ok village
first in spywareblaster you can uncheck the site where the popup is if you
want to allow it in Internet Explorer- "customize the Block list" you find
the website that is checked and uncheck it. The same if you are using
firefox. The websites are usually towards the bottom. You can also do this
in "Restricted Sites" tab. that would solve your problem of trying to get
into a site that you really want,
As for Ad-aware- here is the site to get it free
http://www.download.com/Ad-Aware-SE...5910.html?part=dl-ad-aware&subj=dl&tag=top5It is Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition 1.06. I have no idea where you went buttheir official site shows you were to download it athttp://
www.lavasoftusa.com/software/adaware/You should also use spybot search and destroy and a suggestion is not toinstall the "tea Timer" because it will conflict with Windows Defender. Youneed to watch it as it installes. It will ask you to check the box. so youkeep it unchecked.You can pick it up here:
http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/Spybot_Search_and_Destroy/1043809773/1Use the "Download Here". This is freeI also suggest you get Superantispyware- download the free one. Thisprogram is excellant and you can actually get advice even though it is freefrom their website.
http://www.superantispyware.com/They all play nice with each other and also with Windows Defender. and theyare all free.You really cannot get enough antispyware programs because some catch somethings while other catch other malware. I wish there was only one programthat did it all but we do not live in a "Rainbow" world, so you need morethan one.You can actually use avg antispyware's online scanner (it is still under thename Ewido) and it will delete when it finds something so you do not have toinstall a program just a small active X file (which is safe) to get it towork.You can get this one at:
http://www.ewido.net/en/onlinescan/Good luck and if you need anymore advice or help just ask again.robin"village idiot" <villageidiot@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in messageHi Nigel and Robin and e1 who needs spyware info.....>> First, thanks for asking this ? Nigel. Saved me the time. Second goes to> you Robin.>> WindowsXP w/sp2........>> I finally dumped EPest Patrol. It seemed not to get along well with WMP.> So, I believe it was Engel who suggested that I download Spyware Blaster.I> did, and that had to go too, because I was having trouble with pop> ups......uh, good pop ups, like this reply window. Also, it would not letme> go to some sites. I assume this is because it only lists about abazillion> sites/popups and locks ya outta them.....? I am too sick to go throughthese> sites and click allow. Twas easier to just uninstall.>> I also installed WinPatrol, with the little Scotty dog. This is awonderful> thing for me, being the Village Idiot, and also I think it would be goodfor> folks who do not know a lot about computers. Since I have gotten a lot of> items out of start up with WinPatrol, my computer runs so very muchfaster!!!> And, shut down is quicker.>> I did go to Adaware site........ again from Engel's post, and it said Ihad> to pay for it. If someone has a direct link to the free site, please sendit> to me!!!>> So, all I am running now is windef and winpatrol --- oh and winloc. I'm> sure I need another spyware thingy. Just how many do I need? It seemseach> of these programs are targeting different things. Is that correct? So,IF> someone gets me that link to adaware, would that be enough protection? Iam> really paranoid about my new computer getting "trashed", as it took me 10yrs> to save up the money for it.>> Thanks folks!> Village Idiot>>>> "Robin" wrote:>>> actually there is no "best" antispyware program out there. If there was>> there would be no need to have all the ones that are out there.>> The below are all free programs>> You should try Windows Defender first.>> then add Adaware SE, then also add Spybot Search and Destroy.>> then add- spybwareblaster and sSuperantispware>> You can also add AVG Antispyware- this is more like a malware trojan>> program. You can trial it for 30days then turn it into a free programafter>> the trial if you like. I recommend you purchase it because it runs witha>> residential shield in "real time" and plays very nice with WindowsDefender>> too.>> robin>>>> "Nigel" <nigel.lsw@gmail.com> wrote in message>> > Hi>> >>> > I would like to have information about the best available anti spyware>> > program available nowadays>> >>>>>>>