BEWARE: Operator run charge-to-bill SCAM affecting 3G/4G browsing on Friday nights

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My Raspberry Pi has finally been set up and is functioning wonderfully as an IPsec VPN! This should stop any future PayforIT scams from taking place. For those who want some guidance on how this works, I'm using No-IP, a free dynamic DNS provider, and the strongSwan IPsec VPN server software, which is free and open-source. This setup is working flawlessly with BlackBerry 10's native IPsec VPN support, as long as the relevant certificates are issued.


First off, we'll start with the obligatory VPN speed test!

IMG_20160906_004023.webp IMG_20160905_235819.webp

9Mb/s download and nearly 2Mb/s upload, this should be more than good enough for me. Web browsing should work flawlessly through my Raspberry Pi VPN, even streaming media should be easily possible at these speeds.

Next, I chose to risk my phone bill, and surfed to websites which I know can (and do) charge users through PayforIT. All this just for you lot! :cheers:

IMG_20160905_233522.webp IMG_20160905_233646.webp

TAPVIDS were no longer able to automatically subscribe my phone number to their service, and requested that I manually enter my phone number in. Hah, fat chance!
The second website (which will not be named) is known to automatically subscribe users to their service, without the user's consent. This also didn't work via my VPN, it failed with an "Access Forbidden" message.

This conclusively shows that the use of a VPN can prevent the PayforIT service from making charges to your phone bill.
It's not infallible though, because if the VPN tunnel is dropped (e.g. due to signal loss), my Z10 will not be able to reconnect to the VPN for about two minutes. If the VPN tunnel is disconnected cleanly, this doesn't happen and it can be reconnected immediately.
Unfortunately I too have been scammed tonight (Friday) into this tapvids subscription via a WordPress site called *****. Everything Jack Sparrow has described about how the scam works has matched my experience and I am understandably annoyed!

Not looking forward to the merry-go-round Jack has described here in his efforts to stop this subscription & get a refund.

The scam seems to be shifting around under various identities now, so beware!
I'm sorry to hear that it's hit you too. By the way, welcome to the forums.

The mods have removed your link because the website involved appears to be linking free movie streams, which is unethical. I checked the site out anyway, to see if there are any PayforIT or related scams on the site.

The first thing I'd like you to do is to call your network operator. They should be able to speak to txtNation on your behalf, and get the subscription services cancelled. Out of interest, who is your network operator?

Next, launch a complaint against TAPVIDS/txtNation with PhonepayPlus. The more complaints they get about this, the better!

Then, keep hassling your network operator. Don't give up, this scam preys on people who don't bother to chase these kinda things. It's going to be a bumpy road ahead, but you'll have to persevere.

I'm using a VPN to prevent any charges from taking place, and I can confirm that I was able to begin streaming a movie on the site mentioned. Obviously, I cannot say whether it was complete, as I'm not doing this to watch a movie, I'm doing this to test the site for scams. The VPN must be blocking adverts which is probably why I can't replicate what has happened to you. But then again, it isn't a Friday night either.

Video streaming appears to be functional, and it doesn't appear to contain any adverts but again, this could be due to the VPN filtering the adverts.

Don't judge me on this one (I already own the movie pictured on Blu-Ray) however, here is the site in action:

(Image is for informational purposes only. Please watch your movies ethically!)

Of course, I don't recommend that you visit this site on 3G/4G alone. Browse carefully! Keep us posted on your progress.
Hi guys, bump into this forum after receiving the "tapvids" message. This is a silly question but do I need to text "STOP" to that given number? Does it work? Please advise…
I would advise against texting "STOP" to the number indicated, because it did not work in my case, and you might still be charged for this.
And of course, when attempting to send STOP to 64055, I get "Unidentified subscriber". Did you really think it would be that easy?!

I'd call your network operator and ask if they can speak to txtNation on your behalf. If they agree, they should be able to get the subscription cancelled.
You should also complain to PhonepayPlus about TAPVIDS/txtNation if they've illegitimately subscribed you to their "services".

- Capt. Jack Sparrow.
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Hello all.
I have found this site because i did a search for tapvids scam.
I had been browsing the web on my chrome book using a mobile router with a 3 network data sim.
I am on a rolling month contract so can cancel anytime i choose.
Reason i did a search for tapvids was because i logged into my router and saw a message saying that i had subscribed to a service and will cost me £4.50 a week.
I have no idea how this has happened. The only thing i can think of is i had left my chrome book for a short while and i closed down the window and there was another window open behind that which i just thought was a pop up and closed it down without looking.

Just by chance i logged into my router to check some settings and say the message about tapvids.
My sim is a data only sim and i use it in my mobile router.
I have no phone with the 3 network so how can i send the tex STOP message?
I will try and call the phone number which was also in the message but as you guessed it this happened Friday night so cannot phone until Monday.
I am also worried about phoning the number in the message as clearly they are working a scam, cant see what good it will do as it would be like phoning a burglar who had just robbed my house asking for my stuff back.
I alway thought people how got scammed should know better but i really have no idea how this has happened.
I was not browsing any dodgy web site and never clicked on anything asking for money.
I have never heard of tapvids or seen any adds for it.

