Dude -- if you're so hot on Macs, buy one then, and enjoy it in your
I don't think anyone here has a problem with Macs -- I know I don't. Each to
their own.
Personally, I think a Mac is a better choice for a person, new to computing,
who wants to spend more time USING the computer, and isn't so interested in
HOW it works. No insult intended there -- I use light switches every day,
yet, am not an electrician. If that's your aim, go for it. In addition, Macs
are generally superior for use in graphics and special effects.
Really? Then WHY are most games written for Windows rather than OS X?
Of course, you could come back with "maybe because more copies of
Windows are sold than OS X", but I will just return with "And WHY do
you think that is?"
OTOH, Pac's are a better choice if you're already familiar with them. The
software and utilities available are vastly superior in terms of titles,
options, and prices. The peripherals and accessories available are almost
endless, and far less expensive. Go into any computer store, and count the
number of shelves devoted to PCs, and the number devoted to Macs. Also,
compare prices of entry level Pac's on both platforms.
They both have their place. Get over yourself.
Now, I'm not against Apple -- My only PC is an Apple Intel PC. But I
really believe that OS X is a sack of horse-manure.
Give me Windows any day. As long as I am able to run it on my Apple
Intel PC, I will be more than satisfied.
And those "flashy graphics" are the major draw for Windows. Let's
face it, OS X looks like dog-doo.
It would be if you had used Microsoft Backup to create the backup in
the first place.
How can you write such trash? "caught up with OS X...". Why
Microsoft would want to "catch up with OS X" in the first place
totally escapes me.
It's called Windows Presentation Foundation now, not DirectX.
OS XI? What are you talking about? Leopard will be "OS 10.5" (a
minor revision -- basically, all it adds is Intel support, and is
"service Pack" for OS 10). And Apple will charge another $129 for its
"service pack", just as it always does, while Microsoft never charges
for service packs (minor revisions).
I think that Microsoft will decide what is or is not "enough", as is
their right.
Donald L McDaniel
Please reply to the original thread,
so that it may not become broken.