ok. Maxtor did in the past have a terrible reputation. I have heard
reports over the past 6 months of people saying Maxtor are ok or
good(though prior to that, everybody said they were crap). So, maybe
that's enough of a period for me to reevaluate my opinion on Maxtor.
Makes change. And it's extremely important to know which are good and
which are crap - for each component.
Thus far for example. There is no debate that Asus Abit MSI Gigabyte,
are all good makes. In that order. I'm always open to know when
thigns change. But it's extremely important to be informed on this.
AFter hearing that maxtor was bad for a long time. Then overa period
of some months having a couple of people saying they haven't had
problems. Wasn't quite enough to say MAxtor are 'not crap' or are
even good. But I guess now they have changed. I won't say they're
crap anymore. And if i hear more good reports, i'll say they're good.
Ok, I accept your apology

I have had Maxtor for years and still have 10Giggers and older that are
working fine. More important to take care of them no matter what they are.