From reading this thread the only thing i can think of is it was a pop up so i just closed it down without reading it.
Do you think this could be possible.
Am really shocked about this. Its not the amount but how they have done it.
Just who is involved in this scam? are the mobile phone companies involved?
I am on a rolling month contract so i can just end the direct debit and i will do if THREE are involved in this scam.
Any advice would be most helpful and also if someone can explain how this has happened.
I do not browse the web clicking here there and everywhere.
Many thanks.
So we have three cases on the forums of this now, and all three are with the same network. (Three)

*Tin foil hat mode engage*
My Raspberry Pi has finally been set up and is functioning wonderfully as an IPsec VPN! This should stop any future PayforIT scams from taking place. For those who want some guidance on how this works, I'm using No-IP, a free dynamic DNS provider, and the strongSwan IPsec VPN server software, which is free and open-source. This setup is working flawlessly with BlackBerry 10's native IPsec VPN support, as long as the relevant certificates are issued.

View attachment 10087

First off, we'll start with the obligatory VPN speed test!

View attachment 10088 View attachment 10086

9Mb/s download and nearly 2Mb/s upload, this should be more than good enough for me. Web browsing should work flawlessly through my Raspberry Pi VPN, even streaming media should be easily possible at these speeds.

Next, I chose to risk my phone bill, and surfed to websites which I know can (and do) charge users through PayforIT. All this just for you lot! :cheers:

View attachment 10089 View attachment 10090

TAPVIDS were no longer able to automatically subscribe my phone number to their service, and requested that I manually enter my phone number in. Hah, fat chance!
The second website (which will not be named) is known to automatically subscribe users to their service, without the user's consent. This also didn't work via my VPN, it failed with an "Access Forbidden" message.

This conclusively shows that the use of a VPN can prevent the PayforIT service from making charges to your phone bill.
It's not infallible though, because if the VPN tunnel is dropped (e.g. due to signal loss), my Z10 will not be able to reconnect to the VPN for about two minutes. If the VPN tunnel is disconnected cleanly, this doesn't happen and it can be reconnected immediately.

I'm sorry to hear that it's hit you too. By the way, welcome to the forums.

The mods have removed your link because the website involved appears to be linking free movie streams, which is unethical. I checked the site out anyway, to see if there are any PayforIT or related scams on the site.

The first thing I'd like you to do is to call your network operator. They should be able to speak to txtNation on your behalf, and get the subscription services cancelled. Out of interest, who is your network operator?

Next, launch a complaint against TAPVIDS/txtNation with PhonepayPlus. The more complaints they get about this, the better!

Then, keep hassling your network operator. Don't give up, this scam preys on people who don't bother to chase these kinda things. It's going to be a bumpy road ahead, but you'll have to persevere.

I'm using a VPN to prevent any charges from taking place, and I can confirm that I was able to begin streaming a movie on the site mentioned. Obviously, I cannot say whether it was complete, as I'm not doing this to watch a movie, I'm doing this to test the site for scams. The VPN must be blocking adverts which is probably why I can't replicate what has happened to you. But then again, it isn't a Friday night either.

Video streaming appears to be functional, and it doesn't appear to contain any adverts but again, this could be due to the VPN filtering the adverts.

Don't judge me on this one (I already own the movie pictured on Blu-Ray) however, here is the site in action:

View attachment 10085
(Image is for informational purposes only. Please watch your movies ethically!)

Of course, I don't recommend that you visit this site on 3G/4G alone. Browse carefully! Keep us posted on your progress.

I would advise against texting "STOP" to the number indicated, because it did not work in my case, and you might still be charged for this.

I'd call your network operator and ask if they can speak to txtNation on your behalf. If they agree, they should be able to get the subscription cancelled.
You should also complain to PhonepayPlus about TAPVIDS/txtNation if they've illegitimately subscribed you to their "services".

- Capt. Jack Sparrow.

Hi thanks for your advice here. I contacted my mobile provider, Three, who explained they could not refund me the charge I had received due to it being from a 3rd-party. The Three customer assistant offered to call the Tapvids 'helpline' on my behalf to seek a resolution but following an unsuccessful attempt I was passed to the Tapvids 'helpline' assistant who explained that although they had now cancelled my subscription, they would need to escalate my refund request to another dept & they would contact me later, which I am still waiting for.

The Tapvids assistant spoke in extremely broken English, with the sound of a crying child in close proximity, from what sounded like a small room or hallway.

It was notable that the first Three assistant I spoke to told me that she recognised the Tapvids name from other customer complaints.

I've also logged this issue with phonepayplus. I'm pretty annoyed that Three also told me they could not block these types of charges on my account. If my bank can send me a txt to authorise any card charge that looks vaguely suspicious then surely UK mobile providers can add a layer of protection here?

