Can I do this?

  • Thread starter Thread starter George Hester
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Right. And is really why all I want that touches the system is the PCI card. If I can.
George said:
Well I believe that gives you some idea of the system.
It's not really very modern as it came with Windows 98.
I do not want to burnout my MOBO by putting a "better" Power Supply in
that it cannot handle.

That is the First time i ever heard a thing like that for your Mainboard it
isn´t interresting how much power the Supply has.
So even though that page did NOT explain very well what the specs were
on the Power Supply it did give you a good idea of the system for that is what it is.
So I would need to know what would be a "better" Power Supply for that system.

I would connect the HDD Via Y-Cable first. And if everything works fine, then
fine. If the Computer hangs, at times he tryes to access the HDD for example.
Than a stronger Power Supply, or if that isn´t possible a second one isthe

Till then,
Jan-Peter Rühmann
Gubkower Str.7 Tel.: +49 (38205) 65484
18195 Prangendorf FAX: +49 (38205) 65212
(e-mail address removed)

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

Then your only option, that I see, that doesnt involve building a completely
new sys is to buy an enclosure for 4*hd's + pwr supply - probably as
expensive as buying a new sys case, and will you be able to get eide cables
of sufficient length. Or build your own enclosure incorporating pwr supply
and cooling, but still will eide cables be long enough.
Is the agg worth it? or bite the bullit and start from scratch.
What size are present hd's and what size are the new 4?

Right. And is really why all I want that touches the system is the PCI
card. If I can.
George said:
OK why would the type and size of the Power supply matter to the CPU ifI set it up they way I originally asked about? Yes I know if I - replaced - the one I have with a "better" one then it does matter.

I'm trying to find a Hard Disk enclosure but I keep coming up with servers or enclosures that only house only one harddrive with all kinds of bells and whistles. All I want is a fan and slots for harddrives and of course it's own Power Supply with 4 IDE cable Power connectors.

Really man I'm trying to do it right within reason of cost and with a minimum of system Hardware changes. Especially when it comes to anything to do with the MOBO. Since I'm MOBO challenged.

I already have the four harddrives. I use them like floppies. And no I don't have one of those hotswap trays. The configuration is just 3 hardrives 2 on Primary IDE Channel and the other on Secondary IDE Channel. All set up as Basic disks. All Partions Primary although none are reallycurrently bootable except the one the system is booting from. The additional Harddrives in the system will just be Basic all Primary Partitiionsbut none actually bootable. Don't need that.
First. could you please configure your mail Programm so it brakes the lines

Have I read right you have three HDD´s now?
What is with CD/DVD?

If you have them Setup as mentioned by you you cannot attach more HDD´ssince
only 4 IDE devices are allowed.

The only way around that is an UDMA controller that looks as an SCSI controller
to the System. But since I don´t know of any normal PC-Case that can handle more
than 4HDD´s you should use an external Case anyway attached via SCSI orFirewire.

Till then,
Jan-Peter Rühmann
Gubkower Str.7 Tel.: +49 (38205) 65484
18195 Prangendorf FAX: +49 (38205) 65212
(e-mail address removed)

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

George - what I was getting at was the lack of info about the current
config of the machine your PCI card would be in, and hence the adequacy
of the current power supply in supporting 4 more HDDs. I've no idea how
much gear's feeding from that PS...

Assuming cost is the driver and you have the necessary HDD data/control

(a) if the PS is adequate about $5-10 will buy you power cable Ys and
lengths. This leaves you with a spare PS, and the HDDs can sit unmounted
next to the current PC if enough bays are not available. I have done this.

(b) if a separate PS is indicated, you can do what you suggest in your
original post. Both the new PS and the 4 HDDs sit unmounted next to the
current PC. I have done this.

(c) if you happen to have multiple PCs sittingt next to each other you
can mount the 4 HDDs in any spare bays in any such colocated machines,
take power wherever available, and cable the HDDs to the PCI card. I
have done this.

Net: the only thing that really matters (if performance is not the most
important objective) is that the HDDs be cabled to the machine that must
see them as local devices. Where they get power is not very important,
and if they're adequately ventilated (as they are if sitting on a
tabletop) they'll happily spend their lives grinding away there.

