Boot timing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill P
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Bill P

Using win XP home sp3.
Is there an app that will time how long it takes for a machine to boot up.
Regards Bill
Bill said:
No Good. How do you know when to stop the watch . SA

I stop it when the little Internet screens appear in the systray. I
doubt an app in Windows will be able to time what happens before Windows
On my machine that is not the end of the boot.

Alias said:
Bill said:
No Good. How do you know when to stop the watch . SA

I stop it when the little Internet screens appear in the systray. I doubt
an app in Windows will be able to time what happens before Windows loads.
That implies that you *do* know when the "end of the boot" occurs. So it
is at that precise moment you stop the watch. :-)

Here's the deal: Once Windows is finished loading, any number of other
things might happen that use CPU cycles. For instance, your AV program
might be downloading automatic updates (or might even scan your entire
hard drive if that is how it is configured!).

So, what precisely do you want to know? You could always bring up Task
Manager or Process Explorer if you want to see at what point "things
settle down."
No, I don't know when the end of the boot occurs. I do know that things are
still loading after the icons appear in the systray.
It would be nice to know the time it takes for everything to load so that
any changes to the system can be monitored. I read some time ago that there
was an app that loaded an icon on your desktop at the very end of boot but I
have forgotten what it was and how it was applied.
Bill, there are a couple of "Time" settings in XP that may be of help.
Try this: Right click My Computer>click Properties>click Advanced
tab>Startup and Recovery click Settings>System startup>Set them where you
want them
Bill P said:
Using win XP home sp3.
Is there an app that will time how long it takes for a
machine to boot up. Regards Bill

I've never found anything to rival bootvis but I can give you a head-up.
Bootvis, at least in all the people I know who tried it, including myself,
have found it won't work in SP3. Remember, it hasn't had any support in a
long, long time.
Bill P said:
Using win XP home sp3.
Is there an app that will time how long it takes for a
machine to boot up. Regards Bill

I don't know of any that will give you the detail that bootvis used to give.
Google, however, will turn up a bunch of them:

It'd probably be worth a trip through the "forge" groups to see what they
have in addition to what Google finds.


Hi Alias,

I can recommend few steps.

1. First go to Task bar and check if any process is taking high CPU consumption.
2. If you suspect or if its recognizeable please try to stop the process and check
3. Try to download Ccleaner 3.X version and try to run
4. Also try scan with antivirus scan at boot process like AVAST Home. Freeware
5. Try Enable pagefile clearing at shutdown so this can reduce boot and startup time to do so please follow this

Run – Regedit- HKEY_Local_MACHINE- system – currentcontrolset – control- session manager – click on Memory management - Rightclick on clearpagefileonshutdown - click on modify - setvalue to "0"


Please reply at your convenience. :)
Thanks Twayne. I tried Bootvis but it did nothing for my setup (XP SP3)


Bootvis works fine in SP3 unless your system is afflicted in some way
that prevents it from working.

If Bootvis doesn't work, you need to better define what "doesn't work"
means. I just ran Bootvis on my XP Pro SP3 and it works fine.

Another popular and revealing tool is Bootlog XP from Greatis:

If you want to do a good job of figuring out timings and if
adjustments you make have some influence (in any direction), you need
to come up with something a little more scientific that looking at the
icons and deciding when you think Windows thinks it is "ready".
Remove subjective opinions and unmeasurable things from your analysis
completely. There should be no guessing about anything ever. You
need to know with 100% certainty when the boot cycle is complete with
tenth of a second granularity to be able to see if your adjustments
are helping or hurting things.

If you are getting paid or laid to fix some system that is slow to
boot, you need to be able to say: Before I started, it took exactly
this long to boot and now when I am done, it takes exactly this long
and here is what I did. You can see here after my repeatable tests
and mesurements that things have improved by this amount of time (down
to the tenth of a second).

Then it is easy to justify your $1 a second fee for speeding up
somebody's configuration issues because you can measure it exactly,
give a printed report, etc. Not bad for a usually 30 second system
analysis and "fix" of the slow boot phenomenon.

You could follow the "try a clean boot state and see if your system
boot faster" advice. Well, of course it will boot faster, but what do
you do next? You could also try to "check msconfig for things,
culprits and suspicious items and disabling them" or "try fiddling
with some things".

If you want to get smart about what happens when your system boots,
read this article:

Stop guessing and just trying things that might work maybe and start
measuring and you will have better results.

"If you want to get smart about what happens when your system boots,
read this article:

Stop guessing and just trying things that might work maybe and start
measuring and you will have better results.

Thanks Jose I will check out the article. I did start another thread
regarding hibernating rather than shutting down and that is what I am doing
at the moment. The resume time from hibernation is incredibly fast.
Regards Bill

"If you want to get smart about what happens when your system boots,
read this article:

Stop guessing and just trying things that might work maybe and start
measuring and you will have better results.

Thanks Jose I will check out the article. I did start another thread
regarding hibernating rather than shutting down and that is what I am doing
at the moment. The resume time from hibernation is incredibly fast.
Regards Bill

I have turned into a chronic hibernator as well. It always had a bad
rap with me for some reason but I have zero problems with it and use
it all the time. One thing about hibernate I did not know was that if
you power up from hibernation and don't "do" anything, by default XP
will resume hibernation by itself in exactly 300 seconds (5 minutes).
There is also a definition for doing something. I could not figure
out why when I powered up after hibernate and came back later a few
minutes later, my machine had turned itself off...

