It's on auto. Should I change it to 11?
No, you could if you wanted, but 'auto' for that CPU should be 11x,
just wanted to be sure that the CPU wasn't overclocked, was the source
of the instability.
Hello! Running memtest86 at the higher speed... test 4, 26 per cent done,
184 errors already! Time for new ram I think

Time for more questions!
Should I stick with PC2700, or should I go for the faster PC3100?
CAS 2 or 2.5?
Which brand (in UK), Corsair or Crucial?
What about all the other little numbers I seen referred to? x-x-x-x?
Running Win98SE, I'll probably stick to 2 x 256Mb, especially since the
middle DIMM slot seems a little dodgey.
Opinions please

Isn't Usenet great?
"In general", any modern PC2700 should fun fine in your board putting
a pair of modules in the first and third slots as you mentioned. The
issue then would be how much you want to spend for a few % extra
performance, and how high your target memory bus speed is. I wouldn't
expect you can keep the board stable much over 185MHz FSB/Mem, but
buying PC3200 or higher memory "might" allow reusing it in the future,
just dpends on how long you're wanting to wait till you upgrade again,
and even so you might have a similar issue as now, with the memory not
entirely stable on a newer platform at higher speeds.
On a KT333 board I have here, it's currently using a pair of cheap,
practically free-after-rebate PC2700 modules (Kinston VR, K-Byte or
something like that) at 174MHz CAS2.5. It's not my fastest system
anymore so the better memory was reused in another board... after
swapping in the cheap memory, confirming stability, I'd never notice
the couple % performance difference in use.
For single-system use and potential reuse later, I'd buy mid-grade
PC3200, any name-brand you can get a good price on, but of course
doing many more hours of memtest86 testing before trying to o'c.