Build my own case


New Cruncher
Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
So after reading the "dream PC case" thread i have decided to have a go at building my own case.

As i said i have 1 week off at the end of the month so plan to do it then.

Any suggestions, do's and don'ts are greatly appreciated.

I think i will use some sort of wood, with a metal base (as suggested by Abarbarian).

I think it will copy a media centre type case

I am quite competent with wood making and should have access to a variety of tools.

thanks in advance.
Aye before during and after pics would be great.

An of course you might even get a PC Review award like mine. Though you might hope that it is in another category. Only reason I mentioned it is you might find a cheapy pop riveter a useful tool for altering and fixing the steel work. A further suggestion is if you use that method is to put a thin run of sealant between the two surfaces before riviting to cut out vibration noise. Of course welding would make that unecessary.

If you check out the pics in the gallery from me Transformation !!!!!! thread you can see what can be done with perspex and a grinder and pop riviter.

Good luck. Have fun.

Thanks for the suggestions and links guys, am drawing up some plans, so will post the final plan for advice and suggestion when its done.
Ok so i have decided to go with black Perspex for the case, as it will match my Black glass TV stand, here is a very basic and rough layout, it is not to size but did it on my lunch break so i didn't have long, feel free to comment.


  • PC Case Design2.webp
    PC Case Design2.webp
    6.3 KB · Views: 705
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