
Thanks chaps! It has been a real battle just getting to this point. The problems I've had seem to be commonly misdiagnosed, but we've been in touch with a specialist team in the US who have been very supportive (for free too!).

So far so good, I don't seem to have gone downhill as the day has gone on which is a step in the right direction. Going to celebrate tonight with a takeaway :thumb:
Wonderful news @Becky! :D So very glad to hear that you have received the new treatment at last, and even more happy to read of your cautious optimism. It is great that you have been able to be in contact with the specialist team in the US. They seem to be so much more advanced in certain areas of medicine, than some of their UK colleagues.

We both wish you the very best and continuing improvement in your health. :thumb:
Thanks @muckshifter and @Taffycat! :D

I hadn't really thought that the word takeaway is now less relevant, we very rarely go and pick up food. Good ol' Deliveroo :cheers:

TC you're right that there is a different attitude in the US when it comes to medical advancements. That being said, spinal fluid leak problems are still under-diagnosed over there too - the teams we spoke to were inundated with people wanting help. We were very lucky that they agreed to look at our case, and the fact they did it all for free was quite surprising too.

A friend of mine was telling me about a book he read recently, about the attitude of people in the medical industry vs aviation. The gist of it was that in aviation (might have been engineering in general) if something goes wrong then people own up to it, look into the problem, and learn from the mistake. This doesn't tend to happen in medicine - they are more concerned about covering themselves than learning from problems, and consequently advances are not made. Obviously this is putting it in very black and white terms, in reality there are shades of grey, but you get the idea.
OK so when will we resume baking?


Seriously, though: this is the kinda news I've been waiting for. Pheeeeeew.


P.S. Chicken Korma, Madras, Vindaloo, Deliveroo...
Just caught up with the news. Great that you have some relief at last. Hope it keeps on working for you.
Thanks @Abarbarian! My next adventure is going to be getting my strength back without causing more problems in my back... it's a very fine line to tread! Going ok so far though :thumb:
Good for you Becky but do not overdo it, slow and steady is the rule. I know I had back problems in the 1980's. Now is fine just a few tweaks now and then.
I've been going slowly downhill since the blood patch, so off to have another one today. Apparently it's fairly common for longer-term CSF leaks to need multiple blood patches, which is annoying but reassuring I guess. Fingers crossed all goes ok, I'll keep you posted! :wave:
I've been going slowly downhill since the blood patch, so off to have another one today. Apparently it's fairly common for longer-term CSF leaks to need multiple blood patches, which is annoying but reassuring I guess. Fingers crossed all goes ok, I'll keep you posted! :wave:
Oh I'm sorry to hear that @Becky, but hopefully, further treatment is going to crack this for you. Sending you our very best wishes, hope all will go well for you. :)
Sorry to hear that Becky, as TC says hopefully this will eventually sort it for good!

Best wishes from me and her to you, and Ian too. :)
best wishes, healing may take some time, fingers are crossed :)