Add a fourth Hibernate button to your Turn Off Computer options as
well (Hibernate, Stand By, Turn Off, Restart). One less key stroke
for me!

Try the Bootlog XP tool too! If Bootvis won't run, fix things so it
does. It will show you may things that start up h ow long they take,
etc. when you boot and some research will show you that you don't need
many of them - at all. Then you can remove them from your startup
items. This invalidates the trial and error advice you may also read
Try the Bootlog XP tool too! If Bootvis won't run, fix
things so it does. It will show you may things that start
up h ow long they take, etc. when you boot and some
research will show you that you don't need many of them -
at all. Then you can remove them from your startup items.
This invalidates the trial and error advice you may also
read about.

Hmm, thanks Jose, for the Bootlog XP tool hint; if it does what it says it
does, that's going to be what I've been looking for for a long time.

InJose <[email protected]> typed:

Hmm, thanks Jose, for the Bootlog XP tool hint; if it does what it says it
does, that's going to be what I've been looking for for a long time.


What have you discovered, Twayne?

If Bootlog XP is not what you are looking for, describe what it does
not do and your requirements/needs - I may have other things up my

Are you able to run Bootvis as well?
Jose said:
What have you discovered, Twayne?

Actually, I like it. It's not as easy to read as bootvis; seems like less
detail where I could zoom way in to a time period and fill screen width with
it to add detail. But, beggers can't be choosers! I can sure live with it!
If Bootlog XP is not what you are looking for, describe
what it does not do and your requirements/needs - I may
have other things up my sleeve.

Ideally, I'd like to see what the actual activity is on the cpu but that's
more a wish than a need. e.g. A service/program that takes 30 S to get
loaded didn't actually get 100% of the cpu time for 30S because the cpu was
off "chunking" pieces of other programs at the same time it was doing that
one 30S load.

I believe boot Log is capable of what I wanted; see who starts/stops when,
Are you able to run Bootvis as well?

No, not since I've installed SP3. It doesn't trash or freeze anything but
its own data, but it fails to complete the tasks. I've seen a couple of
machines where it worked with SP3, one of them a Dell, but for the most part
all reports seem to indicate it just falls down with SP3. It was OK back as
SP2. So in all, I've tested bootvis on an SP1/2 machine upped to SP3 and
this Dell with SP3 on the original XP disk with same results each time. I
tried McIntyre's version too, supposedly an updated bootvis version, but no
such luck.

This is a relatively new Dell T3400 P4/4Gig RAM downgraded from wiin7 to
XP Pro Workstation machine and I have had the "pleasure" of manually
building the OS twice: Once as soon as it arrived to get rid of all the junk
and be sure I had all the discs I needed, and again later when I discovered
my images were infected several dates back so rather than trust an image I
rebuilt it manually again and tossed out the images and started over again.
Have never installed the win7 discs so know nothing there. Someday I'll dual
boot it.

HTH, & thanks again,

Jose said:
Bootvis works fine in SP3 unless your system is afflicted in some way
that prevents it from working.

If Bootvis doesn't work, you need to better define what "doesn't work"
means. I just ran Bootvis on my XP Pro SP3 and it works fine.

Another popular and revealing tool is Bootlog XP from Greatis:

If you want to do a good job of figuring out timings and if
adjustments you make have some influence (in any direction), you need
to come up with something a little more scientific that looking at the
icons and deciding when you think Windows thinks it is "ready".
Remove subjective opinions and unmeasurable things from your analysis
completely. There should be no guessing about anything ever. You
need to know with 100% certainty when the boot cycle is complete with
tenth of a second granularity to be able to see if your adjustments
are helping or hurting things.

If you are getting paid or laid to fix some system that is slow to
boot, you need to be able to say: Before I started, it took exactly
this long to boot and now when I am done, it takes exactly this long
and here is what I did. You can see here after my repeatable tests
and mesurements that things have improved by this amount of time (down
to the tenth of a second).

Then it is easy to justify your $1 a second fee for speeding up
somebody's configuration issues because you can measure it exactly,
give a printed report, etc. Not bad for a usually 30 second system
analysis and "fix" of the slow boot phenomenon.

You could follow the "try a clean boot state and see if your system
boot faster" advice. Well, of course it will boot faster, but what do
you do next? You could also try to "check msconfig for things,
culprits and suspicious items and disabling them" or "try fiddling
with some things".

If you want to get smart about what happens when your system boots,
read this article:

Stop guessing and just trying things that might work maybe and start
measuring and you will have better results.

Bootvis gave me a BSOD with a 0x0000007E error on XP Home SP3. It also set
sfsync02 and sfsync03 errors in the event log. AFAIK, my system is not
"afflicted" in any way. I had to boot into safe mode, then delete Bootvis
from the Startup folder. I then booted normally and uninstalled it. But then
when I cold booted the next day, I got the same BSOD. After doing a system
restore to the time right before the initial installation, all is well.
I have no Starforce protected games on my system, and made a point over the
years of never installing one that required it after reading about all the
bad things that may happen with it. Obviously, from what I've read, it
doesn't play well with Windows all the time.
I have used Bootvis in the past, but never with SP3. I don't have a problem
with my boot time, but was curious as to what it would show after following
this thread. Guess I found out, ha ha!