

Feb 23, 2002
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As you may have seen, Becky hasn't been around on the forums for a while - I'd hoped this would just have been a temporary problem, but her back has got quite a lot worse and she's unable to use a PC/laptop at the moment.

The consultant she's seeing is treating the problems quite urgently, so hopefully we'll have some more answers as to what is wrong soon. Fingers crossed, she'll be offered an operation and will be back to her normal self in a few months :thumb:.

Just wanted to keep you all posted, as I had a message about her and thought it may be wise to mention it in case anyone was concerned :).
Friends told me that a wishing you a quick recovery card was the thing to do,


@Ian any update?
I think it'll be a while before I have much news, unfortunately. Although we're in hospital most weeks, it's proving quite difficult to get to the bottom of things. We're hoping that we'll have some more information in a couple of weeks which may at least help us know what is going on :).
Oh my gosh, somehow I managed to miss this thread until now! :eek:

I am so sorry Becky is suffering so much with her back, poor lass. Hoping it will not be too long before her doctors can get to the root of the problem and work their magic. Meanwhile, all the very, very best to you Becky. Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy return to good health.

I had to retire from the Fire Service because of a back injury on the fire ground and was on my back for a year and rehab in hospital so have an idea of what she is going through. Please give her my love and get well soon wishes and tell her to don't try to rush things like I tried to as it only make things worse in the end. Once again I am thinking of her and don't rush things and she is in my thoughts.
Any news Ian?

I experienced back trouble back in '85, it stemmed from picking up a heavy weight the wrong way back in '79. I couldn't actually walk for around two weeks, scared the hell outta me. I saw all kinds of medical people at lots of different medical establishments but in the end I think it was just resting that made it go away.
I was out of work back in the early century for about a week as well, I guess it was because of auditioning too many amplifiers and speakers at that time. I had to go for therapy regularly at the hospital. very painful indeed. I can relate to what our Dear Becky is going through, I wish her well and a speedy recovery from it. My thoughts and prayers.
Not much news unfortunately, we've got an appointment with the surgeon tonight - so we may find out more soon. There have been some serious problems as a consequence of some of the treatment, which has complicated things considerably - at the moment Becky is pretty much lying down 24/7 (with the exception of eating), and can't even read or use a phone for more than a few minutes because of complications (perhaps with her spinal fluid).
Poor girl. It sounds terrible. :(

As we've all said previously, we are all thinking of her and miss her on the forums.

Get well soon Becky! :)