C# is getting Edit and Continue in Visual Studio 2005

  • Thread starter Richard Blewett [DevelopMentor]
  • Start date

Frans Bouma [C# MVP]

David said:
Unit tests are all well and good, but they do not solve all problems, and
there are many types of testing that unit testing does not begin to
address. Sometimes all that the unit test does is validate your own
misconceptions about the system. There are integration tests and systems
test that need to be performed and these cannot be performed in isolation.

first: I'm not a native english speaker, so if my sentences are formulated
wrong/badly, I'm sorry, but it's not my first language.

second 'you' and 'your' in my sentences are mostly used as a 'general' term,
I also could have used 'one'. Dutch has a word for this, English doesn't

true, if your tests are flawed, it's not going to bring you anything, better
yet: it's worse than not having them.
There are also tests that require a different environment then is present
during the unit test, and duplicating this environment is extremely
difficult. And just so you know, we have hundreds of unit tests built into
the project, and they are all run as part of our automated build process.

ok, but I didn't know that, still you posted a problem as an argument in
favor of E&C. So all I read was: "I have this 10 minute period" (I admit, I
misread the sentence, it was compile + setup time, however it doesn't matter
much for the argument IMHO) and believe me, you're not the first with that
argument in favor of E&C. (this subject has been beaten to death in the
whidbey newsgroups) Most of the time when someone came with that argument, it
turned out their methods of software development in general weren't efficient

I always come with the Operating System development argument: it takes 7 to
8 hours to build windows XP if I'm not mistaken. No developer can test
his/her changes with such a long build cycle, so they use different
approaches to the problem: it's fixing the problem by the root of the cause,
not with a fix for the sympthom.
And to your original complaint...yes, the team got together and discussed
the situation and we decided that it wasn't worth the downside to break up
the solution into a number of smaller solutions; we decided to live with
the long edit/compile/debug cycles and we would look at doing it
differently on the next project. There are problems when you break up a
big solution into numerous small solutions.

It wasn't a complaint, just an advice. Remember: I don't have a problem, you
and your team have. So it's not me who complaints about something, you did
(and rightfully so, 10 minutes compile-setup time to get something tested is

There are problems to chop up a big solution into smaller ones, however I'm
not sure if those would be bigger than the big problem you have now. It will
only get worse in the future: what if a bug shows up when the application is
in production? That would be horrible to debug. E&C will not help you with a
lot of bugs either, as what it can do for you at runtime is limited (i.e.:
you can't add/alter all possible constructs, just a small subset)
You keep throwing the term "you" around - that makes it personal, and for
no good reason.

Why is that a bad thing? You posted the problem, so why should I address it
to someone else? Don't think I belittled you or anything, we see a lot of 'I
have a big solution and vs.net falls apart' problems here, so you're not
alone. But again, I just wanted to help. If you feel offended by me helping
you, I'll step back and leave you alone and your big project.
You assumed that the 10 minutes is solely because of the
compile time - I never said it was solely due to compiling. And you are
also assuming that this was "the" problem that I thought E&C would fix. All
I said it would help with that particular irritation.

... and I said it might not help you in that.
Then you are fortunate.

... or perhaps I organize better? :) Or do you think I work on mickey mouse
Unit tests are great when the functionality is entirely self-contained, and
IMO its usefullness diminishes as the amount of interaction with other
components of the system increases. It also decreases in usefulness as the
complexity of the configuration, setup, or complexity of the mock objects
increases. All code has bugs, including the test code. At some point the
complexity of the test negates the usefulness of the results as the
reliability of the result degrades.

There are other examples where unit tests aren't useful.

sure, however I used them as an argument to test routines which contain
bugs. You see, it starts with silly things like pre-post conditions. If a
given routine has a given set of pre/post conditions and these succeed, your
routine does what it should do and you can move on. This can easily be done
with unittests. The fun thing is: if all pre/post conditions of all routines
are tested, (even by hand, doesn't matter) your system is theoretically
correct. Then it comes down to: is the design correct and does it fail
because of unforeseen circumstances. At the same time you then also enter the
area where E&C is likely not going to help. I mean: you can attach a debugger
at any time to a running system, but also you can add trace listeners to a
running system. Monitoring is half the debugging.

My argument was: too little is done to prevent routines which are buggy
(i.e.: their pre/post conditions aren't met) to enter a system, which later
on causes problems.
Um, errr, I'm sure you really believe you mean well, but it comes across as
condescending and nasty.

I don't see why, I just try to help you with a problem. You apparently see
that as condescending, which I find odd, because I'm just trying to help and
what do I win with condescending you? I invest time to answer YOU. Believe
me, I have a lot of work on my plate every day, so I can spend my time better
than simply condescending people I don't know.
I'm sure you have something of value to contribute but the way you word
things and the approach you take is needlessly confrontational. I've had
many discussions up here and I've never had this experience with anyone

Perhaps you MADE it personal and you assumed I wrote it as if I knew it all
and am here to tell you how it's done because you assumed I thought you were
stupid. David, if I think someone is stupid I don't even bother replying.
You're posts here are. You made an enormous number of assumptions about the
solution, the projects, why it took 10 minutes to get back to a particular
point in a debugging session, if it had unit tests, and the environment it
was running in, my background, and engineering practices in general.

