C++ vs. C# vs. Assembly Language

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Did you use the sever optimized Java? In my tests it is substantially
faster than .Net. (The default client Java was slower than .Net, I wonder
why they still ship both.) Also in my test Java beat C++ because it did
some clever inlining.

It would be interesting to get some idea as to why you see the differences.

Did you use the sever optimized Java? In my tests it is substantially
faster than .Net. (The default client Java was slower than .Net, I wonder
why they still ship both.)

The client JVM starts up faster and is generally better for short-
running processes. The server JVM is generally better for long-running
Also in my test Java beat C++ because it did
some clever inlining.

It would be interesting to get some idea as to why you see the differences.

It really depends on exactly what you're doing. For some operations,
the .NET JIT will beat the HotSpot JIT hands down - and for some
operations, the reverse is true. They have some pretty radically
different assumptions, to start with - HotSpot will progressively JIT
with more and more optimisations as it sees one section of code being
used more and more, whereas the .NET JIT is a "one off" JIT. Sometimes
one way works better, sometimes the other does.