Mike Henley
Blinky the Shark said:Max Quordlepleen wrote:
Many things can influence aesthetics. One is comprehension of the
origins of a form. I provided some background on that.
you see, nothing bugs me about yankee clipper more than that huge logo
when you bring up the program window; it's oversized compared to
anything else i had seen in other programs, its practically dead
pixels, its only function is to make it click on it, and it's huge, to
take me to the program window, and here is where aesthetics tread on
the function, it's placed right next to the tabs so if i need to click
boilerplates i have to be very very careful 'cos boilerplates tab is
small and this huge ugly "click to visit website" logo is huge and
they're placed next to each other. It's a pain that i gotta
concentrate to click boilerplates tab than it and that it's useless
for any reason other than declaring itself and making me visit the
page by clicking it by mistake!
Then i don't like that it says [freeware] on the window title...
thanks for reminding me
CLCL has the same or even more functionality, actually more in my
opinion.. far more... just check the options and customization in
CLCL, it has a bigger window with 9 tabs, whereas YCIII has a smaller
window with 2 tabs... CLCL also has plugins... and it doesn't have
that annoying huge logo and it doesn't say [freeware]... it's
basically discrete... discretion is good, perhaps it's the same reason
people don't like pop-up ads...