Rod Speed
WOW - this thread has really gotten some legs.
You aint seen a thread with real legs yet |-)
Thanks to all for the advice and
guidance - I may try the Ghost route,
It isnt going to make any difference, I bet.
but now using True Image seems like a personal challenge.
And its better to get TI working, Ghost 2003 is a
real dinosaur thats way past its useby date now.
I'll lay out what I did as specifically as possible - maybe
that will point a red flag as to what I did wrong.
Yes, it has.
1)Old drive jumpered as slave
2)New drive jumpered as master
3)Bios set to boot old drive
Does the bios see both drives, are they both
visible on the black bios screen at boot time ?
4)Run True Image
5)When it says 'clone complete.....press
any key to shut down computer', I did so.
6)I unplugged the old HD
7)New drive is still jumpered as master
8)Set bios to boot new HD, but shouldn't
even matter since only one drive in system
Some bios are so stupid that they just whine about
the old drive not being a system disk and dont even
notice that its not plugged in anymore.
9)No boot, although the NVIDIA boot agent
comes up and twiddles around for a little bit
You need to concentrate on that bit, why it wont
boot the new drive when its the only one plugged in.
10) Rehook up old drive and start again
11) Screen comes up during boot saying that Acronis
finished doing somethingorother and boots into XP
Its likely that you did manage to boot the new drive in
that config and that XP gets royally confused when the
old drive and the new drive are both visible for the first
boot of the new drive.
12) C drive (old drive) and F drive
(new drive) visible in windows explorer
Thats what you get when both are visible for
the first boot of the new drive with both visible.
13) shut down and unplug old drive
14) boot fails again
Because XP has both drives involved in the boot now.
Thats a different issue to what the bios boots, and
happens after the bios has booted a physical drive.
15) change bios to boot new drive
16) Screen comes up again during boot saying Acronis
finished some process again and boots into XP
17) C drive (new drive - I know by checking the properties and
the size gives it away) is the only visible hard drive in system
Thats not necessarily the drive you
actually booted at the XP level tho.
XP is quite happy to boot the F drive. You cant check that by the size.
18) shut off computer and unplug old drive
19) gave it another try and boot failure again
I guess I'm missing the concept of exactly what I should do when
Acronis says that the clone is complete (even though it obviously
isn't done because it does more things when rebooted.)
That must have been the cloning done from the installed TI,
not from the rescue CD. When you clone from the rescue CD,
you dont get TI saying anything when you boot the hard drive.
When I shut down the computer, should I jumper the
new drive differently, or set the bios to boot differently?
You should check why 9 doesnt boot.
Have you got the drives on the raid controller on the motherboard ?
Try cloning using the rescue CD instead of from within XP.
I don't even know if it's copied the MBR at this point.
You are cloning the physical drive arent you ?
Before performing the clone the program lays out what it's
going to do in 3 steps. Step 1 is clear the drive (ending in
reboot), Step 2 is clone the drive (ending in reboot)
You dont get that when cloning from the rescue CD.
and Step 3 is copy the Master Boot Record. I don't know
if I'm unplugging the old drive before it copies the MBR
In theory you might be, but you do appear to
be able to boot the new drive when the old drive
is plugged in, so it should have a viable MBR.
- but if I don't it'll go right into XP with both drives connected
and mess it all up again. What the heck am I missing?
See above.