C-sharp demand on par with Assembler - Apache releases a Java app server (Re: Skills in most demand)

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Hi Michael N. Christoff,

Re: My very low annual income.

You commented,
" Well, as long as you're happy ( AND eating !! ). "

One of my best friends, Brian ( I'm not sure if he's still alive or not )
said that we should think of things like GNP and income as not what
we get, but what we *owe*

That is, the more money we take out of the system -- the resources spent
on us...the more that we personally /owe/ the Earth, the rest of people
and so on...
The way things are today in regards to outsourcees has NOTHING to do with
race, and to imply as such is either an attempt at baiting such an issue or
the result of selecive reading or ignorance. It's about the evolution of
their respective technology economies. The computer industry in counties
like India and China are reletively new to those countries at this time,
compared to other countries that have a computer industry of 40+ years.
They are basically in their first generation of the industry. Regarding

No only that -- but long term, if we help these 'markets' get technology,
with their large populations, in India and China, eventually they will
*consume* technology and we can export to them (!)

So, one can think of /outsourcing/ as *priming* the pump.
White City said:
One of my best friends, Brian ( I'm not sure if he's still alive or not )
said that we should think of things like GNP and income as not what
we get, but what we *owe*

That is, the more money we take out of the system -- the resources spent
on us...the more that we personally /owe/ the Earth, the rest of people
and so on...

I agree. Its like putting deposits in the Bank of Karma. <g>

l8r, Mike N. Christoff
In comp.lang.java.advocacy, Jeff Relf
<[email protected]>
Hi Joe Jitsu ( John ),

You wrote,
" Jeff, I've finally learned that c++ is just plain fun.
The money is now very secondary to me.

I don't know why I ever thought C++ was so difficult.
C++ can create open-source / cross-platform applets
better than any fly-by-night language such as C#.

I must learn, Jeff, Learn C++ ...
and then maybe ... just maybe ...
I won't be so horny anymore. "

Wow, John. I couldn't have said it better myself.

C# "fly-by-night"? C# is backed by the most profitable
company in the United States. Java, by contrast, is
only backed by Sun, which is still hemmorhaeging cash.

Then again, Java has a huge head start, and IBM is out
there. Somewhere. Also, the adoption rate of C# has
been unfavorably compared to the speed of a turtle with
a dead albatross around its neck slogging through cold
molasses during a January snowstorm. However, the hare
shouldn't stop -- the tortoise is moving forward. Also,
Java might find itself competing with a standardized C++
library with "on-demand" software build (the main problem
right now, though, is that the setup for the build --
using a combination of libtools, autoheader, autoconf,
and automake -- takes a bit of time). Also, PHP, while
an interpretive non-scalable language, is fairly popular
for website development. (Python might be compilable; I'd
have to look. Tcl has now been more or less deprecated --
a pity, for it was simple, if stupid, but PHP fills its
niche and then some.)

C++ cannot do open-source/cross-platform applets
without an onboard compiler; neither can C# unless
the machines happen to match. Since .NET has one,
this isn't a big issue.

Java's JRE also includes an onboard compiler (for the JIT).

As it is, Java doesn't have a free 3DGl API yet. (There
is a payware one, so there's hope.) That's probably
"the next frontier", although things get a little muddy
because of nVidia vs. ATI concerns and the DirectX issue.
In comp.lang.java.advocacy, Joe Jitsu
<[email protected]>
Then why not keep everything to a minimum, with c#/mono ?

Mono is going to be on every desktop, everywhere worldwide.

Why not build on an installed based of assemblies, rather
than porting libraries around, like a caveman toting water
on the backs of his oxen?

And the difference is precisely...what?

Library model:
- download header files
- download source code (if building the library locally for some reason)
- download relocatable machine code (or in the case of Java, bytecode)
- compile library (if building locally)
- compile local source against header files
- link, either during build, during program load, or during class load
- run

Kernel model:
- essentially the same as the library model except that no linking
is involved; the kernel instead sets up "interrupt trap" vectors
which the application calls

Assembly model (AFAICT):
- download assembly
* contents: header files, intermediate code, symboldefs, references, etc.
- compile local source
- construct local assembly, with proper references (one might construe
this as "link", although there are a number of methods by which one
can do outside references; I'd have to look)
- run

I'm not sure I see that much of a difference although the
assembly model (which I've described here generally enough
for it to apply to Java as well as C#/.NET) might be a
little cleaner from an organizational standpoint. The only
real difference is that the intermediate code language is
now standardized -- but intermediate forms have been around
ever since compilers were developed, check the "dragon book"
(_Complexity of Compiler Design_, Aho, Sethi, Ullman,
called the "dragon book" because of the cover showing
a knight armed with the then-current tools attacking
an appropriately-labeled dragon) for example. That was in 1986.

