BSOD = Blue Screen Of Death which is what I thought you were getting.
The BIOS is accessed as the computer starts usually by hitting the 'Del' key or sometimes the F2 key.
Once in there, don't mess with anything you're not sure about but look for something like 'Onboard Graphics' and make sure it's disabled. There will be instructions on how to navigate the BIOS, change things, save and exit within the BIOS screen.
If you had a trojan previously that could well be the cause,what antivirus software are you using? Whatever it is, do a full scan then download and run Malwarebytes (it's a freebie) and see if it catches anything.
Most games won't run without the CD unless you use Steam or one of those naughty 'No CD Cracks' which is very well where you may have picked the Trojan up from.
File sharing sites such as Frostwire are also prime contenders for nasties.
For now, scan for viruses and malware.