I would agree with you, but in another thread:
[email protected]>
Check the link. The site has several programs you can run to test outbound
capabilities. Kerio 2.1.5 ranks pretty low. I'm doing the various tests
These are trojan type tests it looks like, rather than the solicitation
type tests at GRC.
I'm trying the tests listed for XP for which Kerio 2.1.5 is reported to be
vulnerable. I'm completely updated critical updatewise. I score perfect
stealth at GRC:
TooLeaky (defeated Kerio)
PCAudit (unsuccessful)
AWFT (9/10 defeats Kerio)
Thermite (defeated Kerio)
CopyCat (defeated Kerio)
WB (defeated Kerio)
PCAudit (defeated Kerio)
Ghost (defeated Kerio)
DNSTester (defeated Kerio)
Surfer (defeated Kerio)
Man, either my Kerio settings are way off or the firewall is very
ineffective for these types of exploits!
I'm going to repost this with another subject: "Kerio 2.1.5
Vulnerabilities!" due to the many people who use this firewall.