And there is something else being toted around: namely, the
JVM or runtime environment. Something has to be toted
around; even the most pessimistic "trust scenarios" require
something prebuilt on the client machine, even if it's only
DOS's DEBUG.EXE into which one types the firstlevel compiler,
or firmware that activates a reader that swallows digital media.

(On an old HP 2114B, something had to process the paper
tapes that got stuck into memory when one simultaneously
pressed [LOAD] and [START]. I don't know offhand what
it was though it might have simply been a counter cycling
through the memory addresses. I also built a 1802-based
microprocessor with the capability of reading from cassette
tape -- but only after I toggled in (or keyed in; I later
wired up a 19-key hexpad) a simple bootstrapping machine.)

In this case the OS can be construed as a library; certainly a
large chunk of it is designed to be callable from executables.

I could see the next generation of Windows -- "all .NET,
all the time" -- could eliminate the entire current crop
of viruses, as buffer overruns and stack tricks become
a thing of the past. Of course if badly done one might
sport a crop of entirely new viruses taking advantage of
such things as DNS hijacks, link takeovers, certificate
theft, and Trojaning -- which admittedly is about what most
"viruses" (OE scripts) do now anyway.

"Oooh, nekkid pictures of Anna K...erm...wait..."

Hold onto your hats, flags, coffee cups, lizards, penguins,
swirly things, spacecraft, flying stars, ... :-)
They may code like whizzes, but may not yet know the "why's". And when
This sounds like the racist clap trap I heard as a child that the
Japanese were only capable of mindlessly copying. They ended up
surpassing America in quality.

The way things are today in regards to outsourcees has NOTHING to do with
race, and to imply as such is either an attempt at baiting such an issue or
the result of selecive reading or ignorance. It's about the evolution of
their respective technology economies. The computer industry in counties
like India and China are reletively new to those countries at this time,
compared to other countries that have a computer industry of 40+ years.
They are basically in their first generation of the industry. Regarding
China, I have first-hand knowledge of this. I have been to China several
times, and have had the opportunity to "talk shop" with some industry
professionals and professors while there (usually with the assistance of my
wife as translator since my Mandarin is virtually non-existant). They were
very eager to hear stories of "ancient history"... punch cards, CRTs, when
hard drives the size of a washing machine with 300mb platter packs were
"cutting edge", etc.

Much of the outsourcee "code factories" and services in these countries were
founded by and are owned by western businessmen. American, Canadian,
European businessmen that have taken the opportunity to leverage the lower
cost of living factor of these countries into a high profit margin for
themselves at a time when cost-cutting and maximizing profit margins became
the trend-du-jour of western corporations. And while many of those
businessmen are maximizing profits even more by cutting back on such things
as QA (so they can pack in more projects), the programmers are gaining
knowledge by experience that will benefit them in the long run (many who
will become wealthy themselves when they start their own home-grown

There is nothing to stop a repeat with software in India.

Did you read the last paragraph of my post? Business, economic, and
technology analyst expect India to surpass the west and become the software
technology leader of the world within 10 years. They will shed the first
generation of western-owned tech businesses as their tech industry as a
whole gains experience and home-grown venture capital/entrepreneurs becomes
more prevelent. The evolution of their technology economy.
Hi White City,

Re: Consuming less.

You related,
" One of my best friends, Brian
( I'm not sure if he's still alive or not )
said that we should think of things like GNP and income
as not what we get, but what we * owe * ".

The GDP measures how fast we are consuming.
Just maximizing one's consumption is Not a worthy goal.

Control should be the only goal, I maintain.

Live fast, die fast.
Feed a rat, or any organism, more
and that will reduce it's longevity.
That's not soft science either ... it's a Hard fact.

Per pound,
Squirrels consume oxygen 7 times faster than a horse.
So they only live one seventh as long.

Drone bees ( males which basically do nothing )
live for a few months.
Worker bees ( females who forage ) die in a week or so.

