Beware of Fake XP

  • Thread starter Thread starter Johnny
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I think I can say that everyone here want out memory jogged. Post the photo and stop teasing us.
Wish this thread would get some life. Don't often get the real and the virtual converging.
I agree, and my curiosity is now strong in wonder which person she is in the
web image. I noticed she hasn't replied to this thread, now that she is
revealed. She may disappear, or try to change her name and attitude
(especially her attitude, since that is what gives her away when she changes
identities here).

I don't think she can be nice, it is too hard for her, so she may just
disappear altogether!

Wish this thread would get some life. Don't often get the real and the
virtual converging.
Tom said:
I agree, and my curiosity is now strong in wonder which person she is in the
web image. I noticed she hasn't replied to this thread, now that she is
revealed. She may disappear, or try to change her name and attitude
(especially her attitude, since that is what gives her away when she changes
identities here).

I don't think she can be nice, it is too hard for her, so she may just
disappear altogether!
She isn't the woman with the long hair nor the grey haired man
And just what the hell is this little bloody group of yours? As you are inviting people to join, but join what? Looks like a meeting of the Sydney PC Users Group, a bunch of old people.
And just what the hell is this little bloody group of yours? As you are
inviting people to join, but join what? Looks like a meeting of the Sydney
PC Users Group, a bunch of old people.

Oi I'm of of those 'old people' It's a now defunct depression group.
And just what the hell is this little bloody group of yours? As you are
inviting people to join, but join what? Looks like a meeting of the Sydney
PC Users Group, a bunch of old people.

Anyway I'm not inviting people to join, just giving the link to a photo
Shell said:
And just what the hell is this little bloody group of yours? As you are
inviting people to join, but join what? Looks like a meeting of the Sydney
PC Users Group, a bunch of old people.

Oi I'm of of those 'old people' It's a now defunct depression group.

I take it that this photo and (former) group was in the London area?
I regret that I went and posted all her posts to support groups here after she annoyed me once. I still have guilt attacks over it. I wasn't ever going to mention it again but as you did. Still if one can't stand the heat one shouldn't get into the kitchen. But it's more fun abusing people who one knows nothing about. I've always felt some compassion to her.

So what was the message. And is your hubby in the picture.
Tom said in news:%[email protected]:
Here is a good site for that rate exchange:

Yeah, that one, too, also computes the *interbank* rate. Are you a
bank? Is the OP a bank? Not likely, so you will NOT get that rate.

According to the Expedia currency converter:

20.00 British pounds sterling = 36.76 US dollars

That's a rate of 1.838. Today's interbank rate is 1.8267, so what
Expedia is showing includes a 1.13% premium (fee). Or they could just
be using an old rate; in the past 7 days, the interbank rate has
wandered between 1.84080 to 1.80990 (so 1.838 could be at some time
during the last week when it was a little higher than today). Yahoo's
currency converter ( says:

20.00 GBP = 36.5820 USD

for a rate of 1.8291, again almost identical with today's interbank
rate, and not what YOU will get.

The easiest way to find out is to just call your own bank, or wherever
you plan to do the actual currency conversion, and ask them what is the
exchange rate and what additional fees they charge. If ordering online,
query their sales (if they actually have a contact) and ask what will be
the resultant charge after the conversion. I'm sure
will add a HEFTY conversion fee along with a processing fee and whatever
other fees they can contrive. Beware of those currency booths that can
rake in a lot more, especially after adding a processing fee which is
independent of the conversion rate.
David Candy said:
She keeps the self rightous in line. That can't be a bad thing.

Perhaps this is so. But she also "puts down" others who do not
deserve it. For example, there was no need to start out her reply to

" *SIGH* You obviously can't read "

No need for it. That's just plain mean. Why preface an answer with
stuff like that? Just give out the info. If you want to mention it,
then mention in a more informative & non-judgmental way that you feel
this person should research more on of a seller's website before
buying, or in my case before just commenting on it. However if
everyone did everything (researched to the umpteenth) on the Internet,
then Usenet as an information source could be discontinued & tossed
out the window, & just used for what it has evolved to from it's
original information scheme - used only for pictures, music, & movie

Another thing I think is out of line is people telling the writer of a
post 'Why didn't you Google the Internet first before you posted? Of
course some of the time it might be a good idea, however Usenet IS an
information source all it's own, and if that's the way a person does
their "research", then that's the way it is.

As far as this particular newsgroup here, this should be pretty
obvious. Just look at the title of this newsgroup. "basics" would
indicate that this newsgroup will draw a lot of beginners to it. And
those that are Ok at it, but certainly there shouldn't be many
experts. A little understanding of the situation should be used, and
realize what seems to be basic common sense to someone & instinctual
to them just isn't so for others.

For you real newbies, here is another popular newsgroup you should
look into:


For you "experts" that are superior to newbies and us half-way-theres,
why not do your work in the following? It gets twice as many posts at
least I believe. I am sure you will still find some users there you
can put down a notch or two. But you will be among more peers, and
maybe you like it here being a big fish in a small pond... :


You won't have a fun time here if you are too sensitive. But hey, if you are going to cop it it gives you the right to dish it out. Just don't spend any effort on replies as it's probably not worth it.
-----Original Message-----

As we don't have "mutual friends" you are clearly deluded. I do not know,
nor do I wish to know, anyone you are associated with.
Well maybe Miss Perspicacia Tick and Shell don't have any
mutual friends but it appears that Sarah Balfour and Shell
do, or did.
I don't know why you think changing your name hides you;
you are quite recognizable when you post. It appears that
the only person who is deluded is you about your identity.
No one else is fooled. Searching Google for your many
names, including your real one, turns up some pretty
interesting posts you have made over the years.
Well maybe Miss Perspicacia Tick and Shell don't have any
mutual friends but it appears that Sarah Balfour and Shell
do, or did.

That would definitely be past tense in Sarah's case. Those of us who have
tried to remain friends with her have all failed rather rapidly for reasons
which are apparent to anyone who has ever come into contact with her.
I don't know why you think changing your name hides you;
you are quite recognizable when you post.

I once asked her the reasons for her constant nymshifting; her reply was
"Microsoft told me to for my own personal safety." Hmmmm. You'd think if
her safety was that paramount, she'd either leave Usenet altogether or (as
you so rightly pointed out) alter her posting style to make herself more
difficult to trace. My personal opinion is that she derives so much
satisfaction from this little fantasy she's concocted (ie that she's a
successful pc technician who lives alone and is highly educated - all lies,
btw) that she simply can't leave it alone, and therefore has to keep
bolstering her fragile ego by putting down newbies on these groups. It's
sad that her offline life is so empty that this is all she has, but that's
the way it is. She won't change (except her nym and email, of course) so
just leave her to it and keep re-plonking her as necessary.
