Boot timing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill P
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Using win XP home sp3.
Is there an app that will time how long it takes for a machine to boot up.
Regards Bill
You've gotten some good suggestions here.

I've been using PC's since 1983 and have never had the need or desire to
determine the exact boot time of my machine. If I think it's getting
slow I look at ways to speed it up, such as removing unneeded startup

SC Tom said:
Bootvis gave me a BSOD with a 0x0000007E error on XP Home
SP3. It also set sfsync02 and sfsync03 errors in the event
log. AFAIK, my system is not "afflicted" in any way. I had
to boot into safe mode, then delete Bootvis from the
Startup folder. I then booted normally and uninstalled it.
But then when I cold booted the next day, I got the same
BSOD. After doing a system restore to the time right before
the initial installation, all is well. I have no Starforce protected
games on my system, and made
a point over the years of never installing one that
required it after reading about all the bad things that may
happen with it. Obviously, from what I've read, it doesn't
play well with Windows all the time. I have used Bootvis in the past, but
never with SP3. I
don't have a problem with my boot time, but was curious as
to what it would show after following this thread. Guess I
found out, ha ha!

Yeah, I found out the hard way too but it was easier on me than you - that
sucked! I think the problem is that since it hasn't been updated in so many
years SP3 was just the final straw for it working.
Some have claimed since SP3 came out that it's an "unclean" machine
that's the cause of it, but I tend to dispute that and no one has ever
described the mechanism that causes it. I've run it on virgin installs and
old installs with the same results each time. I do agree it might have to do
with hardware or installed programs though; you never know. This particular
machine I have is a win 7 machine downgraded to XP by the mfr for me.
I do admit that this is the first time I've heard of it causing damage
though. A BSod is damage IMO.

Thanks for confirming; always interested in such things.


Billns said:
You've gotten some good suggestions here.

I've been using PC's since 1983 and have never had the need
or desire to determine the exact boot time of my machine.
If I think it's getting slow I look at ways to speed it up,
such as removing unneeded startup programs.


Nothing wrong with that; I'd imagine most people are like you in fact. I
repair computers though and a program like that is often the fastest way to
see what's loading up when they boot. it can help a lot too when you have a
perfectly running machine but an extremely long boot time; it'll expose
who's taking all the time pretty quickly (or not) and eliminates a lot of
things as possibilities right off the bat.


Twayne said:

Yeah, I found out the hard way too but it was easier on me than you - that
sucked! I think the problem is that since it hasn't been updated in so
many years SP3 was just the final straw for it working.
Some have claimed since SP3 came out that it's an "unclean" machine
that's the cause of it, but I tend to dispute that and no one has ever
described the mechanism that causes it. I've run it on virgin installs and
old installs with the same results each time. I do agree it might have to
do with hardware or installed programs though; you never know. This
particular machine I have is a win 7 machine downgraded to XP by the mfr
for me.
I do admit that this is the first time I've heard of it causing damage
though. A BSod is damage IMO.

Thanks for confirming; always interested in such things.


I was more surprised at the BSOD than anything else; I hadn't had or seen
one in at least two years. Since I image my drive regularly, I was too
worried about it. I figured the worst that could happen would be I'd loose
four or five days stuff (none of which is all that important) if the system
restore didn't work. Since SR did work, I only lost about 20 minutes of up
time. I still think it was a good experiment, even if the outcome wasn't
what I wanted :-)
SC Tom said:
I was more surprised at the BSOD than anything else; I
hadn't had or seen one in at least two years. Since I image
my drive regularly, I was too worried about it. I figured
the worst that could happen would be I'd loose four or five
days stuff (none of which is all that important) if the
system restore didn't work. Since SR did work, I only lost
about 20 minutes of up time. I still think it was a good
experiment, even if the outcome wasn't what I wanted :-)

Hmm, good to know; thanks. BS was news to me until this thread. Thanks for


Hmm, good to know; thanks. BS was news to me until this thread. Thanks for



Well, hell. I just ran Bootvis again with no problems.

Malfunctioning computers tremble in my presence.

What is wrong with yous guys ;).
Jose said:
Well, hell. I just ran Bootvis again with no problems.

Malfunctioning computers tremble in my presence.

What is wrong with yous guys ;).
I ain't know, but I don't think I'll try it again, if you don't mind ;-)