Audio codec problem?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yousuf Khan
  • Start date Start date
The said:
Ok Frank. I was being a little tongue-in-cheek with the "quit behaving like
a German" remark. But really, as I said before, with the number of posts in
this NG down to maybe one a day (or sometimes NONE), is it really such a big
deal that a software-related post is made? I mean, what gives? Sure,
Yousuf probably would get better replies in a s/w group, but I really think
this issue is "much ado about nothing." So for the last time, will you
**please** lighten up a bit?

There are no more relevant newsgroups than the soundcard and chips
newsgroups. The Chips newsgroup being the one that's traditionally been
the home of debugging all kinds of PC systems problems, not just
hardware. Regardless, it was also relevant to hardware groups because it
was a sound card problem. What possible software newsgroups are relevant
to sound card problems? Besides adding too many newsgroups gets you
accused of over-crossposting.

Besides, Usenet is dying. There's hardly any postings about anything
anymore. And then you have people playing Netcop complaining about
cross-posting, bottom-quoting/top-posting, complaining about not doing
their own Google searches, etc. Some of it may be justified, but really
it all has the air of "fiddling inside a flammable Rome" quality to it.

More than half of this thread was about complaining about newsgroup
selections, very little about the actual technical problem asked. It's
not the only thread I've seen this problem in.

Yousuf Khan
: The Lone Gunman wrote:
:: Ok Frank. I was being a little tongue-in-cheek with the
:: "quit behaving like a German" remark. But really, as I said
:: before, with the number of posts in this NG down to maybe one
:: a day (or sometimes NONE), is it really such a big deal that
:: a software-related post is made? I mean, what gives? Sure,
:: Yousuf probably would get better replies in a s/w group, but
:: I really think this issue is "much ado about nothing." So
:: for the last time, will you **please** lighten up a bit?
: There are no more relevant newsgroups than the soundcard and
: chips newsgroups. The Chips newsgroup being the one that's
: traditionally been the home of debugging all kinds of PC
: systems problems, not just hardware. Regardless, it was also
: relevant to hardware groups because it was a sound card
: problem. What possible software newsgroups are relevant to
: sound card problems? Besides adding too many newsgroups gets
: you accused of over-crossposting.
: Besides, Usenet is dying. There's hardly any postings about
: anything anymore. And then you have people playing Netcop
: complaining about cross-posting, bottom-quoting/top-posting,
: complaining about not doing their own Google searches, etc.
: Some of it may be justified, but really it all has the air of
: "fiddling inside a flammable Rome" quality to it.
: More than half of this thread was about complaining about
: newsgroup selections, very little about the actual technical
: problem asked. It's not the only thread I've seen this problem
: in.

Ok, NOW I'm depressed........ :-(
There are no more relevant newsgroups than the soundcard and chips
newsgroups. The Chips newsgroup being the one that's traditionally been
the home of debugging all kinds of PC systems problems, not just
hardware. Regardless, it was also relevant to hardware groups because it
was a sound card problem. What possible software newsgroups are relevant
to sound card problems? Besides adding too many newsgroups gets you
accused of over-crossposting.

Besides, Usenet is dying.

I have thought this too at times.
It is not so however.
It is true that in some groups the noise is so high (sci.physics for example)
that you have to a a specialist to even find anything that makes sense.
In other groups 'everybody already knows everything', so they do not post
about it a lot.
Then there are the hopeless newsreaders, I mean the software required to
read the newsgroups.
10 years ago I wrote my own newsreader (NewsFleX), and it is capable of following
50 or more groups no problem.
If you had to do that with something like a Netscape I am not sure I could.
There is a lot of postings I could make in ..chips, that I do not make because
I know many people read the same forums as I do, so they likely already knew it....
OTOH there is much interesting info I get from Usenet if people actually _do_
post new things.

Usenet will only die when the big newsservers are no more..
Providers sometimes do not like the extra bandwidth.
The binary newsgroups I suppose, this server only does text, and you need to register.
Also there is only so much time I can spend on Usenet....
It still is a great communication medium, better then IRC in some ways,
as you can write when you like, and it will still be there for somebody
who logs in later.
I did not even know ...soundcard existed until now.
Well I just designed some soundcards in the eighties for the PC.
The modern ones... PCIe perhaps ;-) LOL, I really dunno about that.
The Lone Gunman wrote:
Besides, Usenet is dying. There's hardly any postings about anything
anymore. And then you have people playing Netcop complaining about
cross-posting, bottom-quoting/top-posting, complaining about not doing
their own Google searches, etc. Some of it may be justified, but really
it all has the air of "fiddling inside a flammable Rome" quality to it.
More than half of this thread was about complaining about newsgroup
selections, very little about the actual technical problem asked. It's
not the only thread I've seen this problem in.

