Big Brother! What is going on?!

Dear Chris

Right!! Do you think she will get on with the others...I didn't know they had any toys (sic) in the house, I wonder if BB knows about that one?

Have u finished yr exams yet - they must be about done till late August...bliss!!

Are you having a prom to finish Y11?

Gabriella xx
Right!! Do you think she will get on with the others...I didn't know they had any toys (sic) in the house, I wonder if BB knows about that one?

well if he/she/it/they did not, they do now!

Have u finished yr exams yet - they must be about done till late August...bliss!!

finished exams on friday!!! love it! dont start college until september 14th!

Are you having a prom to finish Y11?

had the "prom" on the day we officially "left" school (only had to go back for exams). It was a leavers dinner actually. Went to a posh hotel (happened to be opposite the school) and had a 3 course meal then sat outside for a bit. on the way to this hotel in our limo, we had the driver stop off at tescos so my mate Dan could get some Polos!

At the after party (sleep over in the loacl cricket field) my tent got jumped on and obliterated and then my phone stolen the next morning. not the best time i teacher turned up for a beer though!!
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Dear Chris

What a very large message!!

Nadia's female form is looking large 2nite in the diary room - Nadia and Marco look they might be up 4 eviction this week.............

Sorry to hear about your after prom experience.......

Are u chilling till September then?

July and August are looking good 4 weather.....

Gabriella xx
Breaking news...either Nadia fancies Victor or wants to kill him.....mmm......

What is he nibbling on all the time - looks like a lolly stick.....

Gabriella xx
becki needs to kiss her nominated housemate on cheeks..wonder who...she has 15 mins to make her selection.......that person to face public vote on Friday.......Michelle...OOOOH......
2nite on BB Michelle has had a freak out about being nominated for eviction and is threatening to walk!! Tensions are very high.......Poor old Ahmed is getting some stick....

Gabriella xx
Dear Chris

I am going out 2nite so can you let me know what happens on BB later...evictions etc.........

Kind regards

Gabriella x
Argh! just realised this post got loads of messages! sorry!

nope not chilling as such - have a friend from Kansas coming to stay for 3 or 4 weeks from the 22nd so about touring the country with him!

I think Ahmed is a pretty cool will be between him and Shell to win it i think!

if i can watch BB tonight then i will let you know what happened.

Dear Chris

Thanx for letting me know who's out - will have to catch up 2moro or Sunday nite.

Gabriella x
shoulda seen his face when he found out that nadia was a few inches lighter than she was a few years ago ;) one of them classic moments!