I imagine that the pattern of Three customers being affected here can be at least partly attributed to their much more generous data tariffs.
Sorry to hear that this seems to be affecting an increasing number of people :(
Quick update on my case.
I rang three customer service and told them i had been scammed and they told me it was a 3rd party charge.
He was trying to get out of the charges but as i put it i had been robbed and as my robber had not yet got the money from three and that if three took money from me and gave it to the people who were trying to rob me then three would be guilty of the crime.
They did wipe the bill from my account but i think that was only because my bill is not due for 2 weeks and said they would block this from happening again on my account, not sure what that involves.
I will look into reporting this company on Monday.
Do you think it would be a good idea to call them on monday? I cannot send the stop tex as my sim is data only.
Another warning is this happened on my chromebook using google chrome so this really can happen to anyone and in most cases you would have no idea.
Just waiting until Monday now and to see if they try and charge me for another week.
Will post back Monday after reporting these scum.
I am on a rolling month contract so i can just end the direct debit and i will do if THREE are involved in this scam.
DON'T DO THIS, they damaged my credit rating, resulting in my credit card's limit being reduced by £250!
But anyway, on a lighter note, welcome to the forums. Thanks for getting involved here.
They did wipe the bill from my account but i think that was only because my bill is not due for 2 weeks and said they would block this from happening again on my account, not sure what that involves.
I will look into reporting this company on Monday.
Do you think it would be a good idea to call them on monday?
Can you clarify what you mean by "wipe the bill"? Did they cancel the charge for you? Also, Three are lying, they cannot prevent this from happening again. They told me the same thing and of course, it happened again anyway. I quote myself:
I called my operator, and requested that a £0.00 spending limit to be placed on my account in the hopes of preventing this from happening again. They confirmed that this has been successfully applied, and will be effective immediately. But this didn't seem to mean anything, because it happened again anyway, completely bypassing the £0.00 spending limit on my account. Only this time, I have been forcibly subscribed to a £4.50 per week service without my consent.

Calling txtNation on Monday is a good idea, they can cancel the subscription service on your behalf. If you're unsubscribed by 5PM on Monday, you won't be charged for another week. However, they will not refund you, instead they will claim that their "escalation department" will contact you to "discuss a refund". They probably don't even realize that you're using a mobile broadband SIM, so you'll need to leave them a number (which they won't call you back with).

Once you've got the subscription service cancelled, insist on dealing only with Three. First demand a refund, explaining the circumstances. When they refuse, ask to speak to the Customer Relations team, and raise a complaint on your account. Then, speak to the cancellations team, and give 30 days notice for the termination of your current plan (you can always withdraw this at anytime before the plan terminates). Don't forget to leave Three a phone number to call you back with. Finally, call PhonepayPlus and register your complaint against TAPVIDS. They should be getting a considerable amount of complaints about TAPVIDS, because the charges are unsolicited. Hopefully they will take action against them soon.

Over the following two weeks, they might call you back to discuss the circumstances, and why they can't refund these charges, it's all a load of baloney, don't believe a word of it. They might also call you with some "save me" offers, these are to try and keep you from leaving Three. Unfortunately, when they offered me these "save me" offers, they were actually more expensive than my current plan!

Don't give up, keep pestering Three, in my case, it worked out really well, they applied a credit of £5 to my account which covers the TAPVIDS charge. A few days after, I complained about an unrelated issue, they gave me a permanent discount of £1 on my account. More on that later.

Hi thanks for your advice here. I contacted my mobile provider, Three, who explained they could not refund me the charge I had received due to it being from a 3rd-party. The Three customer assistant offered to call the Tapvids 'helpline' on my behalf to seek a resolution but following an unsuccessful attempt I was passed to the Tapvids 'helpline' assistant who explained that although they had now cancelled my subscription, they would need to escalate my refund request to another dept & they would contact me later, which I am still waiting for.

The Tapvids assistant spoke in extremely broken English, with the sound of a crying child in close proximity, from what sounded like a small room or hallway.

It was notable that the first Three assistant I spoke to told me that she recognised the Tapvids name from other customer complaints.

I've also logged this issue with phonepayplus. I'm pretty annoyed that Three also told me they could not block these types of charges on my account. If my bank can send me a txt to authorise any card charge that looks vaguely suspicious then surely UK mobile providers can add a layer of protection here?

I imagine that the pattern of Three customers being affected here can be at least partly attributed to their much more generous data tariffs.
@Betamax77, thanks for getting back to us. Unfortunately, it looks like you're now stuck in the two-week chase between you, Three and txtNation. Prepare for an extremely bumpy ride.

I have my doubts about whether this "escalation department" actually exists. (If they exist), they will NEVER contact you. There's really no point continuing to deal with txtNation's customer service, the operators are rude and abusive and of course, they won't really help you anyway. You'll just be wasting your time.

You're probably right about Three customers being at a higher risk of being affected by this scam, because of their data-focused tariffs.

