Chrissy Cruiser
May I also attach a mirror to my instep?
One of those shiny penny loafer guys, huh?
www.necessaryextras.com/ 23inch/shoes/336AMTT.html
OK, what's the problem in doing so?
Do you think perky boobs and brains go hand in hand?
Never used RAID but one of the possibilities thereof is duplication.
Another is splitting (half of data to one drive, half to another) which is
fast but could really mess one up if *either* drive went belly up. There is
at least one more possibility, don't recall what it does or is called.
First two are "Mirror" and "Stripe" IIRC
blah blah blah
No RAID hardware needed as long as you already have a card that will do it.
If not, a card only costs about $30.
Much more to it than that, my daddiOH
So what about the mirror? On the shoe, not RAID.
Well, OK.
<chrissy snickers in her Depends>