This rate of living theory even applies to inanimate objects.
e.g. Puff that cigarette faster and it won't last as long.
In comp.lang.java.advocacy, Jeff Relf
<[email protected]>

As it is, Java doesn't have a free 3DGl API yet. (There
is a payware one, so there's hope.) That's probably
"the next frontier", although things get a little muddy
because of nVidia vs. ATI concerns and the DirectX issue.

Hmmm, there is a free OpenGL library for .NET - in fact, it was recently
added to the Mono distribution as well :) (It's call TAO, I believe).
Hi The Ghost In The Machine,

You mentioned,
" C++ cannot do open-source/cross-platform applets
without an onboard compiler ".

Is that some big hurdle ?

People just download the appropriate binaries, so what ?

Just make the source code available too.
( But I doubt that most would want to see that )

C# won't magically produce cross-platform code !

How do you know if your program will run ...
and run well ...
on a dual CPU Mac G5 with a 40 inch LCD or a cell phone
if you haven't tested it ?

All this is not some vision problem,
it just takes blood sweat and tears.

Now playing on 103.7 FM in Seattle,
_ Orange Sky _ , written and sung by Alexi Murdoch.

Well, I had a dream
I stood beneath an orange sky.

Yes, I had a dream
I stood beneath an orange sky.

With my brother standing by.
With my brother standing by.

I said,
" Brother, You know ...
you know ...
it's a long road we've been walking on. "
" Brother, you know it's ...
you know it's ...
Such a long road we've been walking on. "

And, I had a dream
I stood beneath an orange sky.

With my sister standing by.
With my sister standing by.

I said,
" Sister, Here is what I know now ...
Here is what I know now ...
Goes like this ...

In your love ... My salvation lies ...
In your love ... My salvation lies ...
In your love ... My salvation lies ...
In your love,
in your love,
in your love. "
" But sister you know I'm so weary.
And you know sister ...
My hearts been broken.
Sometimes, sometimes ...
My mind is too strong to carry on ...
Too strong to carry on. "
" When I am alone.
When I've thrown off the weight of this crazy stone.

" When I've lost all care for the things I own.
That's when I miss you.
That's when I miss you.
That's when I miss you.
You who are my home.
You who are my home. "

And, here is what I know now.
Here is what I know now.
Goes like this ...

In your love ... My salvation lies ...
In your love ... My salvation lies ...
In your love ... My salvation lies ...
In your love ... My salvation lies ...
In your love ... My salvation lies ...
In your love ... My salvation lies ...
In your love ... My salvation lies ...
In your love,
in your love,
in your love. "

Well, I had a dream,
I stood beneath an orange sky.

Yes, I had a dream,
I stood beneath an orange sky.

With my brother and my sister standing by.
With my brother and my sister standing by.
With my brother and my sister standing by.
This rate of living theory even applies to inanimate objects.
e.g. Puff that cigarette faster and it won't last as long.

Right...but then the CO should minimize oxygen consumption and make people
live longer...
Hi The Ghost In The Machine,

You mentioned,
" C++ cannot do open-source/cross-platform applets
without an onboard compiler ".

Is that some big hurdle ?

People just download the appropriate binaries, so what ?

Just make the source code available too.
( But I doubt that most would want to see that )

Isn't it time we all woke up and acknowledge: Applets Are Craplets.

With the advent of McRMI ( web services ) anybody can create a client
application that can remotely access methods, or a specialized server,
toot sweet using mono and c#.

Browsers are archaic.

RMI is old.

Welcome to the new world of disconnected, Wide Area, stateless client
apps, writen in mono, that access distributed web service methods.
Hi White City,

You proclaimed,
" Welcome to the new world of
disconnected, Wide Area, stateless client apps,
written in C++,
that access distributed web service methods. "

Sounds good to me.
Hi White City, M.D,

You mentioned that 4 out of 5 doctors recommend:
" Clean, Refreshing and Healthy 'Smoke' ".

We already have the special Olympics ...

Why not a Smokers Olympics ?
Jamal Marley said:
Jeff Relf wrote:
Go Linux. Go mono. Go c#. Get a steady OS, a steady
Object Layer and good solid language.

#1: C-sharp is a Microsoft invention and product, and using it
automatically means you are helping Microsoft.