No, it's this newsgroup. Some of the other NGs actually still have
technical discussions. It's just the regulars in those NGs actually
have reasonable, unbiased views, and technical knowledge to back them

Besides, Usenet is dying. There's hardly any postings about anything
anymore. And then you have people playing Netcop complaining about

I'd have to disagree, traffic in another newsgroup I follow is still
pretty high. It's unfortunately csiphc that's dwindling down :(
Yousuf Khan said:
I've been experiencing some audio problems recently on one my systems. The
problem only occurs on Windows video files (AVI, WMV, MPG, etc.), but not
on Quicktime video files (MOV). I've tried several different media
players, from the default Windows Media Player, to Media Player Classic,
RealPlayer, Nero Showtime, and various other media players lying around
that were packaged with various things.

The symptoms are always the same. The video plays, but the audio doesn't
after the first time. So for example, you can play any video file with its
video & audio the first time after reboot, but when you try playing it a
second time (or playing any other video file for that matter), the audio
doesn't play anymore. Windows Media Player starts and exits saying,
"You're running low on memory, quit other programs and try again",
followed by the "Close" button. Yeah, right I have 1GB of RAM, and 3.5GB
of swap! Media Player Classic just aborts completely. RealPlayer plays the
video, but there's no sound. Other media players do the same sort of thing

Now, I think it's an audio codec problem because Quicktime player plays
its own files without problems, since it has its own native codecs
built-in. Also audio files aren't affected if you play them through
Winamp, which also has its own internal MP3 codec. But try to play the
same MP3's through Windows Media Player, and no sound comes out, because
it's using the default system codec.

I'm not sure if this is related but the problems seem to have started
after a recent Microsoft major patch update. I was thinking maybe the
update to WMP 11 was causing it, so I uninstalled it and reverted back to
WMP 10, but that didn't cure it. I've also updated the soundcard drivers
(Hercules GameSurround Fortissimo III 7.1) to the latest available, but
that didn't do anything. Windows XP SP2, of course.

How would I go about debugging the codec? Changing default codecs, etc.?

Yousuf Khan

Hmm two things to check would be. In the controll Panel open Sound and Audio
Devices Properties,
Select the Audio Codecs Properties , Tab Properties. At this window there
should be a list of codecs install
and the order they are selected in. Which is something like this order here
works for me.
Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec
Windows Media Audio Codec
Microsoft ADPCM Audio CODEC
Microsoft CCITT G.711 Audio CODEC
Microsoft GSM 6.10 Audio CODEC
DSP Group TrueSpeach(TM) Audio CODEC
Sipro Lab Telecom Audio Codec
Indeo audio software
Microsoft PCM Converter

Ok, next the check the Media Controll Devices Properties Button, Properties
Tab. Here Select the
(MCI) Sound Properties button, Settings Button, Move this slider upto 8 from
the default of 4.
Also on the Sound and Audio Device Properties Window on the Audio Tab,
Advanced Button,
Prefromace Tab, Hardware acceleration: Full , Sample Rate coversion : Best.

Then theres the Media Player Classic works good with FFDshow codec
pack installed.
and Lame MP3 ACM Codec
Works nicly on mine. with settings rigth in the Audio decoder configuration
part of FFDshow.
Which opens a window Select the Codecs as fallows
WMA 7 disabled,
WMA 8/9 disabled,
MP1,MP2 mp3lib,
MP3 mp3lib,
AC3 disabled,
AAC libfaad2 = this setting is nice without having Apples software
Vorbis libavcodec,
AMR libavcodec,
LPCM disabled,
MS ADPCM disabled,
IMA ADPCM libavcodec,
Other ADPCM disabled,
mulaw/Alaw disabled,
MS GSM disabled,
FLAC disabled,
True Audio disabled,
QDM2 disabled,
AVIS disabled,
Uncompressed disabled..
Yousuf Khan said:
Besides, Usenet is dying.

Popularity is down due to web forum and blog competition, but it's not
clear that Usenet is dying.
There's hardly any postings about anything anymore.

That depends upon the group. Some are more active than ever.
And then you have people playing Netcop complaining about
cross-posting, bottom-quoting/top-posting, complaining about not doing
their own Google searches, etc.

Thank God that kind of stuff never happens in web forums. :rolleyes:
