***note this line you missed quoting!
Heh, for some reason you missed this line I was replying to
and thus your entire assumption goes right out the window.
"3rd party software is better than anything they could release"
Nope - I was quite aware of the line you were responding to.
All of those 3rd party critters are NOT stand-alones, they reside upon,
and require access to, the Windows/MS Applicatiion Programming
Interfaces, the Windows Networking Stack, and even Windows
or another 3rd party that plugs into Windows...Hardware Drivers.
So...the 3rd party applications are ALL parasitic not embedded.
Irrelevant. The 3rd party software is still better at doing what it
is supposed to do than the included Windows software - which is why
3rd party companies exist. Otherwise there wouldn't be any.
That should be fairly obvious.
MS can filter outgoing if they wanted to...
So we are to presume they don't want to. That's helpful.
MS is NOT an inferior programming company
Yes, they ARE an inferior programming company. Their design and
coding skills are pathetic as evidenced by the unbelievably stupid
security mistakes they made both designing and coding the OS.
they have the ability and the actual Code pathways...they made the paths!
Which means what? You mean, like the stuff they borrowed from BSD
UNIX? Like Java?
(not to mention Code and API copyrights which need to be licensed).
Irrelevant. Linux does everything WIndows does (except for
proprietary systems like ActiveX and Active Directory - and Samba
interacts well with the latter) . The WINE Project is even reverse
engineering the Windows APIs - not perfect yet, but getting better all
the time.
You are right that the details of possible
problems (and their attendant fixes) are not visible at moment.
Which was my point - the number of software packages available for XP
is irrelevant if you own one that doesn't work with the new Service
The link I gave to forum includes most (if not all) fixes/links for minor
issues with XP-SP2 and the rest are likely ones needing some
program/hardware OEM update (SP2 has been a year in Beta).
Like Microsoft's own CRM program which just had its patch released a
week or so ago.