Maybe there's a difference in the name of the sheet you're changing and what you
typed into the table in Sheet3.
I'd add:
msgbox "***" & sh.name & "***" & vblf & "***" & res & "***"
to see if I could see a difference.
Dave Peterson- Hide quoted text -
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Using below code is showing the acitive sheet name & the sheet3
columnB value
res _
= Application.VLookup(Target.Value, Worksheets("Sheet3").Range
("A:M"), 13, False)
If LCase(Sh.Name) = LCase(res) Then
'no message required
MsgBox "***" & Sh.Name & "***" & vbLf & "***" & res & "***"
End If
But i want the macro to compare the columnA values(which is a data
validation drop down list) in sheets(apple, orage,pineapple) with
Sheet3 ColumnA value and if the selected value(in sheet "Orange")
shows "Apple" in Sheet3 Column B then message box "this belongs to
Apple worksheet" and clear contents(or insert the value in last row of
Apple worksheet) else if it shows "Orange" in Sheet3 Column B then no
message box