BORN IN THE 1930's 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's !!

Fights are sutpid at my school anyway. My area is a full of white kids who think they are black, but they only start fights in groups of 10+, and even then there is usually only one guy out of them prepared to even speak, let alone fight.

I've never had a proper fight. It was always 3 or 4 small kids who talk **** to you, but if you so much as look at them they are gone. Its stupid because I am 6'1, and they are 4'8, so clearly I am never going to hit them, but they will never hit me so it makes no sense.

Its not the drinking though. I mean, I drink down the pub and the like sometimes, parties and stuff, but I don't go around mugging people and smashing cars. I don't drink to get drunk though, so I guess that is the big difference.

Also, probably around 20 of my year spend most of their day smoking weed, but it isn't those ones that cause the trouble as they are usually to out of it to walk. Sad, but not dangerous to anyone else.

It's the lazy, racist, chavvy kid with a hard dad and a knife that causes the trouble.
A third of the kids i went to school with are now staying at Her Majesties Pleasure.
A few lost their heads to drugs.
Unfortunately, however, the only thing that's new about any of that is the involvement of lawyers. Bullying was just as rife when we were kids & teachers often just as helpless & they still had caning when I was at primary school. Kids who got caned whould bragg about it as some sort of proof of their macho-ness. One of the best teachers I ever had (I was lucky enough to have two really exceptional teachers over my school years) 'retired early' due to a nervous breakdown.
At school in Aussie I refused a fight when it was my 'ex'-best friend who challenged me. The entire class turned up to beat the sh*t out of me on my way home the next evening. No-one thought I was a coward, I was no angel myself. But I had broken the code you see. If someone challenged you you had to fight. Behind the bikesheds, after school. No option.
&, they may have started with BB guns, but the kids that shot John in the back at school when he was 14yo were using a 22. They didn't even know him, were just playing with their new toy. The teacher told them off... "you could've killed someone" John was left to pick himself up & go home. Where he got bollocked out for ruining his anorack & for all the blood soaking his clothes underneath. Judging by the position of the scar the bullet hit a rib & richocheted off. It would've broken the rib, but had it missed the rib it would've gone right through his lung. Asides from the telling off his parents did nothing. That's just the way it was after all. His father was a police officer.
I really could go on, & some of what I could put here would definitely be moderated out. But the fact is that kids, & teachers, were getting away with bullying, abuse, & 'protectionism' long before lawyers were involved & current 'molly coddling' policies were invented.

People have been saying that something must be done ever since it began to occur to people that maybe this sort of stuff wasn't ok.
The tragedy is that, so far, no one has been able to answer the question... what?
But, hopefully, they'll keep on trying.