Jan Panteltje
With keith for president, very few alies would be left.Yes, I knew that. .nl loves high.
You do have a reason for existing?
I'm sure you're complaining about it too.
With keith for president, very few alies would be left.Yes, I knew that. .nl loves high.
You do have a reason for existing?
I'm sure you're complaining about it too.
The world rejoiced as Robert Redelmeier said:LOL! But please remember history -- many Canadians, especially
those in Ontario, are refugees from the American Revolution. They
had to leave and resented it. Other Canadians, especially those in
the West or Quebec are far less anti-American.
In comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.chips Christopher Browne said:They are _not_, by and large, refugees from the American Revolution,