However, Three are also right in this case. Unfortunately, there is no way to block the PayforIT service on your account. Using a VPN is the only way that I have been able to completely prevent the PayforIT service from working. As I have already shown, when my phone is connected to the internet through the Raspberry Pi VPN, which I installed at my home, PayforIT cannot automatically charge my account. On my phone, this VPN is configured as an "always on" VPN.

Speaking of VPNs...
Check out these 4G speeds through my Raspberry Pi VPN! :D

4G speedtest.webp

Isn't she beautiful? Over 14Mb/s both ways!! :p I was a bit worried that our 70Mb/s download and 20Mb/s upload at home might bottleneck the VPN, but thankfully, it doesn't look like this is the case.

Unfortunately, using a VPN does come with a caveat, the Three app does not work when using my VPN. As I've configured the VPN on my phone via Mobile Device Management, it can't be simply turned off in my phone's settings. The reason I've chosen to use Mobile Device Management is because it allows you to configure an "always on" VPN. This means that if the connection to the VPN is lost (usually because the phone lost signal), the phone will automatically reconnect to it when it becomes available again. If I had configured the VPN in the phone's settings, I would have to manually reconnect to the VPN everytime the connection is lost.

When I spoke to Three, they informed me that the Three app uses your 3G/4G IP address (the same way that PayforIT does when charging to your mobile bill) to request your account information. A VPN will replace your 3G/4G IP address with its own external IP address. This prevents PayforIT from charging to your mobile bill, but it also prevents Three's own app from retrieving your account information. There wasn't anything that they could technically do at this time, so they applied a permanent £1 discount on my current plan. This brings my total monthly discount to £7. Not too bad, I guess Three really do care about their customers. Better be watching my bills! :user:

So we have three cases on the forums of this now, and all three are with the same network. (Three)
Google search for "payforit scam"...


Trust me, it can affect customers on any network.

Remember that Three is the ONLY UK network who provides unlimited data on their SIM and contract plans. Therefore, Three customers are more likely to access the web using mobile data, whereas customers on other networks are conscious about their data usage, so they will not use their mobile data often.

- Capt. Jack Sparrow
Hi Jack S,
When i was on the phone to 3 customer support they wiped the £4.50 from my account.
My plan is 1 month contract 10gb data only for £15 a month and it will roll over each month unless i cancel.
Before i called cs my bill was showing the £4.50 charge and as soon as i finished the call i refreshed the page and the charge has gone.
Thanks for the warning on credit rating, have been working on improving that.
Will make the call to tapvids and phonepayplus and will call action fraud on Monday.
So mad about this scam and how they are allowed to get away with it.

Have often read of scams and most times have thought the people scammed were plain stupid.
This Scam can and will catch many people out because you have not done anything except look at web pages.
I was lucky, i use my sim in a router so the only way to see the tex about the charge is to log into my router and just by luck i did that the same night. I have gone months without logging into my router or checking my bill but will keep a close eye on it from now.

Seems strange that the easy to spot scams that needs the victim to be a little naive are illegal but the impossible to spot ones are legal or appear to be legal and can involve some big companies.
Another strange thing is all this time and effort because of a £4.50 charge when i gave the takaway delivery driver a £4 tip last night.
Will post back about all the calls on Monday.
Trust me, it can affect customers on any network.

Remember that Three is the ONLY UK network who provides unlimited data on their SIM and contract plans. Therefore, Three customers are more likely to access the web using mobile data, whereas customers on other networks are conscious about their data usage, so they will not use their mobile data often.

Nice selective quote. I was only half serious.

Whist that is partly true, there are many out there who use mobile data all the time and that are not on 3. For example, I have a 16GB data limit with EE and never use WiFi outside of home or work as EE's 4G is almost always faster. Not to mention the security concerns of public WiFi, but thats another story.

Anyway. Good luck in sorting this guys. How you all get the outcome you want. :)

I received this message on Friday...:mad:

So I contacted three and they told me that they are not able to help!

- Using the info on this forum I contacted txtnation and used the Live chat and they said that they would escalate this to their 2nd line team who should be able to stop the services and will let me know within 24 hours.

I will give them a call on Monday too on the number 0118324433

Have you thought about using twitter to show and tell the poor service that you received from three?

Will keep you updated

any other recommendations
just received a text message from txtnation to confirm that my subscription has been cancelled so it appears i have managed to stop it but will confirm once I check my bill


  • Screenshot_2016-09-11-14-18-04.webp
    32.8 KB · Views: 301

I received this message on Friday...:mad:

So I contacted three and they told me that they are not able to help!

- Using the info on this forum I contacted txtnation and used the Live chat and they said that they would escalate this to their 2nd line team who should be able to stop the services and will let me know within 24 hours.

I will give them a call on Monday too on the number 0118324433

Have you thought about using twitter to show and tell the poor service that you received from three?

Will keep you updated

any other recommendations
Hi, yes I did call Three out on Twitter, but they didn't seem to care. I don't think social media departments actually have any real power to deal with these issues.

Three (and any other network operator) will read from the script and initially tell you that they can't help you "because it's a third-party charge", however if you throw your toys out of the pram, then they will get involved.

