Harry Ohrn
It's a matter of semantics Kath. A CD-R drive is not the same as a CD-Rom
drive. CD-R (only) drives were first-generation CD-R writers like the Yamaha
CDR 100. They could not read or write to CD-R/W media they only accepted
CD-R media. They were eventually fazed out. I think that Tom meant that if a
system came with a CD-R (only) drive it would likely be so old that it would
have trouble running XP unless the system itself had been updated. Anyone
upgrading their system to a point where XP could run successfully would
likely have upgraded their CD writer long before that
drive. CD-R (only) drives were first-generation CD-R writers like the Yamaha
CDR 100. They could not read or write to CD-R/W media they only accepted
CD-R media. They were eventually fazed out. I think that Tom meant that if a
system came with a CD-R (only) drive it would likely be so old that it would
have trouble running XP unless the system itself had been updated. Anyone
upgrading their system to a point where XP could run successfully would
likely have upgraded their CD writer long before that