#2: Mono is a trojan horse that will kill or wound Linux in future.
Why? Because Microsoft has patents on parts of it, something de Icaza
pooh poohs but is worrying lots of people.

Believe me, Bill Gates and Ballmer are laughing at all the fools who
want mono to contaminate Linux, because they know they can pull the
plug on it anytime in future when and if it suits them (and this time,
there is no IBM angel to help out like the SCO problem - IBM is firmly
a Java vendor)

Listen to what a gnome contributor wrote:
asj said:
#1: C-sharp is a Microsoft invention and product, and using it
automatically means you are helping Microsoft.

Why would Ximian, Suse or Novell ( the owners of mono ) /help/ Microsoft ?

And how do you explain:


Dotgnu -- another c# compiler that is featured on the GNU/FSF homepage?

According to the Dotgnu site:

11.1. What is Mono?
The Mono project that is run by Ximian has many of the same goals as
DotGNU Portable.NET. See their Web site for further details:


#2: Mono is a trojan horse that will kill or wound Linux in future.
Why? Because Microsoft has patents on parts of it, something de Icaza
pooh poohs but is worrying lots of people.

A trojan horse implies that there is a glossy outer coating, with
something sinister and evil hidden inside. What no one in COLA has yet
to tell me in definitive terms is: what exactly is the catch ?
Believe me, Bill Gates and Ballmer are laughing at all the fools who
want mono to contaminate Linux, because they know they can pull the
plug on it anytime in future when and if it suits them (and this time,
there is no IBM angel to help out like the SCO problem - IBM is firmly
a Java vendor)

And Sun bought an SCO license, and it's still trying to discredit Linux
to favor it's Solaris product by (a) creating a crappy desktop and
glutting it in the WalMart channel (b) selling it's Solaris as a
'business operating system' at Office Depot.
#1: C-sharp is a Microsoft invention and product, and using it
automatically means you are helping Microsoft.

#2: Mono is a trojan horse that will kill or wound Linux in future.
Why? Because Microsoft has patents on parts of it, something de Icaza
pooh poohs but is worrying lots of people.

Believe me, Bill Gates and Ballmer are laughing at all the fools who
want mono to contaminate Linux, because they know they can pull the
plug on it anytime in future when and if it suits them (and this time,
there is no IBM angel to help out like the SCO problem - IBM is firmly
a Java vendor)

Listen to what a gnome contributor wrote:

Seems I read something similar about Java not to long ago from some Linux
zelot. To bad I didn't save the link.

By the way, bailo makes one good point... What about DotGNU? A
implementation being developed by the FSF? Is that a trojan horse as well?
No only that -- but long term, if we help these 'markets' get technology,
with their large populations, in India and China, eventually they will
*consume* technology and we can export to them (!)

So, one can think of /outsourcing/ as *priming* the pump.

A nice idea, but a bit like selling automobiles to Japan
J French wrote:

A nice idea, but a bit like selling automobiles to Japan

No. A bit like letting the Japanese build an automotive industry which then
builds capital and lets U.S. sell computers and hardware to them.

Remember, Japan has little or no native computer/software industry.
#1: C-sharp is a Microsoft invention and product, and using it
automatically means you are helping Microsoft.

#2: Mono is a trojan horse that will kill or wound Linux in future.
Why? Because Microsoft has patents on parts of it, something de Icaza
pooh poohs but is worrying lots of people.

See today's Wall Street Journal.

Microsoft is going to start getting medieval with their patents.

In the past Microsoft accumulated patents for "defensive" reasons
and assured people that they'd never sue. So far they haven't.

What do you know. Microsoft changed its mind.

Just like it can change its mind about Mono and sue the bejezzus out
of people.
Believe me, Bill Gates and Ballmer are laughing at all the fools who
want mono to contaminate Linux, because they know they can pull the
plug on it anytime in future when and if it suits them (and this time,
there is no IBM angel to help out like the SCO problem - IBM is firmly
a Java vendor)

They want Linux-using companies to be scared that some future GNOME has
been "contaminated" by Microsoft patents---and the pinheaded
lawyers for the company will be so scared that they will ban Linux
entirely, and not be convinced with a Mono-less GNOME.

(MSFT will search for other patent violations too).

SCO suing was rightly regarded as a joke and hasn't hurt Linux much.
But they're incompetent idiots.

Microsoft is not incompetent at suing.