snip (my service will not allow your non-proper line lengths, so I haveYes, your original has a potentially serious problem.
to snip 'em. (but I still have them)
Wow, that is a lot of code. Thanks for that.
And Excel will not author nor incorporate any proper embedded baseline
function update for this?
Or is this the "our year starts on" and "their year starts on..." thing
that messes up 'week-of-year' counts?
One would think there would be a date handling engine within office on
the whole that the user or group sets up according to their needs,
region, etc.
Without custom coding constantly.
That, or we should be able to put functions up on the ribbon, and NOT
have a workbook be explicitly referred to as having a 'macro' within it.
OR, the person would have to DL and ADD those components before that
workbook would properly function.
This has to do with international differences doesn't it?
How sad that we get handcuffed because the source code would
inordinately bloat if they put in stronger date handling routines and
selections for us.
EA games makes reality happen on the screen in front of you, and they
don't charge several hundred dollars a copy for it, and then charge for
'support' as well.
With all the money MS has they could incorporate a better date handling
So much for my rant.
Thanks for the code segments and deep lesson in just how much was left
OUT of the base office package.
Does the "Access" database allow one better date handling?
How can this be such an overlooked segment of modern office computing
after all these years?
You MS guys are lagging. AND passing the buck off onto not previously
needed but now needed script programmers.
So we should say "Thanks for the office automation products...", and
"Get on the stick with making them right, dag nabbit!".