The Real Truth MVP
The question is how many did MBAM lose for deliberately detecting my
software and labeling it as a Trojan. I know you've lost a lot and I've got
the emails to prove it. People send me emails about your detection, I send
them to my blog and to Virus total. There is even a YouTube video where
someone commented on this feud. As far as that picture goes you can't file a
DMCA complaint because you would have admit that that is a picture of you
and then prove it. Now you have already said here that it is not you sucking
that horses cock so go ahead and file that complaint liar.
The Real Truth http://pcbutts1-therealtruth.blogspot.com/
*WARNING* Do NOT follow any advice given by the people listed below.
They do NOT have the expertise or knowledge to fix your issue. Do not waste
your time.
David H Lipman, Malke, PA Bear, Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Leythos.
software and labeling it as a Trojan. I know you've lost a lot and I've got
the emails to prove it. People send me emails about your detection, I send
them to my blog and to Virus total. There is even a YouTube video where
someone commented on this feud. As far as that picture goes you can't file a
DMCA complaint because you would have admit that that is a picture of you
and then prove it. Now you have already said here that it is not you sucking
that horses cock so go ahead and file that complaint liar.
The Real Truth http://pcbutts1-therealtruth.blogspot.com/
*WARNING* Do NOT follow any advice given by the people listed below.
They do NOT have the expertise or knowledge to fix your issue. Do not waste
your time.
David H Lipman, Malke, PA Bear, Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Leythos.