Any opinions as to the best version of WinAmp? I recall reading adverse
comments about the series 3. Currently use 2.64 but see that 2.81 and
2.91 are still available. Worth changing?
2.81 works fine for me. Haven't tried the 2.9x nor the 3.x series.[/QUOTE]
Many people hate v3.xx series, that's why even authors of WinAmp
continue to support v2.xx series as "WinAmp classic" and newest
version is v2.91... It has one major improvment: it adds support
for all those cool v3.xx skins/plug-ins. And updates like this:
* fixed shuffle; now, when you start winamp w/shuffle on, it returns
you to the song you were at when you exited last time
* made winamp not crash if you close it while a file info dialog is open
* fixed jump dialogs when using language packs
* library: added "Physically delete file" in library's media view