Best tab-based freeware text editor?

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Roger Johansson said:
Is it possible to set the background to something other than bright
white in Scite?

I've been up and down the file ten times now, and
can find nothing for that. Maybe Jan knows? Or maybe it's not possible?
It's not so bad on my screen, it's more of a softer antique white... Yet
I'd prefer that it at least did the norm and start out by reading Windows
default color settings. And it's odd if it's true for it to not let us
change the color for the background, when it's designed to let us choose
colors for 200 more trivial things.
It was a dark and stormy night when omega said:
As to the Sc1.exe download from Sourceforge, I tried changing
entries in the global properties file...


That brought out a toolbar. No tab bar. Still only one document at
a time. Am I missing something, or is it possible the Windows
release is SDI?

Being very strict SciTE is SDI with tabs, now to enable tabs you need
to also change the buffers propertie from:


To (for example):


That propertie controls the number of files that can be opened at one

Hope this helps.
Roger Johansson said:

I'd earlier forgotten -- it was the one at the GnuWin I preferred. Has tabs,
and is slightly more honed in interface. Bigger download though (800k).
Is it possible to set the background to something other than bright
white in Scite?

Finally did get the answer:

How do I change SciTE to use black as the background colour?

You need to change the style settings. The main change is in the global
options file to the global default style and caret colour but you may
have to change other style settings to make this work well:


A little labor, to strategize a compatible set of colors to put together,
without having an instant preview dialog, but at least it can be done.
rir3760 said:
Being very strict SciTE is SDI with tabs, now to enable tabs you need
to also change the buffers propertie from:


To (for example):


That propertie controls the number of files that can be opened at one

Hope this helps.

Yes it does, thank you, worked like magic. (What's with this word buffers?
Is that 'nix language? When my mouse edges up to where it expects to see
"windows" on the menu bar, then finds that instead that says "buffers.")
omega said:
I've been up and down the file ten times now, and
can find nothing for that. Maybe Jan knows? Or maybe it's not possible?
It's not so bad on my screen, it's more of a softer antique white... Yet
I'd prefer that it at least did the norm and start out by reading Windows
default color settings. And it's odd if it's true for it to not let us
change the color for the background, when it's designed to let us choose
colors for 200 more trivial things.

I have searched through the settings too, and could not find it.

I wish there was a freeware program which could analyze other programs,
find the byte which defines the background color, and offer to change it
into something more humane. :-)
omega said:

Great, it works, thanks.


Gives nice colors.

Now I can go on and set some nice font too.
Scite is a very interesting editor, it will take some time to explore
all its features.
It was a dark and stormy night when omega said:
I've been up and down the file ten times
now, and can find nothing for that. Maybe Jan knows? Or maybe it's
not possible?
It's posible but time consuming, search your
file for the block starting with:

# Give symbolic names to the set of colours used in the standard

What you need to do is change the values from:


Where FFFFFF is the colour (in hexadecimal) that you want to use, for
example, to display numbers with a white foreground (hex is FFFFFF)
and black background (hex is 000000) you use:


Also be aware that some styles are defined in language propertie
files, what I mean is, for example, if you want to fully customize
the colours used for displaying assembly source files you need to
edit (to set the default values) and (to set specific styles for assembly source code as
macro keywords, opcodes, etc.).

For more information read the documentation (SciTEDoc.html).

This is by far the biggest downside of SciTE as it's a very nice and
flexible editor yet the way how you set configuration options is
going to scare/bother some potential users.

rir3760 said:
This is by far the biggest downside of SciTE as it's a very nice and
flexible editor yet the way how you set configuration options is
going to scare/bother some potential users.

Yes, there should be a settings program, a menu choice, to make it
easier to change settings.

But as soon as I understood that it is possible it is okay for me.
I can take the time needed to get a good interface, and I think Scite is
worth the effort.

Thanks to both you and omega.