If you've been on a pay-monthly plan for a very long time, the most painful way that you can hurt your network operator is to simply request for your plan to be cancelled, and inform them that you're leaving. There is usually a 30 day notice period for this.

You don't actually have to go through with this, but I bet that your network operator will get involved in this case, because they don't want to lose you as a customer.
just received a text message from txtnation to confirm that my subscription has been cancelled so it appears i have managed to stop it but will confirm once I check my bill
Be aware that this message doesn't actually mean anything. I received this every time I spoke to txtNation's "customer service". I believe that this message is automatically sent to any phone number which calls their "customer service".

Call txtNation on Monday to confirm that your subscription services really have been cancelled, then only deal with your network operator for refunds. Although they say that they will call you within 3 working days, txtNation will never contact you to discuss a refund, you're gonna have to keep dealing with your operator to get a refund.

That's the sad reality of the situation. Good luck, and welcome to PC Review forums!

- Capt. Jack Sparrow.
I've already posted this on a BlackBerry specific forum. I can't link it as per forum rules, but if this saves even one person from getting scammed, then it was worth re-posting here.

Firstly, to be clear, this can affect any mobile data 3G/4G web browsing on any type of device. In this case, it happened to me on a BlackBerry Z10. It also has previously happened to me on an iPhone 4S. As far as I know, this does NOT affect browsing over Wi-Fi unless you're using a "Personal hostpot".

This is going to be a long post, so please read this carefully.

The scam works as follows:
A webpage which has ads inserted via an ad network could forcibly redirect to a webpage which immediately charges directly to your phone bill or debits your credit. Granted, most web ads and popups are harmless, but this kind of thing shouldn't be allowed to happen.

This scam is operated by the "big 4" UK networks: EE, Vodafone, O2 and Three. It is facilitated by a backend service called "PayForIt" (external link) which can charge directly to a user's phone bill or credit without any type of authorization.

When using PayForIt, a clear webpage should be shown informing the user that proceeding will result in a charge to the their phone bill. This should also clearly show the amount which will be charged. Scammers take advantage of this system by disguising the proceed button as another element such as an invisible button covering the whole page, so that clicking or tapping anywhere will result in a charge being made. All they have to do now is simply hide the PayForIt confirmation elements behind other webpage elements, so that they aren't visible.

However, as of recent, it seems that the crooks are now including Javascript code which will automatically simulate the victim clicking or tapping on the proceed button without any user intervention, causing victims to get charged, simply for landing on a maliciously crafted webpage. This usually happens on a Friday night, and I'll explain why later.

I have been duped by this scam. It has happened before, but that was only a one-off charge so I let it slide. I called my operator, and requested that a £0.00 spending limit to be placed on my account in the hopes of preventing this from happening again. They confirmed that this has been successfully applied, and will be effective immediately. But this didn't seem to mean anything, because it happened again anyway, completely bypassing the £0.00 spending limit on my account. Only this time, I have been forcibly subscribed to a £4.50 per week service without my consent.

View attachment 9942 View attachment 9943

Now I know that posting phone numbers is normally against the rules, but this is a company contact number, and I hope you'll grant me a one time exception so that I can name and shame the poor excuse of a company "TapVids" as well as my operator, Three.

The second screenshot shows that a £4.50 charge has indeed been made to my phone bill. And of course, when attempting to send STOP to 64055, I get "Unidentified subscriber". Did you really think it would be that easy?!

View attachment 9944

My first step is to halt Three's Direct Debit on my account. This will be effective on Monday. I will not pay any further bills until this matter is resolved to my satisfaction.

My next step is to contact the number shown on the text. The reason this usually happens on a Friday night is because their "customer services", as well as your operator's customer services are typically closed until Monday. This means that they can bill you AGAIN for next week before you have a chance to dispute it! Therefore, it results in each poor sucker getting billed a minimum of £9. I'll have to wait until Monday before calling that number and demanding a refund.

If I am unable to get a refund from this service, then I will inform my operator, and demand a refund from them. If I am still unable to get a refund from them, then I will tell them that I am leaving them at the end of the month (no contract) and will not be paying the final bill until this matter is resolved.

Finally, as a last resort, I will register a complaint to PhonepayPlus (external link), and prepare to take both Three and TapVids to the small claims court.
I'll probably register a complaint about TapVids to PhonepayPlus anyway purely for abusing the (let's face it, horrifically flawed) PayForIt system.

I checked out the shortcode number on PhonepayPlus.

View attachment 9945

Notice how this service has only been active for less than a month. Are these kinds of services set up and operated until PhonepayPlus closes them down (which probably doesn't take very long), and then a fresh one is set up? Additionally, it states that the service is currently operating.
Why doesn't the STOP shortcode work then?

This is so out of order, if I went to a supermarket, bought my goods and paid, then noticed items on the receipt which I had not bought, but still had paid for, I'd dispute it immediately and would most likely get a refund. Here, they're not making it easy.

