see (just once more) if you have any macros in
that workbook. If you don't, maybe it's an addin you installed.
Chip Pearson has some notes on how to diagnose startup errors:
And Jan Karel Pieterse has more notes:
Oldtimer wrote:
current sheet with problem has no macro. Been using sheets data format for
years with the redo-undo feature always availbale - until just recently. I
can insert the icons but they are "faded out" and unusable. ???
A common side effect of most macros is that the Undo/Redo stack is lost.
This includes macro that you run by clicking on a button and event macros that
fire in the background.
Did you recently create/install a macro?
Undo/Redo also goes away after you hit the save button.
Oldtimer wrote:
recently lost "redo-undo' feature. How do I reinstall this function? Thank
Dave Peterson