This Noworyta newsreader actually works, by the way, but it takes some
time to find out how to set it up. It is very fast starting and fast to
use. I can choose to use it as online or offline newsreader.
Main disadvantages: Strange interface and no way to see raw message and
headers. No automatic delete of old messages.
It was a dark and stormy night when omega said:
rir3760 said:
Being very strict SciTE is SDI with tabs, now to enable tabs you
need to also change the buffers propertie from:


To (for example):

Yes it does, thank you, worked like magic. (What's with this word
buffers? Is that 'nix language? When my mouse edges up to where it
expects to see "windows" on the menu bar, then finds that instead
that says "buffers.")

While SciTE is being developed for both Linux and MS Windows I think
it has more to do with the jargon used in ancient times where GUI
front-ends didn't exist (or were just a novelty anyway), in that
time-frame people were used to work with 'buffers' and IIRC the term
is still used in gVim and XEmacs (but with a different meaning).

Plus it sounds geek ;-)

Hi Karen,

(What's with this word buffers?
Is that 'nix language? When my mouse edges up to where it expects to see
"windows" on the menu bar, then finds that instead that says "buffers.")

I have that on Emacs. I think you would be right about it being 'nix
language. If so then I am not surprised that it is used. Many 'nix
people don't want to bother spending anything more than the minimum
time with GUIs etc.

At a guess it may also be even be appropriate in this case. IF SciTE
allocates a certain amount of memory (in total) to it's "buffers".
Knowing one has many buffers open would remind some people that
they might be running out of resources.

Regards, John.

,-._|\ (A.C.F FAQ)
/ Oz \ John Fitzsimons - Melbourne, Australia.
Roger Johansson said:
Yes, there should be a settings program, a menu choice, to make it
easier to change settings.

But as soon as I understood that it is possible it is okay for me.
I can take the time needed to get a good interface, and I think Scite is
worth the effort.

In fact SciTE was/is a demo of the Scintilla editor component that's used
in hundreds of other editor's & programs (e.g. MinGW Developer Studio).

Of course, the lack of things like a preferences GUI is one of the reasons
that it's so small...
omega said:
A little labor, to strategize a compatible set of colors to put together,
without having an instant preview dialog, but at least it can be done.

And once done, you don't have to look at it anymore.
Don't forget to put this in your "User Options" file though (the Global
Options will be overwritten if you unzip a new version in the same
directory). Everything in the Users Options overrides the defaults in the
Global Options.
omega said:
I'd downloaded two distributions. The first is what they called the
single executable [1]. And the second one was the larger [2]. The
second one I believe had tabs out the door. I don't remember changing
having to do anything for them to appear (v 1.57). Chance what you say
would apply to the Windows distribution, Sc1.exe? I'll have to take a
look, as I had put the Sc1 aside, after thinking it strictly SDI.

The "normal" scite.exe needs SciLexer.dll and the config files, Sc1.exe is
a version that has all this "linked" onto the executable as "resources".

SciLexer.dll contains all the code to make the syntax highlighting for
different languages possible. The default is to include (almost) all
available languages, so some people compile their own version of it that
has only the "lexers" (syntax parsers) they really need, which makes SciTE
even smaller for them...
omega wrote in said:
(What's with this word buffers? Is that 'nix language?

It is general computer (memory) speak. Fx - see Buffer in Wordweb if
you have it.

From: <> :
buffer: An area of memory that's used to hold data enroute to
somewhere else. For example, a disk buffer holds data as it
travels between your computer and the disk drive.

For example try a google on edit buffer and read buffer:

"Buffers" in DOS, see glossary entry in:
More about use in DOS see fx:
"Buffers" in Win9x, see glossary entry here:

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
rir3760 said:
While SciTE is being developed for both Linux and MS Windows I think
it has more to do with the jargon used in ancient times where GUI
front-ends didn't exist (or were just a novelty anyway), in that
time-frame people were used to work with 'buffers'

Aha, yeah, that was the feeling I was getting.
and IIRC the term is still used in gVim and XEmacs (but with a different

I did a search for "windows buffers." Some hits for scite. And a great
many for vim and emacs families. In some cases, folks used the two words
in a loose interchangeable way, often writing this: "windows/buffers."
Then in a few other pages I glanced at, esp with emacs docs, I saw some
separating twists (although still closely intertwined).