----- THE NEXT DAY -----

People think I'm visiting "shady websites". What exactly constitutes a shady site? The website I was visiting was a technology news blog which I frequently visit on my PC (although we have a commercial web filtering proxy which is very good at blocking adverts). Again, I can't link the website in question as per forum rules.

On my BlackBerry, I scroll down the page, suddenly an advert fills the page and opens 3 additional popup windows. I quickly close them all, and 5 minutes later, I receive the text message shown at the top of this thread.

I've now installed the latest Firefox APK directly from Firefox, which seems to work, but does not run very well on my BlackBerry. I also installed the AdBlockPlus extension along with it. Hopefully this will reduce the chances of it happening again.

I called Three's customer services. They tried everything they could to get the charges cancelled, but were unable to do so. I have now given 30 days notice to terminate my plan with them. They were not happy about this, and offered to change my phone number. While this would stop any further charges from this specific service, it'll probably still happen again, but with a different fraudulant service. With this in mind, I declined and asked to leave the them. I also requested to initiate a formal complaint against them.

I will be calling TapVids on Monday in a three-way call with Three to demand a refund from them. Failing that then I will immediately terminate my operator's direct debit on my account, and only pay the final bill amount excluding the fraudulant charges. They can chase me for £4.50 - £9 if they like. They're not getting it.

Regardless of the outcome, I will also raise a formal complaint with PhonepayPlus, the regulator of UK premium phone services, and inform them that TapVids are abusing the PayForIt system.

My last resort is legal action aginst TapVids for billing me for a service which I didn't want, nor ask for, and also against Three for not providing adequate safeguards to stop this from happening, despite claiming that they would do so.

If anybody else here has been caught by this, please - DO NOT SUFFER IN SILENCE, fight these crooks, as well as your operator and share your experiences here.

- Capt. Jack Sparrow.

Hi Capt. Jack Sparrow,

#ThreeUK #TapVids #TapVid #mGage

#TxtNation #Scam #Complaints #TelephoneCharge

Three UK TapVids complaint:

What happened, was, I received a text saying:

" FreeMsg: Thank you for
subscribing to TAPVIDS for
£4.50 per week from TapVids
until you text STOP to 64055
HELP? 01183244333 "

I never subscribed to any service. It was late and my telephone company was closed. So, I went to their Facebook page (which is called "Three UK")

I commented that I needed assistance on a post that they had made.

This was the conversation and unfolding events:

"Three what can I do about this?

I just got a text saying I subscribed to these people like the women in the article: "

Three UK, responded:

"Hi, sorry to hear you've been subscribed to something you're unaware of. Can you please text 'STOP' to the number in the text and let us know how you get on >Lauren C".


I read on the internet that other people have texted stop and they've been charged £5 for the text.

How can I check if I will be charged?"

Three UK, responded:

"Unfortunately we can't say for sure, Kevin. We don't charge you for these services, so any charges that'd be applied would be decided by the company themselves.

If you'd like to check if you're going to be charged for the text, we'd suggest getting in touch with the company directly or checking their website for any pricing information. >Ian"


I don't know who the company is though. How can I find out?

What had happened was, I looked at a webpage about "Free Movies." A pop up came that said "[Cancel] and [OK]" and nothing else. I clicked cancel and then a text came through saying thanks for subscribing for £4.50 a week. I can't get through to the site now though. It won't appear on my screen.

I looked at my Bill since, and it appears there's another company that has been charging me too.

That's the site that supplied the original link. I went there after seeing an article about Android phone tweaks. Then I seen they had another article about free movies. I clicked on "VKFLIX", (6th one down in the list about free movies).

The VKFLIX site was the one where the pop-up was. "

(I would not click ↑ on anything at the links there— given the circumstances)

Three UK, responded:

"Is there a 6 digit number attached to the text message you've received? If so, you can check the company details by entering the shortcode here, We hope this helps :) >Vicki"

"Yes this was it here.

I'll put the number in."

(Attach green picture)
I'll put the number in
(picture online lookup charge)

"After I searched the helpline number in Google it came up as Txtnation " But in the online checker you gave me it comes up as "mGage."
(Attach pic)

Three UK, responded:

"The company may have subsidiaries, so we'd recommend calling the helpline number in the text, as they'll be able to advise you if you're being charged. If you want to launch an investigation into what happened, we'd urge you to contact PhonepayPlus as they're the regulations for the industry and will be able to carry out an investigation
. We'll do our best to provide you any information you may need during this process :) >Kimberley"

"Thanks Three,

Yes I think I'll do that but they don't answer the phone according to one person that left a review on their Facebook page. Surprising seen as they have £15,000,000 in the Bank (company info link below— "worth").

So many people on the internet are reporting that they have been scammed/tricked by them. One person reported that they have a business contract with EE.

And yes, there are many subsidiary companies linked to them. In particular "Surash Patel" whose closed companies are being reported to be years over due for tax files.

