To expand on the workaround mentionned by CannedCorn, here is what I found:
In an attempt to find a workaround, I installed PDFCreator. This creates an
additional printer called "PDFCreator". Printing to it Excel sheets
containing embedded graphics produces good pdfs, as anyone would expect.
The good side effet is that as long as "PDFCreator" remains the selected
printer, the built-in command "Save as pdf" also produces good results. When
I revert to the standard printer and select "Save as pdf" again, the scaling
problem re-appears.
For those who like me need to embed the "save as pdf" command in a vba
script, which is easier than using the pdfcreator api, the process is:
- save the selected printer
- select printer "PDFCreator"
- save as pdf
- restore initial printer