***note this line you missed quoting!
Wrong. Analysis of the XP firewall shows it blocks almost nothing
going out (although it does do pretty good at blocking incoming -
although it does NOT stealth EVERY port.). This makes it inferior to
almost any third-party firewall such as Kerio.
Heh, for some reason you missed this line I was replying to
and thus your entire assumption goes right out the window.
"3rd party software is better than anything they could release"
All of those 3rd party critters are NOT stand-alones, they reside upon,
and require access to, the Windows/MS Applicatiion Programming
Interfaces, the Windows Networking Stack, and even Windows
or another 3rd party that plugs into Windows...Hardware Drivers.
So...the 3rd party applications are ALL parasitic not embedded.
MS can filter outgoing if they wanted to...MS is NOT an inferior
programming company, they have the ability and the actual Code
pathways...they made the paths!
(not to mention Code and API copyrights which need to be licensed).
Unless of course you're running one of the fifty programs (including
Microsoft Office) which Microsoft says will "perform differently"
after installing SP2 - without telling anybody exactly what that
Sounds more like a small rant than than insight or assistance,
I am using MS Office 2002 fine, given there are 150,000 (or more)
programs that Windows XP can run or hook into...plus about
100,000 various hardware configurations (mixes) that can
run with or on Windows XP...and another 190 million copies
of Windows XP in use online (perhaps more now)...that is an
insignificant list and should have been setup even for XP SP1
in most of those cases. You are right that the details of possible
problems (and their attendant fixes) are not visible at moment.
The link I gave to forum includes most (if not all) fixes/links for minor
issues with XP-SP2 and the rest are likely ones needing some
program/hardware OEM update (SP2 has been a year in Beta).