Windows XP Blue Screen

I've been thinking about this though and if it isn't a mechanical reason you're having problems then it's very likely a software one.

You may have cleared the OS of malware and viruses but whilst they paid tyou a visit they may have corrupted Windows and the more I think about it the more likely that seems.

I could be wrong of course :)

However, how much bother would it be to do a fresh install of Win XP? Or even lash out £75.00 on a copy of Win 7?

Back in the day, optical drives were the first thing to indicate you had a virus. If you can boot an OS CD, the drive works and your problem is with Windows. If you have had viral infection on a reasonable scale, it would be advised to just reformat. It will save you time and aggravation.

Once a fresh install is done, configure Windows for performance and test your games again.

After any virus infection, I prefer to wipe the drive and start over. If you configure your system properly, using a smaller OS drive with larger data drives for all your stuff, then wiping and starting over is a minimal chore. There are ways to create Windows install CDs that will automate the entire installation and allow you to get back to where you were in an hour or so.

I would thoroughlly explore this avenue. Especially if you play games. If you have computer skills to play games, usually, you have skills to get copies that are not exactly legitimate. You will get a virus this way, at some point, guaranteed.

Just my twelve cents.
Hi, When system starts hanging on Blue screen while playing games or surfing internet it means hard disk has certain issues. Try to find out where the problem is? As certain times system starts hanging on blue screen due to overheating and that can be solved easily. But if hard disk has some issue, you need to take special care and first most step you need to take is to take out all the data back up by running the system in safemode.
Hi, When system starts hanging on Blue screen while playing games or surfing internet it means hard disk has certain issues. Try to find out where the problem is? As certain times system starts hanging on blue screen due to overheating and that can be solved easily. But if hard disk has some issue, you need to take special care and first most step you need to take is to take out all the data back up by running the system in safemode.

Hello :)

'Hard disk issue' is but one cause of a BSOD, just so's we're clear on that.