Tim said:
Yep, that Canadian dollar has been improving by leaps and bounds over the
last few months so ANY price set a few months ago will be high in CDN$.
Your best bet is to buy from a company in the US that will ship to Canada
not just video cards but anything..
Yea, doing it that way you can also bypass the PST and just pay 7% GST. But
it's not always cheaper to buy from the states once you pay S/H, duty fees
(if applicable) etc. Sometimes customs will add a $5.00 handling charge
too. I had that happen twice when ordering from the U.S. On one item it was
two *free* games from SSI and customs arbitrarily evaluted the games at
$60.00 and charged me GST on that plus a $5.00 handling fee. I sent in a
appeal and they still wouldn't refund me the GST on the two games that were
worth no more than $20.00. In essence they had no value because they were
free to me (gift) for buying another SSI game. Bastards!
p.s. when sending stuff to people in Canada from the U.S. *always* mark it
as a gift. Recently someone sent me a free game but gave it a value and
customs tried to ding me for it. I sent the game back to the sender.