You can see the companies at the links here:


Linkedin (see affiliated):

Facebook page (see reviews): "

Three UK, responded:

"That would be the best thing to do. As Kimberley mentioned, if you need any further information at all, please let us know and we'll do our best to get it for you. >Lucy "

"Thank you,

Given the confusing nature of the multiple company names and services, I am unable to ascertain whether texting "STOP" would incur a £5 charge as others have reported on the internet forums.

Could you please find out if texting that number will incur a charge?

I'd also like to formally declare as a Three customer that these services and companies are rogue. I request as a duty of care to myself and other "Three" customers that "Three" look into this as soon as possible and do their utmost to block all services from them and their subsidiaries and individuals connected to them, on all the UK telecommunication networks."

*Another Facebook profile made the comment:

"I'm having the same issue and same company."*

No reply came from him when I asked what he had done about it.

I said to "Three UK" (mobile operator):

"This is fraud can you not help us with this? Three has facilitated the charge."

No reply came and that was several hours ago. I called Three and they said to call back tomorrow between 9 A.M & 5 P.M and they will initiate a "Three way call" with the companies in question.

I hope this has helped. I will endeavor to report back on my results.

The shortcode number was 64055.
The Helpline number given in the text came up as belonging to TxtNation :

01183244333 .

I made an online complaint through PhonePayPlus online, which was quite a lengthy process.

The next day, I called Three UK for the Three way telephone call that Three UK had suggested.

The first person at three was very helpful. In fact, they all were quite well meaning. Yet, after being first contact with Three, I was told by the customer service representative:

"Stay on the line, I will be listening as you talk to the Third party. I won't be able to talk, but stay on the line when your call with them has ended and I will come on the line to talk with you about the results."

I was on hold for a little while and then the phone started ringing. I person answered from "PhonePayPlus" whom is a the regulator I previously mentioned.

I thought that perhaps the Three customer service representative had tried patching me through to the Third party company with no luck, and so put me through to make a complaint to PhonePayPlus.

So, I went through the details of what had happened and how I came about to be talking to the advisor. I also advised that the person from Three is listening in the background (as far as I knew).

To break a long conversation down:

They advised me that TxtNation own the phone number that I was texted from. She gave an email address, one of TxtNations email address'.. which was given to me as: (e-mail address removed) .

She advised emailing TxtNation with details of my phone number, and the number I was texted from.

She advised me to ask:

1. How I came to be subscribed to the service.

2. How I may obtain a refund.

3. Proof of me actually having subscribed to the service.

She said to wait two business days and if I hear nothing, get back to PhonePayPlus.

At the end of the call, I said I need to hold the line so the person from Three comes back on. She said "I don't think they're there."

Which she was right about.

So, I called back Three UK and got through after listening to some music and putting all my details in again, and answering the security questions. AND after explaining the whole situation again, (plus another query I had regarding a charge) the very nice man said pretty much the same thing as his previous colleague.

He put us through to TxtNation.

A person named "Beverly" at TxtNation came on the line. The man from Three explained the situation, she asked to speak to me.
I gave her my details. She said "You will get a text confirming your unsubscription" and hung up the phone.

The man from Three was quite taken aback as was I.

We talked, he asked if he could help me further. I said, yes, as they didn't mention a refund at TxtNation. He said, let's call back.

I mentioned the other charge I wanted to talk about with regards to my account and said that, ~"If its the same company that's involved in the other charge, it might be best to check that first so we don't have to call TxtNation separately again."

For some reason, he did agree but then for some other reason the phone just started ringing at TxtNation again. The same person answered. I explained that I'd like to know about a refund and that no text had come through just yet notifying me of their "unsubscription" action.

"Beverly" at TxtNation then asked for my phone number. I said, well surely you must have it seen as I just spoke to you, gave you the number and am expecting a text from you.

Oh yes, what was your name again, (she said).

Argh. Anyway, she said I'd get a call in a couple of days, which I doubt.

The call ended. No person from Three UK was on the line. Just a dead line.

So, I was so annoyed, that I hadn't tried to record all these calls. I really wished I had the whole thing recorded. It was so ridiculous. I decided to call Three back YET AGAIN. But, before I did, I downloaded some call recording software. The first I tried didn't work (I tested it first on my voicemail) so, I did some Googling and testing and finally found one that worked.

I called Three back.

Got cut off from the queue.

I called back again. Waited for quite some time.

Got through. All the same rigmarole again. She said she doesn't know why her colleagues put me though to TxtNation ! She said its not much to do with them !

She was very helpful though. She also informed me I was due for "an upgrade."

I don't have the energy to type the whole thing so here it is on YouTube. Yes, I had to make an MP4 video and sign up and everything.

The salesman regarding the upgrade can be heard at the end. He doesn't think much of "GiffGaff" which you can hear him talk about. I edited the length of the audio from over an hour to something shorter that omits my personal information and all the music while on hold and waiting to talk to someone.

Here is the YouTube link:

Also please find attached relevant screenshots.

I'm really upset about the whole thing and not even sure if I've spoken to the right people. I did receive a message from TxtNation later, that said I had been unsubscribed from services.

