Battlefield 4


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Battlefield fans –

The team at DICE is hard at work on the next entry in the Battlefield series, and to ensure access to the exclusive Battlefield 4 beta, shooter fans can pre-order Medal of Honor Warfighter today. While there is no further Battlefield 4 news at this point – remember, if you don’t see it published here, it’s just rumor and speculation – we did want to take this opportunity to share a few thoughts on the state of the Battlefield franchise.

We are extremely proud of Battlefield 3, and with millions of fans out there, we’re happy you’re enjoying it too. When we launched the game, we introduced unparalleled levels of in-game destruction, all-out vehicle warfare and redefined online gameplay. Even with billions of bullets fired and millions of games played, we know the Battlefield 3 story is still just the beginning. As ever, we are humbled by the community’s response to the game, and couldn’t be happier with the feedback we have received to Battlefield 3 Premium. With the Back to Karkand and Close Quarters expansion packs already out, Armored Kill around the corner, and End Game and Aftermath still on the horizon, we’re looking forward to many more hours of gameplay with you, and can’t wait to see the stories you will tell through Battlelog and player created videos.

But we’re not ready to talk about Battlefield 4 yet - in the meantime, we hope you will continue to enjoy Battlefield 3 and all the Battlefield 3 Premium content still to come. We invite you to check out Danger Close Studio’s Medal of Honor Warfighter, which is also powered by the Frostbite 2 engine and the free social network, Battlelog. Don’t forget that pre-ordering Medal of Honor Warfighter Limited Edition (at no extra cost) guarantees access to the exclusive Battlefield 4 Beta.

See you on the battlefield!
Check the link again and log in with your Origin ID. :)
Battlefield 4 = Origin = not for me. Possibly cutting me nose to spite me face but a man's gotta have principles.

And EA are the lowest of the low.
I know what your saying, i don't particularly care for EA, and whilst I don't love Origin, it does indeed work. Most of the time anyway!

But I do love battlefield! :D
I haven't even played the BF3 SP. ;)
BF4 Revealed! :D

Whether you like EA/Origin or not, that looks great, wanna see the all important multiplayer though. :thumb:

MP footage!!!!!!!!!!!1

Commander mode via a tablet!? Awesome. :D


Another vid, more of the same but still....
MP Beta starts tomorrow. Hmm, this or GTA Online... :confused::lol:
I have to admit BF4 is looking to be a fine game. But why oh why is it an EA game? Damn :(

As for GTA online, I don't subscribe to Live and my Xbox is wireless anyway so online probably wouldn't be much cop. Oh, and I don't own GTA V. Yet.

I was thinking as I've now spent 237 hours on Borderlands 2 perhaps I should dip my toes in the water of the multiplayer option.
Anyone else playing this? Its not out until Friday here, but I, along with many others have done the old VPN trick.

Why they just didn't release it all on the same day i really dont know.... :D
Wossa VPN Trick? Download after changing computer date or summat?

Is it any good? Seriously, I'd like to know, despite me refusing to buy a game that uses Origin.
Standard edition currently selling on Origin for £7.49 plus at the moment they're giving away the 'Dragons Teeth' expansion pack to go with it so all in all a good deal.

I bought it and have played a little of the campaign (single player) and so far it's really very good.

I'd imagine though to get the best out of multiplayer you'd have to buy the extra maps and stuff. Premium edition is currently £15.