Rod Speed
Recra said:Yeah, doing the external thing will have some it's own
quirks, but has some of it's own advantages too.
And some disadvantages too.
I picked up a USB2/Firewire PCI card yesterday. (The m/b onboard
USB was only USB1.) USB2 is giving a nice performance increase.
Firewire will be nice if I ever want to dump from my digital video
camera to that computer. I usually just dump to a laptop though.
Thing that is proving really great is the "portability". Went
around doing Ghost backups with the other computers.
You can do that with the drives on the lan too.
(Picked up a cheap copy of Ghost 2003
when I got the USB2/Firewire card.)
Its pretty poor for the drives on the lan,
True Image handles that much better.
The main use will be media files though. Been bringing my media
over from stuff already stored on other HDD's and from DVD's.
Already filled up ~60GB. Fills up quick. I plan on taking the drive
with me, with a laptop, on the road -- so will have all my media.
Thats the main areas where an external drive has real advantages.
Thanks for all the great info! Its been a great learning process.
No problem, thats what these technical newsgroups are for.