AV poll coming up on the 5th...

Oh Well the election is over we only had the AV vote in our ward it became a bit of a anti climax. No doubt we will be moaning about politicians again forgetting that we the general public are to blame really as we put them in office in the first place:confused:then they take notice of us, until the next election:cry:
Maybe it's me, perhaps I missed it, but have we had a result on this voting issue yet? I would imagine they've had enough time to count the votes.

And if not, anybody know when the result's due?

I actually forgot to vote :o and so did my eldest daughter.

We is bad, badder than bad....
Result has already happened, AV lost about 35%:65%.

Less than 40% turnout, pathetic.

Its about time the mechanics of politics was taught in schools so that people actually understand what they are voting for in situations like this. AV was a carp system, but it was cleverly manipulated by Cameron who changes it from being about PR to being about AV, which he knew nobody would vote for.

He is just secured the Tory/Labour switching for another 30 years. Watch as the politicians say that it shows there is no interest in changing the electoral system, even though they know full well it was a vote against AV rather than PR.

Politics can sod off.

EDIT: I wasn't implying that those who voted against AV didn't understand the situation, even though it reads like that. Everyone has an opinion, which is the basis of democracy. All I meant was that the majority of people I know didn't know what AV or FPTP were.
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No one does trust the politicians from what ever party that's why there is such a low turnout at voting days. They say one thing and do another, and speak with forked tongues ALL OF THEM:mad:
Initially I was firmly against AV but as the issue progressed and I studied it more I must confess I started to have my doubts.

Had I remembered to get off me bum and walk round the corner to vote I would, however, have voted No.

But at least I did consider all the issues and with me it was a close call, something like 45% Yes and 55% No in this wizened old noggin.

And then in the end I forgot to vote anyway :D

And oft have I made my views on polictics known but to reiterate I have sincerely lost interest in the whole process and don't care anymore, we're all run from Washington DC anyway.
Initially I was firmly against AV but as the issue progressed and I studied it more I must confess I started to have my doubts.

Had I remembered to get off me bum and walk round the corner to vote I would, however, have voted No.

But at least I did consider all the issues and with me it was a close call, something like 45% Yes and 55% No in this wizened old noggin.

And then in the end I forgot to vote anyway :D

And oft have I made my views on polictics known but to reiterate I have sincerely lost interest in the whole process and don't care anymore, we're all run from Washington DC anyway.

I hear that.