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Use Avast!
Another option is to download the eicar.com test virus and mail it to
yourself. AVG should find it.
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Use Avast!
Any idea where you found it? I've searched for "universal Email
scanner" on the AVG site, and found nothing even close. Help!
Avraham Hanadari
[snip]I've used AVG for a couple of months... up to then I'd used
InnoculatIt and then it's incarnation for pay: e-trust. I
really liked both, but found that e-trust's year was only 9
months long, so the second time it happened, I decided it
wasn't a mistake and quit using it.
Q: Why is AVG so slow to update? It makes me very nervous!
I've used AVG for a couple of months... up to then I'd used
InnoculatIt and then it's incarnation for pay: e-trust. I
really liked both, but found that e-trust's year was only 9
months long, so the second time it happened, I decided it
wasn't a mistake and quit using it.
Q: Why is AVG so slow to update? It makes me very nervous!
What do you mean slow to update? You mean when updating definitions,
or frequency of new virus definitions, or updating the program
AVG just had a major new release (V7.0) IIRC around the beginning of
the year, and just recently they introduced the new small incremental
virus definition update method. So they are enhancing the product.
Updating of virus definitions is pretty constant, sometimes they go a
couple weeks, sometimes it's a couple a week. Just depends on the
virus situation.
Sorry for this reply to take so long... I'm talking about
updating virus definitions. I'm used to getting daily
definition updates with InnoculatIt/eTrust, so I'm never
quite sure if AVG is on top of things - especially in this
day and age of Swen & the gang.