Well, there wasn't a lot of info, was there, just the problem, which was
used as an argument for E&C. I didn't say anything about your background nor
engineering practises, I just used a general metaphore to explain why I think
in general people should pay more attention to common practises than to fixes
for a symphtom: fix the cause, not the result of the problem.

As I said earlier, 'you' can mean you David but also the people in general,
afaik. Again, I'm not a native english speaker. But I stop now, as I don't
have time to fight a silly battle over what I meant and wrote and how my tone
was and how I apparently condescend people, if all I want to do is trying to


David Levine

first: I'm not a native english speaker, so if my sentences are formulated
wrong/badly, I'm sorry, but it's not my first language.

second 'you' and 'your' in my sentences are mostly used as a 'general'
I also could have used 'one'. Dutch has a word for this, English doesn't

Ok. I'll accept that you don't mean any of this personally, but I will point
out to you when you make statements that are unnecessarily harsh and/or
personal, and we'll let it go at that. I don't have the time, inclination,
or desire to get into a flame war over a trivial incident.
ok, but I didn't know that, still you posted a problem as an argument in
favor of E&C. So all I read was: "I have this 10 minute period" (I admit,
misread the sentence, it was compile + setup time, however it doesn't
much for the argument IMHO) and believe me, you're not the first with that
argument in favor of E&C.

I disagree. I think it matters a great deal. It especially matters in cases
where the bug is timing related, especially in a heavily multithreaded
environment with threads at different levels of priorities. It may take
hours, or even days, to reproduce a specific chain of seemingly random
events that gets you to the point where a bug manifests itself. Some
problems are extremely difficult to analyze, predict, and reproduce.
Thankfully, this is the exception rather then the rule for most of the C#
code I've worked on to date. The ability to E&C under these conditions is
extremely valuable.
(this subject has been beaten to death in the
whidbey newsgroups) Most of the time when someone came with that argument,
turned out their methods of software development in general weren't

E&C is one more tool in a suite of tools. One could also argue that
calculators encourages sloppy thinking because we don't have to do simple
math, but I don't think you'll get any support for arguing that calculators
shouldn't be used.

I always come with the Operating System development argument: it takes 7
8 hours to build windows XP if I'm not mistaken. No developer can test
his/her changes with such a long build cycle, so they use different
approaches to the problem: it's fixing the problem by the root of the
not with a fix for the sympthom.

"fix the problem, not the symptom" is a mantra I thought I had invented. You
are preaching to the choir.
It wasn't a complaint, just an advice. Remember: I don't have a problem,
and your team have. So it's not me who complaints about something, you did
(and rightfully so, 10 minutes compile-setup time to get something tested

Our team does not have a problem. I want tools that make my life as a
developer more efficient and enjoyable - E&C is one such tool. I've also
done debugging by writing a number to a monochrome screen buffer to indicate
a routine that the code was in. I use the tools I have available.
There are problems to chop up a big solution into smaller ones, however
not sure if those would be bigger than the big problem you have now. It
only get worse in the future: what if a bug shows up when the application
in production? That would be horrible to debug. E&C will not help you with
lot of bugs either, as what it can do for you at runtime is limited (i.e.:
you can't add/alter all possible constructs, just a small subset)

Bugs always show up in production code. There is no such thing as perfect
code, there is only code in which a problem has not yet manifested itself.
Why is that a bad thing? You posted the problem, so why should I address
to someone else? Don't think I belittled you or anything, we see a lot of
have a big solution and vs.net falls apart' problems here, so you're not
alone. But again, I just wanted to help. If you feel offended by me
you, I'll step back and leave you alone and your big project.

If you have specific advice on how large solutions should be organized then
present them and provide this benefit to the entire development community.
Write a whitepaper and the ideal method of organizing a large project. I
assure you people will listen (and criticize where criticism is warranted).

You see, it starts with silly things like pre-post conditions. If a
given routine has a given set of pre/post conditions and these succeed,
routine does what it should do and you can move on. This can easily be
with unittests. The fun thing is: if all pre/post conditions of all
are tested, (even by hand, doesn't matter) your system is theoretically

I look at a routine as having three essential components; data in, process
logic, and data out. Are you saying that the unit test examines the data in,
data out (or object state) and these constitute the pre/post conditions? If
so, I agree.

There are problems with such a simple testing/verification model which I
consider to be one of the weaknesses of unit testing.

Unit tests work really well when all the logic is internal, and it decreases
in usefulness as the number of external objects it uses for its logic
increases - I look at it as a spectrum of reliability. Quite often the
behavior of external objects (libraries) is different then our initial
understanding of them. The fidelity of the behavior of the mock object used
to simulate the real object's behavior determines the reliability of the
resulting test. If the mock object actually behaves differently then the
real object then all the unit tests may pass and your system may be
theoretically correct but pragmatically incorrect; this is very bad when the
differences in behavior are subtle or occur only when the system is under

I also don't usually see good unit tests for throwing and handling
exceptions, and I especially don't see good integration tests for simulating
exceptions when the different sections are tested as a unit.

