Bonfire Night

I was born in Birkenhead, which is where my Dad came from.

John will know that place. I have relatives in The Wirral ;)
floppybootstomp said:
I was born in Birkenhead, which is where my Dad came from.

John will know that place. I have relatives in The Wirral ;)

Cool! Yes, John talks about Birkenhead. I believe he lived there for a while altho I would have to ask him to be sure. I'm still learning Mersey geography I'm afraid. He usually says he came from Wallasey but I gather they moved a couple of times while he was growing up. I know he went to school in Moreton for a while, at a school he calls "Moreton sausage makers"(?) He told me it's real name once but that was the one that stuck in my head. From the way he describes the place the name seems apt. Production line schooling where education was a low priority.
I love hearing him tell stories about his childhood though. Although sometimes he will tell the most horrific things as if they're just funny stories. Like almost every scouser I've met he has very mixed feelings about Liverpool. He describes it as being dirty, grey & ugly, very industrial, often lethal, and with large, empty, bombed out areas. But he is also unswervingly loyal to the place & very proud of being scouse.
He left there over 20 years ago now & things are very different to when he lived there. When he sees pictures of Liverpool & the Wirral he sez they've cleaned & tidied it up so that he hardly recognises the place. I've asked him to take me there if we ever manage get over to Britain but he's very ambivalent about wether he wants to go back or not.
Whoops, John phoned me while I was posting the above & apparently he didn't live in Birkenhead, it's where his (ex)wife came from.
He did say he wouldn't mind having a good chat with you sometime though flops. Someone else who remembers 'old Liverpool' :D. He sez his Dad was a Parks police officer in central park up Liscard way. Apparently his dad had the keys to the Bidston hill observatory & windmill (he said you'd know them) & He used to play there as a kid.
I know John used to work for Parks & gardens & I believe that was up Liscard as well. He also said he worked at Flabrick (my spelling sorry) cemetry as well, did some restoration work on the church. Said something about it being up by Tamoshanty's (sp?) cottage or something? Said you'd know where. I'm afraid he left me behind in the conversation a long time earlier so I might have some stuff mixed up. He said quite a bit more than that as well but it's all leaked out my ears. When he gets excited about something his accent gets much stronger & he talks very fast. I remember when I first met him I would understand about one word in three when he was hyper, and John is definitely someone who lives life on fast forrward. I got very good at nodding & making listening noises. Now I hardly hear his accent but trying to relay information at John's top speed is a bit beyond me. I told him that I didn't think you lived there anymore but he sez it doesn't matter, if you're from the Wirral it's in your blood, you can't get it out:D.
Well unfortunately Cirianz, I was only three months old when I left, don't really remember too much about it ;)

I've been back there a few times though and yes, it has changed - a lot. Possibly even for the better.

I can remember when I was about 3 years old visiting my Grandfather, who died shortly after. Also stayed one night just outside of Liverpool, was with a friend who was driving his lorry there. We met these guys, they took us to their local all evening and one of them put us up for the night and we drove back in the morning.

Friendly peeps, from my experience :)
Lemme see, you musta been born in 1944 by my reckoning.
That was easy to work out, as I was 61 last week and a birthday post you replied to! Thanks;)

Dad Been born in, say, 1924,

1906 not far out.:D

You gotta have faith in human nature:thumb:

I do! And events such as [Walking home from pub a few months ago,]

Have happened to me!:)
If I have upset anyone please accept my apologies!!! as I had no intentions of doing so:)
christopherpostill said:
Went to Sarah (Tango's) shindig... took loads of fireworks.

Had one of those H U G E rockets.... you know... about as tall as a person. Told my mate, who happened to be the only sober one as was driving, to set one up. In all his wisdom he hammered this thing into the ground and lit it. Forgot the launching tube. Idiot.

We were 10 meters away from it, max... probably 5. We watched in horror as this thing did NOT fly into the air... we then all hit the deck hoping we would escape with our lives... we did... just

It was about the funniest thing i have ever seen though...

As I'm still convalescing at home, we didn't make it out anywhere but fortunately we live looking across the Thames into Kent, and there were plenty going off across there, as there has been since October and no doubt will continue to do so till December! Decent spectacle though.
ukJAG said:

As I'm still convalescing at home, we didn't make it out anywhere but fortunately we live looking across the Thames into Kent, and there were plenty going off across there, as there has been since October and no doubt will continue to do so till December! Decent spectacle though.

That was me waving at Gravesend Pier :D

You know, the one in the pink sweatshirt and the green hair :eek:
itsme said:

If I have upset anyone please accept my apologies!!! as I had no intentions of doing so:)

Well, FWIW, you certainly haven't upset me, not at all.

As in real life, a Forum will represent many people with different points of view.

Vive le difference ;)

When I was younger I made myself a promise. I always noticed how older folks seemed to do nothing but moan and moan and go on about how good things once were.

I vowed I would never be like that. All it takes is a positive outlook.

I know there's a lot of bad stuff goes down, I know some things defy logic and make you wonder, I know some people really need shooting ;)

But for every bad thing that gains attention, there are a million good things passing by unnoticed :)

And that, I think, is quite enough philosophy from me for one day :)
itsme said:
If I have upset anyone please accept my apologies!!! as I had no intentions of doing so:)
:thumb: No problem on my front! Its good to have the chance to air issues and to see what others think:thumb: