Then it won't work for you. If you don't have time to learn to use a
computer, don't use one, same as if you don't have time to learn to
drive, don't drive, if you don't have time to learn to use a chainsaw,
join all the other one legged folks who didn't have time to learn.
Sorry, no sympathy here.
With all due respect, sympathy from you or anyone is about the very last
thing I need or care about.
I simply don't have time with something that asks me FIVE friggin times
via various prompts at random times if I want to install my application!!
YES!!! I Clicked YES the FIRST TIME!!! I was *NOT* kidding!!! I don't need
to be asked 4 more times....(UAC being beyond annoying).
Not to mention that crap like that makes it impossible for me to just
start an install and walk away....I actually have to babysit it. I wonder
how royally things would get ****ed up if I said "no" to one of its random
prompts in the middle of the install process.
Seeing how the buttons are next to each other with not even a single pixel
border in between them, accidentally clicking the wrong one wouldn't be
all that hard....
Throw in hardware incompatibility with high end up to date hardware,
some of which is Microsofts own hardware...
Throw in software incompatibility primarily with Microsofts own software
(the only software I got incompatibility warnings from Vista about was
literally MS' own software).
Taking minutes to *move* a file on the same disk which should not take
more than a few milliseconds.
That has little to do with homework. It has everything to do with a piss
poor product that isn't worth the DVD it comes on.
The UI changes, while annoying...I don't really care about. I don't really
care where I need to click as long as the thing I need to click on is to
be found.
And before anyone comes with their "Check hardware first comment", the
only thing I could possibly upgrade on my system is my processor from a
dual core to a quad core. Anything else on my system I could pretty much
only downgrade....and I sure am not about to do that to make an OS happy.
Especially not when there are other operating systems which can work with
all my hardware out of the box without me needing to resort to beta
I suppose Vista is fine for those who get it spoon fed to them on a
pre-installed system with no needs beyond windows mail, minesweeper, and
MS office with it's little ribbon!
But beyond that....
2003 Yamaha R6