Hope this helps. I haven't read the entire recent thread...
Right now one is 15GB. The other two are 40GB each.
I actually have more than one way to do this. I have a whole nother system that I can hook to the network really all I need is STORAGE. Yes the cables are more than long enough 18 inches you know. What I could do is something like this:

drive1 drive2 drive3 drive4 powersupply
_________________________________ flooor

I'll have to put something like formica on the floor but really the harddrives don't get all that hot.
It may be that the PCI card's BIOS will have trouble with the sizes of the new harddrives 40 and 60GB but supposedly Windows 2000 shouldn't care about that as they won't be for booting.

There is no way of knowing until I try but I should at least be safe to try withoutt blowing anything up which is what I was concerned about when I posed my original question.
There won't be anything else at all attached to the other PS. It is 300 kW by the way.
Yes that is eactly what I planned on doing it. You've done it before (b) that is reassuring. No the current PS won't be able to handle it. Yes helped entirely. Just to hear how simple it can be is enough except for Colon's post I'm still looking for those Green wires...
There's only one green wire. There are multiple black wires.
The green wire carries the "Power Good" signal from the mainboard. This is
the signal the power supply needs to see before it will apply full power to
all the voltage rails.

The black wire(s) are simply grounds.

The mainboard will send the "Power Good" signal to the primary power supply
via the green wire. By connecting the green wires together the auxilliary
power supply will aslo receive the "Power Good" signal. Then both power
supplies will turn fully on.

The black wires jumpered toghther simply provide the necessary path to

Try this experiment:
Plug a power supply in to the wall.
Turn it on.
Nothing happens.
It didn't get the "Power Good" signal.
Now turn the power supply off.
Straighten a paper clip.
Bend it unto a "U" shape.
Insert one end of the "U" into the green wire receptacle on the 20 pin
Insert the other end of the "U" into any black wire receptacle.
Now turn the power supply on.
Fan spun right up, dinnit?

I use this test allatime to see if a power supply is totally dead.

There won't be anything else at all attached to the other PS. It is 300 kW
by the way.
Yes that is eactly what I planned on doing it. You've done it before (b)
that is reassuring. No the current PS won't be able to handle it. Yes
helped entirely. Just to hear how simple it can be is enough except for
Colon's post I'm still looking for those Green wires...

George Hester
Dan Seur said:
George - what I was getting at was the lack of info about the current
config of the machine your PCI card would be in, and hence the adequacy
of the current power supply in supporting 4 more HDDs. I've no idea how
much gear's feeding from that PS...

Assuming cost is the driver and you have the necessary HDD data/control

(a) if the PS is adequate about $5-10 will buy you power cable Ys and
lengths. This leaves you with a spare PS, and the HDDs can sit unmounted
next to the current PC if enough bays are not available. I have done this.

(b) if a separate PS is indicated, you can do what you suggest in your
original post. Both the new PS and the 4 HDDs sit unmounted next to the
current PC. I have done this.

(c) if you happen to have multiple PCs sittingt next to each other you
can mount the 4 HDDs in any spare bays in any such colocated machines,
take power wherever available, and cable the HDDs to the PCI card. I
have done this.

Net: the only thing that really matters (if performance is not the most
important objective) is that the HDDs be cabled to the machine that must
see them as local devices. Where they get power is not very important,
and if they're adequately ventilated (as they are if sitting on a
tabletop) they'll happily spend their lives grinding away there.

Hope this helps. I haven't read the entire recent thread...
question. I can do what I asked. My only fear was that somehow the
connections of the Power Supply to the Mother Board are ncessary for
succesful operation of the harddrives in the system. And it seems by the
answers I have gotten the answer is no. That is sufficient for me. I would
prefer to do it the right way but I'm having trouble finding the right way
at a reasonable cost as suggested by an adjacent post.
Alrighty now thanks Colon. The Power Supply I have has a noise reducer on
it so I actually had to hold the fan right next to my ear. But that is a
good thing to know.