| ~ Free Spirit ~ wrote:
| > | >>
| >> Offhand, no, I'm not aware of any spellchecking program that can be
| >> linked to Wordpad, although I wouldn't be surprised at all if it
| >> existed as shareware or something. But, your question prompts one
| >> from me? Why are you using WordPad?
| >
| > $$ It's very easy to use. You don't need a 2 year secretarial
| > to understand it.
| >
| >> I'm guessing that there's a good chance that your computer came
| >> MS Works, not WORD or Office, although it may have that too.
| >
| > $$ It came with "WordPerfect" which I spent many frustrating hours
| > trying to learn to use. It's not intuitive and the pages can't be
| > printed because the type runs off the page etc. (I have a HP
| > printer.) You need a degree in "something" to even start to use it
| > correctly. There are buttons and choices all over the top of the
| > page that mean nothing to me. The helpfiles seem geared to computer
| > geeks or technicians, not the average Jane and Joe out there who
| > doesn't know the terminology.
| > Here's an example from the unhelpful helpfiles:
| >
| > Example: WordPerfect 10 makes it easy for you to convert Microsoft
| > Word files to WordPerfect formats,
| >
| > * I have no clue what a MS Word file is, or what a WordPerfect
| > Format is. All I want are txt files to print with my old HP printer
| > and to save on my HD. And I notice on XP they refuse to save as
| > files - WHY? Why should I have to go turn on my old PC in the back
| > office with W98SE just to use it's WordPad because it *will* save
| > them as txt files.
| >
| > EXAMPLE: open Microsoft Word documents in WordPerfect,
| > and save WordPerfect documents as Microsoft Word files.
| >
| > * What is a MS Word document? Is that a .txt doc from WordPad? The
| > helpfiles don't say. I need something like WordPad to type up the
| > pages, spellcheck them, save them as txt,.... and print them.
| >
| > If you are moving from Microsoft Word, you need to know which
| > features of WordPerfect have different names. Because Microsoft Word
| > and WordPerfect share basic formatting features, essential layouts,
| > and many of the same menu options, you can create Microsoft Word
| > documents and then easily import files into WordPerfect.
| >
| > * WTF????
| >
| > In this section, you'll learn about
| > Copyright (c) Corel Corporation. 2001. All rights reserved.
| >
| > * Unless you have prior knowledge and know the terminology you just
| > go in circles.
| >
| > Many new computer come
| >> with Works, and Works contains an excellent word processing program
| >> from Microsoft. Check your program list for it. It has a spell
| >> checker too. If you don't have it, you can buy Works at a computer
| >> store pretty reasonably priced. I think around $30 and you get a
| >> spread sheet program, calender program, and database program
| >> included
| >
| > ** I haven't a clue what a spreadsheet is or those other things, are
| > nor do I need them. All I need is a spellchecker for WordPad or a
| > similar easy-to-use program with a spellchecer.
| >
| >> ... nice, really. Also, there may be some freeware you can
| >> Cost ya nothing. Learn how to search out freeware sites. Be careful
| >> though, some freeware comes bundled with spyware - but not always.
| >> You can usually find out by reading their privacy statement. I've
| >> learned to scan these things pretty fast now.
| >
| > ** I've been searching for an hour and haven't found a free one to
| > work with WordPad on XP yet. I can't see why in these days of such
| > large HDs that MS can't add a spellchecker to WordPad. Since
| > retirement we're trying to keep expenses down. I can't see paying
| > $15 or more for a spellcheck unless I can't find a free one.
| >
| > Is there any way to save the pages from WordPad as txt files in XP?
| > I shouldn't need to use 2 computers to get my work done.
| >
| > Thanks....

| >
| > FS..........
| Lemme guess - you're blonde, right? ;o) The four year old next door
| what a 'Microsoft Word document is - it's , er, a document created in
| Word, surprisingly enough.
| There is nothing in those excerpts you've posted that someone of
| intelligence couldn't understand. There's nothing 'technical' or
| there in the slightest.
| If you don't like WP - simple solution, buy Office.
By the way, WP stands for WordPerfect, and with WordPerfect you can
print directories.