A buffer is a file loaded into memory for editing. The original
file remains unchanged until you write the buffer to the file.

A buffer can be in one of three states.

Active-buffer. The buffer is displayed in a window. If there is a
file for this buffer, it has been read into the buffer. .

Inactive-buffer. The buffer is not displayed and does not contain
anything. Options for the buffer are remembered if the file was
once loaded.

Hidden-buffer: The buffer is not displayed. If there is a file for
this buffer, it has been read into the buffer. The buffer may have
been modified.

The above Vim excerpt was fine. The next one below, Emacs, it got a little
weird for me. But that was less to do with buffers and more to do with the
strangeness about "visiting a file."


The text that you are editing is contained in an object called a
buffer. Emacs is "visiting" a file when the file data has been
loaded into a buffer in the editor. There can be many buffers
visiting different files at one time. Two buffers can view the
same file in different locations in the file. A buffer may not
always be visible. Some buffers may be hidden at any particular
point in time. The buffer that has the text cursor in it is the
current buffer. The editing you perform from the keyboard will
always affect the current buffer. At any given moment there can
be many buffers visiting many different files. Only a few of them
may be visible on the display at any particular point in time.

A window displays part of a buffer visiting a file. When Emacs
starts up it displays one single general-purpose window inside a
single frame. If you specified a file name on the command line
when emacs was started emacs initially displays the buffer that is
visiting the file. A window can be split vertically and
horizontally. When the window is split both of the newly created
windows will display the same position in the buffer that was
being viewed before the split. These two views into the buffer
are now independent.

Then here I got totally lost:


also, a frame (an m$windows window) is what contains emacs windows
(these look like window panes) and any emacs buffer can be
displayed in any emacs window (pane). also killing an emacs
buffer doesn't touch the file which was copied into that buffer.
emacs deals with frames, windows, buffers, and files separately so
that you have a bit more control over things if you want. cheers.

At least that complexity was for emacs, where, as you said, there is a
somewhat different meaning for buffers.
Plus it sounds geek ;-)

Hey, that's the important touch. :)

And if Scite wants call things buffers, that's good to me. Just so long
as it doesn't wander way out in the left park, and tell me to wait while
it "visits a file."
Your clarification is apt.

I have the habit of using the term SDI in an "informal" way. For when
a progam is not traditional MDI, as well as not TDI (tabbed document

However it's the deeper facts that a TDI interface can be given by a
program that is technically either SDI or MDI.

I'm trying to think about the easiest way to identify a tabbed program
as of SDI or MDI type. Would it not be that if you cannot display more
than one document window in the foreground at once, then it is not MDI?
(Or are things more complex? Perhaps I should look up definitions...)

Of course I'd prefer if I could easily just categorize according to my
own personal simplification. SDI for when I can only see one document
window. TDI for all programs having a tabbed interface. And then Old-MDI
for those where you can have multiple documents in a program -- but there
are no tabs (nor tab bar).

The Old-MDI, without tabs, that design has largely faded off. I read how
MSFT did usability studies on that. Results showed that most people get
lost. Not able to realize that they have multiple documents open. Not
knowing to click under the Windows menu, much less using keystrokes. MSFT
hence went forth with its SDI vigor (iexplore, all the applets shipped,
ms office program, etc).

Where I am happy is to see so many developers follow an independent trend
from that sequence of MSFT design choices. TABS, O Glorious tabs.

.. . .

(The only thing I ask for in /addition/ to tabs trend is increased adaption
of tree/hierchical interfaces...)