Boot up speed (whos the fastest?)


Yank Upstart
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
how long does it take your computer to get to the login screen? also how can you make it faster?
it usually takes me about 54 sec... that seems a bit long.
Lol mine takes about .... 15-25 secs lol

To make it load up quicker you can ... (what i do)

Click on "Start" then go to "Run" In that type : prefetch and a folder will come up with lots of different files in it. Highlight them all and then just simply ... DELETE ! lol Empty rubbish bin and your done ! Cuts down nearly 50% on my load up time !

Try it then come back ! Should do wonders ! :D

Belloni said:
Lol mine takes about .... 15-25 secs lol

To make it load up quicker you can ... (what i do)

Click on "Start" then go to "Run" In that type : prefetch and a folder will come up with lots of different files in it. Highlight them all and then just simply ... DELETE ! lol Empty rubbish bin and your done ! Cuts down nearly 50% on my load up time !

Try it then come back ! Should do wonders ! :D



i just looked in that folder

theres lots of files in there!!!
dont want to delete them do might do some damage mate!!

what are these files?
The Prefetch folder is used by Windows XP to speed the boot process. Windows XP records information about each program that launches at boot and uses that information to boot faster the next time. Because multiple files might have the same name, it appends a "hash" of the file's location. That's the odd string of numbers and letters between the filename and the .pf extension.

This folder may accumulate useless junk, especially if you change your configuration a lot. There's no harm in emptying it. Simply delete all the files in that folder; Windows will rebuild it as needed.

this explains it
lol Yeah my computer had around the 100 mark of files i find that most pcs i do it on have that ...

It fills up quickly lol :P

It doesn't damage your computer. I can promise you that lol

I got it off the Microsoft site some time ago ... So it won't lol :P

There just files you don't need !!! haha

How many files you have on there ?!?!

Alf said:
how long does it take your computer to get to the login screen? also how can you make it faster?
it usually takes me about 54 sec... that seems a bit long.
Bootvis is a good program to help you boot faster by optimising your system

Customer research shows a frequently requested feature that users want from their PCs is fast system startup, whether from cold boot or when resuming from standby or hibernation. The Windows development team atMicrosoft has taken bold steps in making fast startup PCs a reality with the Microsoft® Windows® XP operating system

The design goals for Windows XP on a typical consumer PC are:

- Boot to a useable state in a total of 30 seconds
- Resume from Hibernate (S4) in a total of 20 seconds
- Resume from Standby (S3) in a total of 5 seconds

Boot and resume times are measured from the time the power switch is pressed to being able to start a program from a desktop shortcut.
Download it here
Me tryin that "Registry mechanic" thing out now lol

I just prefecth everytime before i turn my pc off :P



Problems found : 302 haha ! :P

Oh well
psd99 said:
108 mate!!!
Lol i find that's the average for when i do it on other people's pc. So don't worry !

You should see a BIG improvement in start up time ! I did !!!

More then 50% was cut off ! :P

Sorry Quad ...

"Please note that Bootvis.exe is not a tool that will improve boot/resume performance for end users. Contrary to some published reports, Bootvis.exe cannot reduce or alter a system's boot or resume performance. The boot optimization routines invoked by Bootvis.exe are built into Windows XP. These routines run automatically at pre-determined times as part of the normal operation of the operating system."

You won't find Bootvis to 'download' on any MS site. ;)

Simple things to do to improve boot time ...
Turn off/disable any 'welcome' sounds
Turn off/disable any 'spash' screens
Turn off/disable Networking, especially in a domain
Turn off/disable anything in your Start-up folder
Turn off/disable anything in your Taskbar
Turn off/disable your Firewall/AV program (NOT recommended)
Turn off/disable the operator

... you may then just save 5 sec. :D

If you're frequently using the same few applications over and over again, prefetching can greatly increase the apparent speed of a system. Rather than waiting for you to click an icon to start a program, and then loading all of the associated files, libraries, and pointers necessary to run the program, XP has all the components of your programs preloaded. When you click an icon to start the program, most of the hard work is already done.

The drawback to prefetching is that XP will prefetch a program even if you use it only once or twice. XP will retain a copy of a portion of it in the Prefetch folder. From there, it will prefetch the program, taking resources from your workstation even though you may have no intention of ever using the program again. If you have enough unused or little-used items prefetching, over time your system will actually run slower than if you never prefetched at all. This is especially evident on systems with limited resources.

Sytems with 512 RAM will handle any 'prefetching' XP does ... however, a system with 128 RAM will suffer, and over time prefetching will slow your system down.

Modifying and disabling Prefetch settings
As with most Windows XP-related things, you can change the way that Prefetch behaves by making a change in the registry. For low-memory systems, you can even completely disable the feature, which ensures that every last byte of RAM goes toward running current programs, not the ones XP guesses you'll need next.

To change the registry settings for prefetching, start the Registry Editor by selecting Run from the Start menu, typing regedit in the Open text box, and clicking OK. When the Registry Editor window opens, navigate through the left pane until you get to this hive:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters

In the right pane, look for the key named EnablePrefetcher. The value of this key represents how prefetch works on your system. Values you can choose from include:

0. Disable
1. Application Launch Prefetch
2. Boot Prefetch
3. Prefetch everything

To change the value, double-click it. You'll then see the Edit DWORD Value screen. Enter the value representing the level of prefetching you want in the Value Data field.

Enjoy! :thumb:
Oddly enough there was nothing in the Prefetch folder, not one file! but with Mucks suggestion ive cut down my boot time to about 35 seconds!
muckshifter said:
Sorry Quad ...
Why should you say sorry, its Major Geeks who I trusted with the info and hence posted. On the other hand I am glad I did as it made you post the message with some very useful info :D
32 seconds from "turn on" to the welcome screen :)

A laptop I was using last week would boot in about 8 seconds using the hibernate/resume feature - that was a very nice surprise!
138 here

deleted them i think it may have made a little difference but only when windows in actually on the screen ie when the norton antivirus thing comes up and that!!!

If you got money to burn, but 2 raptors in RAID 0... Someone mentioned a startup time of 8 seconds. I`m guessing thats POST-> desktop, not power button-> desktop.

The prefetch idea sounds much better value for money :-p
37/38 deconds power-> timer disappears beside the arrow on the desktop. Emptying the prefetch made no difference. Ah well. Seems pretty quick to respond so I cant complain either way :)

The raptor idea was a joke BTW. I like to think the ppl on here have more sense than that :)
Modifying and disabling Prefetch settings
As with most Windows XP-related things, you can change the way that Prefetch behaves by making a change in the registry. For low-memory systems, you can even completely disable the feature, which ensures that every last byte of RAM goes toward running current programs, not the ones XP guesses you'll need next.

To change the registry settings for prefetching, start the Registry Editor by selecting Run from the Start menu, typing regedit in the Open text box, and clicking OK. When the Registry Editor window opens, navigate through the left pane until you get to this hive:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters

In the right pane, look for the key named EnablePrefetcher. The value of this key represents how prefetch works on your system. Values you can choose from include:

0. Disable
1. Application Launch Prefetch
2. Boot Prefetch
3. Prefetch everything

To change the value, double-click it. You'll then see the Edit DWORD Value screen. Enter the value representing the level of prefetching you want in the Value Data field.

ok degrees 0 and 3 are pretty clear. but what are 1 and 2 ?
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