Whether that means all services they can find on the system to purge me somehow— I don't know, as they didn't give details of which services they unsubscribed me from.

I have two more companies to chase up tomorrow about other charges I've just noticed on my account. Time now: 03.57 A.M.

Time of posting on Facebook (after an "error" with the posting mechanism) 04.49 A.M.

Other people with this problem and further information:

Facebook "Three UK" page where the post is that I commented on:



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Just an update to my issue.

Appears that I havent been charged on my three bill

I also received today a further two text messages

1) From the original 64055 sortcode that would not accept my STOP request
2) one from to advise that my subcription to TAPVids have now been cancel

I hope this information helps anyone



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Just an update to my issue.

Appears that I havent been charged on my three bill

I also received today a further two text messages

1) From the original 64055 sortcode that would not accept my STOP request
2) one from to advise that my subcription to TAPVids have now been cancel

I hope this information helps anyone


I don't know if this new information will help as I haven't had the need to try sending "STOP" or "STOP ALL" messages since I was advised of this new information via PhonePayPlus.

Here it is though:

One must not reply in-line to the message or text. E.G. Don't reply *back* to the message you received directly like you were in a conversation.


Start a NEW text to the short code number you wish to unsubscribe and/or Stop messages coming from.

It was advised to me that it is better to type "STOP ALL" rather than just "STOP" (without quotation marks).


You receive a message from number 11111 (hypothetical number).

It says (hypothetical situation):

Thank you for subscribing to ScamVids for £5.00 per day.

To unsubscribe, text STOP to 11111.

Thanks again for all your cash, we spend it on crack."

Now, the advice is, don't just text back like you were chatting with a friend. Don't just reply STOP to the message as if you were chatting via Text.

INSTEAD: Start a NEW message.

Input the number, in this hypothetical case we would input 11111 as the number.

In the text, we just want to write & send:

Last edited:
I do wonder about this though.

On the text that was sent to me it says:

"Thank you for subscribing to TAPVIDS for £4.50 a week from TapVids".

Are TAPVIDS and TapVids two different companies?

Is one of them a middle man or a defensive subsidiary company?

It would just be awful if anyone ever got theirsomeones phone number and subscribed them to every subscription known to mankind.
On the same topic. I wanted to see what code was running on the website that this charge appeared to originally originate from.
Now, I'm aware that third party apps can run on webpages so I'm not allocating blame anywhere.

I asked about it on a Linux website and was advised various things and it boiled down to using a cURL command. Instead of me doing that via my device, I found a site that does it and it emailed me the code it found.

I'm not sure if it would be the exact same code that was running when I was on the site and had this charge come through.
But, this is what the code is that was sent to me. Perhaps someone with more knowledge than I can look at it to see if they can find anything which may show us how these charges are being sent or activated, Capt. Jack, you seem very knowledgeable, could you have a look please? :

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(Please DO NOT click on any links here.
There may be malicious code present at the links).

It was advised to me to check the VKFLIX .com websites code to see if it has been interfered with, or is in error signing people up for subscriptions.
(That was the site I was on when this happened to me).

If anyone can see anything in the code that might be causing this issue.

Please let us know.

So, upon going to the website, the address changed to videomega . CH

I saved the site as an MHT file and opened it via ES File Explorer as a Text file.

Here is the code it gave:

From: <Saved by UnMHT Ver.8.2.0>
Subject: Videomega - Watch HD Movies Online for Free
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2016 19:20:35 +0100
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-I then wanted to see if the site would redirect me. So, I clicked on the menu button and sure enough, I was presented with a pop-up that wanted me to subscribe for £4.50 per week! (again) to an android anti virus app or service of some kind. -

-Again, I saved the page as an MHT file and here is the code it gave when I opened it as a Text file through ES File explorer:-

-From: <Saved by UnMHT Ver.8.2.0>-
-Subject: Videomega - Watch HD Movies Online for Free-
-Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2016 19:20:35 +0100-
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I'm pretty sure that you won't be able to see the malicious code here, because it's a .js file (Javascript) which gets injected by the ad network at runtime, but this will only happen if certain conditions are met.

I've noticed that ever since I've started using my BT Infinity VPN from my house to browse with on my phone, I've never been redirected to a PayforIT scam advert. So it appears that the advertising networks are actually checking whether you're accessing the internet over a mobile network, and accordingly direct you to PayforIT adverts if you are.

I believe that this is why your OnlineCurl was not able to pick this up, obviously a request from their end would come from a fixed-business IP address, therefore they would not serve a PayforIT scam advert. As much as I hate to say this, it seems to be a very robust system, as it ensures that the user is using a mobile data connection, before sending them an advert which charges them.

As mentioned, the only way to avoid it is to use a VPN.

Txtnation were not able to provide me with sufficient evidence that I had subscribed to any services, therefore I am escalating my PhonepayPlus complaint. Txtnation are now completely ignoring any further emails from me. PhonepayPlus said that they will get back to me within the week.

- Capt. Jack Sparrow.
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