I agree with the concepts of unit testing and TDD in general even (though it
has the feel of being the latest fad). However, I am concerned that an
over-reliance on unit testing, especially incomplete or incorrect testing,
will provide one with the illusion of correctness instead of its reality.

Then it comes down to: is the design correct and does it fail
because of unforeseen circumstances.

At the same time you then also enter the
area where E&C is likely not going to help. I mean: you can attach a
at any time to a running system, but also you can add trace listeners to a
running system. Monitoring is half the debugging.

That is correct - examining the data produced by a running system is an
enormous aid and quite often is the only debugging tool available
My argument was: too little is done to prevent routines which are buggy
(i.e.: their pre/post conditions aren't met) to enter a system, which
on causes problems.
Yes I agree.

Ravichandran J.V.

Ok. So why do you have mixed feelings about it.

I am itching, of course, to say "what the hell does it matter to anyone
here if you have mixed or isolated feelings about it, but, I am polite,
you know. This being a public forum etc. :)!

To get back to the point, you are pleased and have mixed feelings abt
edit and continue so, what gives?:)

with regards,

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- Or, just search on "J.V.Ravichandran"
at http://www.Google.com

Richard Blewett [DevelopMentor]

If you read the thread you'd have seen why I said I had mixed feelings about it - but basically because in inexperienced hands if can be a tool for hacking a method until it appears to work rather than standing back and working out what is going wrong. So I'm pleased its coming but I was burned on projects with E&C with inexperienced developers in the past.

And you are quite welcome to state what the hell does it matter if I have mixed feelings and frankly, if you're not interested - it doesn't matter at all :)


Richard Blewett - DevelopMentor

Ok. So why do you have mixed feelings about it.

I am itching, of course, to say "what the hell does it matter to anyone
here if you have mixed or isolated feelings about it, but, I am polite,
you know. This being a public forum etc. :)!

To get back to the point, you are pleased and have mixed feelings abt
edit and continue so, what gives?:)

William Stacey [MVP]

At this point, it would probably just confuse the heck of me. I do fine
without it now.

William Stacey, MVP

Richard Blewett said:
If you read the thread you'd have seen why I said I had mixed feelings
about it - but basically because in inexperienced hands if can be a tool for
hacking a method until it appears to work rather than standing back and
working out what is going wrong. So I'm pleased its coming but I was burned
on projects with E&C with inexperienced developers in the past.
And you are quite welcome to state what the hell does it matter if I have
mixed feelings and frankly, if you're not interested - it doesn't matter at
all :)

Roy Fine

Richard Blewett said:
If you read the thread you'd have seen why I said I had mixed feelings
about it - but basically because in inexperienced hands if can be a tool for
hacking a method until it appears to work rather than standing back and
working out what is going wrong. So I'm pleased its coming but I was burned
on projects with E&C with inexperienced developers in the past.

Sounds as if you were burned on projects with inexperienced developers in
the past.

E&C likely had nothing to do with the problems that you experienced -
eliminating E&C leaves you with inexperienced developers.

roy fine
And you are quite welcome to state what the hell does it matter if I have
mixed feelings and frankly, if you're not interested - it doesn't matter at
all :)

Frans Bouma [C# MVP]

Roy said:
about it - but basically because in inexperienced hands if can be a tool for
hacking a method until it appears to work rather than standing back and
working out what is going wrong. So I'm pleased its coming but I was burned
on projects with E&C with inexperienced developers in the past.

Sounds as if you were burned on projects with inexperienced developers in
the past.

E&C likely had nothing to do with the problems that you experienced -
eliminating E&C leaves you with inexperienced developers.

Yeah, but to use a rude metaphore: children with guns in their hands are lot
more dangerous than without guns in their hands.


Roy Fine

Frans Bouma said:
Yeah, but to use a rude metaphore: children with guns in their hands are lot
more dangerous than without guns in their hands.

The analogy does not work - whereas you can make a strong case that guns
serve no useful purpose to society at large - the same case is not so easy
when considering E&C. Developers can progress from the state of
inexperienced to experienced, and the E&C tool may provide benefit. And the
process of transitioning from one state to the next could easily be
facilitated with the E&C tool and a teacher or leader. Again, the same case
is not so easy when considering "children with guns".

And then to the second part: You are incorrect in classifying the scenario
as a metaphor. A metaphor would have been (for example) "chickens with
guns" or "dumber than a sack of rocks". Metaphors are figurative elements.
Applying anthropomorphic behavior in non-innate objects is always
metaphoric. Since the two are so very different (E&C for inexperienced
developers and children with guns), you may want to consider the simile
(when introducing a comparison of unlike things for dramatic impact)

roy fine

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