Can Someone Change My Mind About .NET?

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Any philosophical thoughts on "real" vs. "fake" programmer psychology? ;)From my point of view, real programmers create new programming technology,
try to find new techniques to make using the program much simpler to use.
Real programmers evolve and like to learn and explore new technology. And
try to make the program more user friendly.

Other programmers in my opinion are the people that get stuck to old (but
proven) technology. Once in their life they did an effort to learn C++ and
MFC and now they only use the existing code they know of, unless their
compiler cannot be bought anymore. This is not wrong, but they create
programs that are ancient by the time they release it. Sure it will be the
fastest meanest smallest code, but it will look like a TRABANT while
everybody now have a Mercedes. Not very user friendly.

Fake programmers just create a program that looks nice but don't care if it
works or not, as long as they can sell it with a lot of promisses.

But there is one very important reason why to use .NET! That is the security
that you get for free even though you are not developing for Internet, it
will help improving the stability of the Operating system against worms and
virusses. There is still a misconception that only programs used by the
Internet are vunerable, but in reality, *any* program can be misused by a
worm and virus. For example: the Windows help file. Maybe now, a lot of
companies use standalone PC's but what in 5 years when that program is still
beening used, but put on a computer with network access?
I have heard this reference once before by a team of programmers that

As Don Box once said; "..time will take care of these people because they
don't reproduce." <g>
Endangered species.:-)
They don't evolve. :-)
But I don't think that they program in C++, I honestly believe that they
still use the C part only while using some parts of the C++ class libraries.
I guess you can argue either way. However, the same people said the same
things when moving from assembler and c to c++. I guess this will always
be. We love what we know and resist change at times. That said, I think
they hit a sweet spot with c# on form and function. You can almost go as
close to metal as you want to get.
Assembler is still beeing programmed!
I do, but not als a whole program but parts of the C++ code that needs
optimized for speed (MMX, SSE, SSE2).

I am still suprised that so many C++ programmers still program in normal C.
They create one huge class, and clame it is C++! ;-)
Well, well, well. .Net is not for everybody. I know there are the
programming purists that learned to write code at age 5 with some box
weighing 80 lbs. that the father brought home one Christmas. They only
use the command line and a text editor. Wow, impressive. If you apply
the same rule to other things in life, we would:

:: still ride horses instead of driving automobiles.
:: mail all my bills instead of paying online
:: take medicine instead of blood letting
:: throw in 8-tracks and refuse to by CDs
:: get the point

If you don't like it. Don't use it. Write your C++++ programs,
etc....that is fine with me. I have actually had 5 phone calls within 24
hours for .net programmer positions. I have worked with .Net since Beta
1 and I think it is fine for me. However, it doesn't make sense to waste
time trying to prove it to someone who doesn't need it.

If you don't need it, don't buy it or use it. I now this is hard because
most Americans buy everything they see on TV and hear on the radio. It's
a fact.

REMEMBER: It is a programming language and framework, not life!!!!!
Wow, impressive.
If you apply the same rule to other things in life, we would:

:: still ride horses instead of driving automobiles.
:: mail all my bills instead of paying online
:: take medicine instead of blood letting
:: throw in 8-tracks and refuse to by CDs
:: get the point

Isn't this called amish?

But serios, I think "a real programmer can write Fortran
in any language" :-)

A real programmer knowns many tools, the more the better.
And he knows what to choose from his toolbox.

I would not write a database application in assembly.
Maybe parts of the database engine.
I would not write a driver in VB (although I know is possible
and I know how).

And what is C++ right now?
A completely different beast than 10 years ago.
If you have the fundamentals (brain, data structures, algorithms),
the programming language does not matter the language so much.

If you are a surgeon, go travel to Germany and have to operate
with a German team, what is the most important thing?
To know what to do and how? Or to know German?

Ok, enough. This is all common sense, and sounds stupid.
But I did spend the time to write it, so I will just send it :-)